Main idea of caphub is separate deployment and application code. So instead of capify your each project create one caphub repository and put all configurations/recipes there. Benefits: no deployment/application code mix. all deployment located in place. ability to deploy multiple projects deployment is not limited application deployment - deploy your system configurations too! (nginx/haproxy/etc configs) easy to share configurations/recipes among multiple deployment. uptodate synchronizing with remote repository (with capistrano-uptodate). generate layout with caphub or write it yourself from scratch with your own recipes
本文的测试环境为ubuntu server 12.04
gem install caphub caphub caphub_test root@server:~/capistrano# tree --dirsfirst caphub_test/ caphub_test/ |-- config | |-- deploy | `-- deploy.rb |-- recipes |-- Capfile |-- Gemfile `-- Gemfile.lock
初始化gems(initialize gems)
cd caphub_test bundle install
安装完成后可以使用cap �CvT查看任务信息
root@server:~/capistrano/caphub_test# cap -vT cap deploy # Deploys your project. cap deploy:check # Test deployment dependencies. cap deploy:cleanup # Clean up old releases. cap deploy:cold # Deploys and starts a `cold' application. cap deploy:create_symlink # Updates the symlink to the most recently deployed version. cap deploy:finalize_update # [internal] Touches up the released code. cap deploy:migrate # Run the migrate rake task. cap deploy:migrations # Deploy and run pending migrations. cap deploy:pending # Displays the commits since your last deploy. cap deploy:pending:diff # Displays the `diff' since your last deploy. cap deploy:restart # Blank task exists as a hook into which to install your own environment specific behaviour. cap deploy:rollback # Rolls back to a previous version and restarts. cap deploy:rollback:cleanup # [internal] Removes the most recently deployed release. cap deploy:rollback:code # Rolls back to the previously deployed version. cap deploy:rollback:revision # [internal] Points the current symlink at the previous revision. cap deploy:setup # Prepares one or more servers for deployment. cap deploy:start # Blank task exists as a hook into which to install your own environment specific behaviour. cap deploy:stop # Blank task exists as a hook into which to install your own environment specific behaviour. cap deploy:symlink # Deprecated API. cap deploy:update # Copies your project and updates the symlink. cap deploy:update_code # Copies your project to the remote servers. cap deploy:upload # Copy files to the currently deployed version. cap deploy:web:disable # Present a maintenance page to visitors. cap deploy:web:enable # Makes the application web-accessible again. cap invoke # Invoke a single command on the remote servers. cap multiconfig:ensure # [internal] Ensure that a configuration has been selected cap patch # Create, deliver and apply patch cap patch:apply # Apply patch cap patch:create # Create patch cap patch:deliver # Deliver patch cap patch:revert # Revert patch cap shell # Begin an interactive Capistrano session. cap uptodate # Automatically synchronize current repository cap uptodate:git # Extended help may be available for these tasks. Type `cap -e taskname' to view it.
