
因为画图板中需要使用颜色选择器. 去查了下api demo, 发现有现成的ColorPickerDialog, 但是功能比较简单, 主要是无法选择黑色和白色. 之后也去网上找了下, 倒是发现了几个, 但是用着感觉不太好.就想着自己重写个好了.


2. 调色板对话框

3. 选择颜色




package com.dwood.paintdemo;          import;     import android.content.Context;     import;     import;     import;     import;     import;     import;     import;     import android.os.Bundle;     import android.util.Log;     import android.view.MotionEvent;     import android.view.View;     import android.view.WindowManager;          public class ColorPickerDialog extends Dialog {         private final boolean debug = true;         private final String TAG = "ColorPicker";                   Context context;         private String title;//标题         private int mInitialColor;//初始颜色         private OnColorChangedListener mListener;              /**         * 初始颜色黑色         * @param context         * @param title 对话框标题         * @param listener 回调         */        public ColorPickerDialog(Context context, String title,                  OnColorChangedListener listener) {             this(context, Color.BLACK, title, listener);         }                   /**         *          * @param context         * @param initialColor 初始颜色         * @param title 标题         * @param listener 回调         */        public ColorPickerDialog(Context context, int initialColor,                  String title, OnColorChangedListener listener) {             super(context);             this.context = context;             mListener = listener;             mInitialColor = initialColor;             this.title = title;         }              @Override        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {             super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);             WindowManager manager = getWindow().getWindowManager();             int height = (int) (manager.getDefaultDisplay().getHeight() * 0.5f);             int width = (int) (manager.getDefaultDisplay().getWidth() * 0.7f);             ColorPickerView myView = new ColorPickerView(context, height, width);             setContentView(myView);             setTitle(title);         }                   private class ColorPickerView extends View {             private Paint mPaint;//渐变色环画笔             private Paint mCenterPaint;//中间圆画笔             private Paint mLinePaint;//分隔线画笔             private Paint mRectPaint;//渐变方块画笔                           private Shader rectShader;//渐变方块渐变图像             private float rectLeft;//渐变方块左x坐标             private float rectTop;//渐变方块右x坐标             private float rectRight;//渐变方块上y坐标             private float rectBottom;//渐变方块下y坐标                           private final int[] mCircleColors;//渐变色环颜色             private final int[] mRectColors;//渐变方块颜色                           private int mHeight;//View高             private int mWidth;//View宽             private float r;//色环半径(paint中部)             private float centerRadius;//中心圆半径                           private boolean downInCircle = true;//按在渐变环上             private boolean downInRect;//按在渐变方块上             private boolean highlightCenter;//高亮             private boolean highlightCenterLittle;//微亮                           public ColorPickerView(Context context, int height, int width) {                 super(context);                 this.mHeight = height - 36;                 this.mWidth = width;                 setMinimumHeight(height - 36);                 setMinimumWidth(width);                                   //渐变色环参数                 mCircleColors = new int[] {0xFFFF0000, 0xFFFF00FF, 0xFF0000FF,                          0xFF00FFFF, 0xFF00FF00,0xFFFFFF00, 0xFFFF0000};                 Shader s = new SweepGradient(0, 0, mCircleColors, null);                 mPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);                 mPaint.setShader(s);                 mPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE);                 mPaint.setStrokeWidth(50);                 r = width / 2 * 0.7f - mPaint.getStrokeWidth() * 0.5f;                                   //中心圆参数                 mCenterPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);                 mCenterPaint.setColor(mInitialColor);                 mCenterPaint.setStrokeWidth(5);                 centerRadius = (r - mPaint.getStrokeWidth() / 2 ) * 0.7f;                                   //边框参数                 mLinePaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);                 mLinePaint.setColor(Color.parseColor("#72A1D1"));                 mLinePaint.setStrokeWidth(4);                                   //黑白渐变参数                 mRectColors = new int[]{0xFF000000, mCenterPaint.getColor(), 0xFFFFFFFF};                 mRectPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);                 mRectPaint.setStrokeWidth(5);                 rectLeft = -r - mPaint.getStrokeWidth() * 0.5f;                 rectTop = r + mPaint.getStrokeWidth() * 0.5f +                          mLinePaint.getStrokeMiter() * 0.5f + 15;                 rectRight = r + mPaint.getStrokeWidth() * 0.5f;                 rectBottom = rectTop + 50;             }                  @Override            protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {                 //移动中心                 canvas.translate(mWidth / 2, mHeight / 2 - 50);                 //画中心圆                 canvas.drawCircle(0, 0, centerRadius,  mCenterPaint);                 //是否显示中心圆外的小圆环                 if (highlightCenter || highlightCenterLittle) {                     int c = mCenterPaint.getColor();                     mCenterPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE);                     if(highlightCenter) {                         mCenterPaint.setAlpha(0xFF);                     }else if(highlightCenterLittle) {                         mCenterPaint.setAlpha(0x90);                     }                     canvas.drawCircle(0, 0,                              centerRadius + mCenterPaint.getStrokeWidth(),  mCenterPaint);                                           mCenterPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL);                     mCenterPaint.setColor(c);                 }                 //画色环                 canvas.drawOval(new RectF(-r, -r, r, r), mPaint);                 //画黑白渐变块                 if(downInCircle) {                     mRectColors[1] = mCenterPaint.getColor();                 }                 rectShader = new LinearGradient(rectLeft, 0, rectRight, 0, mRectColors, null, Shader.TileMode.MIRROR);                 mRectPaint.setShader(rectShader);                 canvas.drawRect(rectLeft, rectTop, rectRight, rectBottom, mRectPaint);                 float offset = mLinePaint.getStrokeWidth() / 2;                 canvas.drawLine(rectLeft - offset, rectTop - offset * 2,                          rectLeft - offset, rectBottom + offset * 2, mLinePaint);//              canvas.drawLine(rectLeft - offset * 2, rectTop - offset,                          rectRight + offset * 2, rectTop - offset, mLinePaint);//              canvas.drawLine(rectRight + offset, rectTop - offset * 2,                          rectRight + offset, rectBottom + offset * 2, mLinePaint);//              canvas.drawLine(rectLeft - offset * 2, rectBottom + offset,                          rectRight + offset * 2, rectBottom + offset, mLinePaint);//              super.onDraw(canvas);             }                           @Override            public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {                 float x = event.getX() - mWidth / 2;                 float y = event.getY() - mHeight / 2 + 50;                 boolean inCircle = inColorCircle(x, y,                          r + mPaint.getStrokeWidth() / 2, r - mPaint.getStrokeWidth() / 2);                 boolean inCenter = inCenter(x, y, centerRadius);                 boolean inRect = inRect(x, y);                                   switch (event.getAction()) {                     case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:                         downInCircle = inCircle;                         downInRect = inRect;                         highlightCenter = inCenter;                     case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:                         if(downInCircle && inCircle) {//down按在渐变色环内, 且move也在渐变色环内                             float angle = (float) Math.atan2(y, x);                             float unit = (float) (angle / (2 * Math.PI));                             if (unit < 0) {                                 unit += 1;                             }                             mCenterPaint.setColor(interpCircleColor(mCircleColors, unit));                             if(debug) Log.v(TAG, "色环内, 坐标: " + x + "," + y);                         }else if(downInRect && inRect) {//down在渐变方块内, 且move也在渐变方块内                             mCenterPaint.setColor(interpRectColor(mRectColors, x));                         }                         if(debug) Log.v(TAG, "[MOVE] 高亮: " + highlightCenter + "微亮: " + highlightCenterLittle + " 中心: " + inCenter);                         if((highlightCenter && inCenter) || (highlightCenterLittle && inCenter)) {//点击中心圆, 当前移动在中心圆                             highlightCenter = true;                             highlightCenterLittle = false;                         } else if(highlightCenter || highlightCenterLittle) {//点击在中心圆, 当前移出中心圆                             highlightCenter = false;                             highlightCenterLittle = true;                         } else {                             highlightCenter = false;                             highlightCenterLittle = false;                         }                         invalidate();                         break;                     case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:                         if(highlightCenter && inCenter) {//点击在中心圆, 且当前启动在中心圆                             if(mListener != null) {                                 mListener.colorChanged(mCenterPaint.getColor());                                 ColorPickerDialog.this.dismiss();                             }                         }                         if(downInCircle) {                             downInCircle = false;                         }                         if(downInRect) {                             downInRect = false;                         }                         if(highlightCenter) {                             highlightCenter = false;                         }                         if(highlightCenterLittle) {                             highlightCenterLittle = false;                         }                         invalidate();                         break;                 }                 return true;             }                  @Override            protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {                 super.onMeasure(mWidth, mHeight);             }                  /**             * 坐标是否在色环上             * @param x 坐标             * @param y 坐标             * @param outRadius 色环外半径             * @param inRadius 色环内半径             * <a href='\"\"' target='\"_blank\"'>@return</a>             */            private boolean inColorCircle(float x, float y, float outRadius, float inRadius) {                 double outCircle = Math.PI * outRadius * outRadius;                 double inCircle = Math.PI * inRadius * inRadius;                 double fingerCircle = Math.PI * (x * x + y * y);                 if(fingerCircle < outCircle && fingerCircle > inCircle) {                     return true;                 }else {                     return false;                 }             }                           /**             * 坐标是否在中心圆上             * @param x 坐标             * @param y 坐标             * @param centerRadius 圆半径             * <a href='\"\"' target='\"_blank\"'>@return</a>             */            private boolean inCenter(float x, float y, float centerRadius) {                 double centerCircle = Math.PI * centerRadius * centerRadius;                 double fingerCircle = Math.PI * (x * x + y * y);                 if(fingerCircle < centerCircle) {                     return true;                 }else {                     return false;                 }             }                           /**             * 坐标是否在渐变色中             * @param x             * @param y             * <a href='\"\"' target='\"_blank\"'>@return</a>             */            private boolean inRect(float x, float y) {                 if( x <= rectRight && x >=rectLeft && y <= rectBottom && y >=rectTop) {                     return true;                 } else {                     return false;                 }             }                           /**             * 获取圆环上颜色             * @param colors             * @param unit             * @return             */            private int interpCircleColor(int colors[], float unit) {                 if (unit <= 0) {                     return colors[0];                 }                 if (unit >= 1) {                     return colors[colors.length - 1];                 }                                   float p = unit * (colors.length - 1);                 int i = (int)p;                 p -= i;                      // now p is just the fractional part [0...1) and i is the index                 int c0 = colors;                 int c1 = colors[i+1];                 int a = ave(Color.alpha(c0), Color.alpha(c1), p);                 int r = ave(,, p);                 int g = ave(,, p);                 int b = ave(,, p);                                   return Color.argb(a, r, g, b);             }                           /**             * 获取渐变块上颜色             * @param colors             * @param x             * @return             */            private int interpRectColor(int colors[], float x) {                 int a, r, g, b, c0, c1;                 float p;                 if (x < 0) {                     c0 = colors[0];                      c1 = colors[1];                     p = (x + rectRight) / rectRight;                 } else {                     c0 = colors[1];                     c1 = colors[2];                     p = x / rectRight;                 }                 a = ave(Color.alpha(c0), Color.alpha(c1), p);                 r = ave(,, p);                 g = ave(,, p);                 b = ave(,, p);                 return Color.argb(a, r, g, b);             }                           private int ave(int s, int d, float p) {                 return s + Math.round(p * (d - s));             }         }                   /**         * 回调接口         * @author <a href="[email protected]">LynK</a>         *          * Create on 2012-1-6 上午8:21:05         *         */        public interface OnColorChangedListener {             /**             * 回调函数             * @param color 选中的颜色             */            void colorChanged(int color);         }                   public String getTitle() {             return title;         }              public void setTitle(String title) {             this.title = title;         }              public int getmInitialColor() {             return mInitialColor;         }              public void setmInitialColor(int mInitialColor) {             this.mInitialColor = mInitialColor;         }              public OnColorChangedListener getmListener() {             return mListener;         }              public void setmListener(OnColorChangedListener mListener) {             this.mListener = mListener;         }     }  


