Failed! Installion of ORACLE9I on EL5 64bit

        I took a whole daylight to install oracle 9i  on redhat es5 x86_64bit.That's like a nightmare. In 2001,the release of oracle 9i came out ,today, is more 7 years old.For the software ,the 7 years old maybe equal 70 years old for a man.
       How many rpms be installed in the redhat es5 x86_64!But the installation program still reported errors continually.
      Give it up!
      Actually, the official document says:
      oracle 9i is not be supported by redhat es 5.If you want intall oracle 9i on redhat el5 x_86 64bit like that you want to play cartrige in a MP3 player.
     My os information:
     [root@backup el5]# more /etc/redhat-release
     Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.2 (Tikanga)
     If you have the successical experience the installion of oracle 9i on redhat es5 x86_64,please let me know.Thank you ! 