root@server:~/capistrano/caphub_test# cd config/deploy root@server:~/capistrano/caphub_test/config/deploy# ll total 12 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 30 12:22 ./ drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jul 30 10:18 ../ -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jul 30 10:18 .gitkeep
root@server:~/capistrano/caphub_test/config/deploy# cat svn.rb set :application, "test_svn" set :scm, :subversion set :repository, "" set :scm_username, "denglei" set :scm_password, "123456" set :deploy_to, "/tmp/result_svn/ops_manage" set :normalize_asset_timestamps, false # set :scm, :git # You can set :scm explicitly or Capistrano will make an intelligent guess based on known version control directory names role :web, "" # Your HTTP server, Apache/etc role :app, "" # This may ber role :db, "", :primary => true # This is where Rails migrations will run root@server:~/capistrano/caphub_test/config/deploy# ll /tmp/red redis/ redis.pl redmine-2.3.1/ redmine-2.3.1.tar.gz redmine1.sql root@server:~/capistrano/caphub_test/config/deploy# ll /tmp/red redis/ redis.pl redmine-2.3.1/ redmine-2.3.1.tar.gz redmine1.sql
root@server:~/capistrano/caphub_test/config/deploy# ll /tmp/result_svn ls: cannot access /tmp/result_svn: No such file or directory
root@server:~/capistrano/caphub_test/config/deploy# cap -vT cap deploy # Deploys your project. cap deploy:check # Test deployment dependencies. cap deploy:cleanup # Clean up old releases. cap deploy:cold # Deploys and starts a `cold' application. cap deploy:create_symlink # Updates the symlink to the most recently deployed version. cap deploy:finalize_update # [internal] Touches up the released code. cap deploy:migrate # Run the migrate rake task. cap deploy:migrations # Deploy and run pending migrations. cap deploy:pending # Displays the commits since your last deploy. cap deploy:pending:diff # Displays the `diff' since your last deploy. cap deploy:restart # Blank task exists as a hook into which to install your own environment specific behaviour. cap deploy:rollback # Rolls back to a previous version and restarts. cap deploy:rollback:cleanup # [internal] Removes the most recently deployed release. cap deploy:rollback:code # Rolls back to the previously deployed version. cap deploy:rollback:revision # [internal] Points the current symlink at the previous revision. cap deploy:setup # Prepares one or more servers for deployment. cap deploy:start # Blank task exists as a hook into which to install your own environment specific behaviour. cap deploy:stop # Blank task exists as a hook into which to install your own environment specific behaviour. cap deploy:symlink # Deprecated API. cap deploy:update # Copies your project and updates the symlink. cap deploy:update_code # Copies your project to the remote servers. cap deploy:upload # Copy files to the currently deployed version. cap deploy:web:disable # Present a maintenance page to visitors. cap deploy:web:enable # Makes the application web-accessible again. cap invoke # Invoke a single command on the remote servers. cap multiconfig:ensure # [internal] Ensure that a configuration has been selected cap patch # Create, deliver and apply patch cap patch:apply # Apply patch cap patch:create # Create patch cap patch:deliver # Deliver patch cap patch:revert # Revert patch cap shell # Begin an interactive Capistrano session. cap svn # Load svn configuration cap uptodate # Automatically synchronize current repository cap uptodate:git # Extended help may be available for these tasks. Type `cap -e taskname' to view it.
root@server:~/capistrano/caphub_test/config/deploy# cap svn deploy:setup triggering load callbacks * 2013-07-30 14:11:29 14:11:29 == Currently executing `uptodate' * 2013-07-30 14:11:29 14:11:29 == Currently executing `uptodate:git' * 2013-07-30 14:11:29 14:11:29 == Currently executing `svn' triggering start callbacks for `deploy:setup' * 2013-07-30 14:11:29 14:11:29 == Currently executing `multiconfig:ensure' * 2013-07-30 14:11:29 14:11:29 == Currently executing `deploy:setup' * executing "sudo -p 'sudo password: ' mkdir -p /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/releases /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/shared /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/shared/system /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/shared/log /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/shared/pids" servers: [""] [] executing command command finished in 3397ms * executing "sudo -p 'sudo password: ' chmod g+w /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/releases /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/shared /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/shared/system /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/shared/log /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/shared/pids" servers: [""] [] executing command command finished in 146ms
