
How to share files from Ubuntu to MacclientsDraft

1.InstallUbuntu 12.04 LTS quick start

Download ISO image and install aVM on Vsphere.  The installation procedureis very straight forward.  Few thingsneed to notice:

1)NIC type must be E1000, otherwise *IX system can’trecognize the NIC

2)If IP address and Proxy didn’t configureproperly during installation, we can manually change them after installation

StaticIP    /etc/network/interfaces

DNS /etc/resolv.conf

Apt-get FTP source list


Apt-get proxy setting


Install GUI

Sudoapt-get update

               Sudo apt-getupgrade

               Sudo apt-getinstall Ubuntu-desktop


Add a newdisk

1)Adda new disk in Vsphere Client

2)ls /dev/sd* (Login as root, check current disk, sda means 1st disk, sdb is2nd , sdc is 3rd )

3)fdisk /dev/sdb setup disk info..)

4)mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 (format disk)

5)fdisk �Cl (verify disk)

mkdir -p /opt

mount /dev/sdb1 /opt -orw

(create a directory andmount the disk to the directory)

6)/dev/sdb1 /opt ext3defaults 1 2 (modify/etc/fstab)

2.BindUbuntu to Active Directory

open / install likewise

Sudo apt-get update
 sudo apt-get install likewise-open
 sudo domainjoin-cli join mitch.mitchells.com.au mcu-admin

open defautls

sudo update-rc.d likewise defaults
 sudo /etc/init.d/likewise start

Enable ‘other user’  login option in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS


Login as domain account

Setup folder  permissions

3.Installand Configure Netatalk


$ sudo apt-get installbuild-essential pkg-config checkinstall git-core avahi-daemonlibavahi-client-dev

$ ./configure�Cwith-init-style=debian

$ make

$ sudo make install

$ sudo apt-get install netatalk


Modify /etc/netatalk/afpd.conf to setup Share Computer name

Modify /etc/netatak/AppleVolumes.default

Setup share path and their names (options:tm will simulate a timecapsule device for Time machine backup)

Restart service

Sudo service netatalk restart

Sudo service avahi-daemon restart

4.Accessfrom Mac OSX

If the Mac is on the samevlan of the Linux server, it will automatically detect in the Finder

Otherwise we can manuallyconnect to it

You will see the share folders

We can also use time machine to back up files to the virtualTime Capsule device
