
1. Page up and page down.

fn+down arrow = page down, fn + up arrow = page up. fn+left arrow = top. fn + right arrow = bottom.

2. Switch between applications fast.

Command+tab, or Command + tab and then use the right or left arrow to choose applications.

3. Move cursor to the start or the end of current command in the OS x terminal

Ctrl + A: Jump to the start; Ctrl + E: Jump to the end;

Command+Option+left/right arrow: move the cursor word by word

4. files show in terminal but not in Finder

Enter the following commands in terminal

$defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
$killall Finder

Then open a new finder, you will see all the files

5. Terminal

New tab: Command + T

Switch tab: Command + shift + {/}

More shortcut keys can be checked in the menu of the terminal

6. VNC- exit full screen

ctrol + option + command + `