root@server:~/capistrano/caphub_test/config/deploy# cap svn deploy:check triggering load callbacks * 2013-07-30 14:11:53 14:11:53 == Currently executing `uptodate' * 2013-07-30 14:11:53 14:11:53 == Currently executing `uptodate:git' * 2013-07-30 14:11:53 14:11:53 == Currently executing `svn' triggering start callbacks for `deploy:check' * 2013-07-30 14:11:53 14:11:53 == Currently executing `multiconfig:ensure' * 2013-07-30 14:11:53 14:11:53 == Currently executing `deploy:check' * executing "test -d /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/releases" servers: [""] [] executing command command finished in 803ms * executing "test -w /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage" servers: [""] [] executing command command finished in 15ms * executing "test -w /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/releases" servers: [""] [] executing command command finished in 15ms * executing "which svn" servers: [""] [] executing command command finished in 20ms You appear to have all necessary dependencies installed
root@server: ~/capistrano/caphub_test/config/deploy# cap svn deploy:update triggering load callbacks * 2013-07-30 14:14:52 14:14:52 == Currently executing `uptodate' * 2013-07-30 14:14:52 14:14:52 == Currently executing `uptodate:git' * 2013-07-30 14:14:52 14:14:52 == Currently executing `svn' triggering start callbacks for `deploy:update' * 2013-07-30 14:14:52 14:14:52 == Currently executing `multiconfig:ensure' * 2013-07-30 14:14:52 14:14:52 == Currently executing `deploy:update' ** transaction: start * 2013-07-30 14:14:52 14:14:52 == Currently executing `deploy:update_code' executing locally: "svn info --username denglei --password 123456 --no-auth-cache -rHEAD" command finished in 728ms * executing "svn export -q --username denglei --password 123456 --no-auth-cache -r6 /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/releases/20130730061453 && (echo 6 > /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/releases/20130730061453/REVISION)" servers: [""] [] executing command command finished in 30577ms * 2013-07-30 14:15:23 14:15:23 == Currently executing `deploy:finalize_update' * executing "chmod -R -- g+w /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/releases/20130730061453 && rm -rf -- /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/releases/20130730061453/public/system && mkdir -p -- /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/releases/20130730061453/public/ && ln -s -- /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/shared/system /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/releases/20130730061453/public/system && rm -rf -- /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/releases/20130730061453/log && ln -s -- /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/shared/log /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/releases/20130730061453/log && rm -rf -- /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/releases/20130730061453/tmp/pids && mkdir -p -- /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/releases/20130730061453/tmp/ && ln -s -- /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/shared/pids /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/releases/20130730061453/tmp/pids" servers: [""] [] executing command command finished in 102ms * 2013-07-30 14:15:23 14:15:23 == Currently executing `deploy:create_symlink' * executing "sudo -p 'sudo password: ' rm -f /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/current && sudo -p 'sudo password: ' ln -s /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/releases/20130730061453 /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/current" servers: [""] [] executing command command finished in 295ms ** transaction: commit
root@server:/tmp# cd /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/ root@server:/tmp/result_svn/ops_manage# ll total 16 drwxrwxr-x 4 root root 4096 Jul 30 14:15 ./ drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jul 30 14:11 ../ lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 50 Jul 30 14:15 current -> /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/releases/20130730061453/ drwxrwxr-x 3 root root 4096 Jul 30 14:14 releases/ drwxrwxr-x 5 root root 4096 Jul 30 14:11 shared/ root@server:/tmp/result_svn/ops_manage# cd current root@server:/tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/current# ll total 32 drwxrwxr-x 7 root root 4096 Jul 30 14:15 ./ drwxrwxr-x 3 root root 4096 Jul 30 14:14 ../ -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 2 Jul 30 14:15 REVISION drwxrwxr-x 3 root root 4096 Jul 30 14:14 branches/ lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 37 Jul 30 14:15 log -> /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/shared/log/ drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 30 14:15 public/ drwxrwxr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 30 14:15 tags/ drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 30 14:15 tmp/ drwxrwxr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 30 14:14 trunk
root@server:~/capistrano/caphub_test/config/deploy# ll total 16 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 30 14:29 ./ drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jul 30 10:18 ../ -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jul 30 10:18 .gitkeep -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 400 Jul 30 12:07 ops_manage_from_svn_install.rb -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 633 Jul 30 14:07 svn.rb root@server:~/capistrano/caphub_test/config/deploy# vim ops_manage_from_svn_install.rb root@server:~/capistrano/caphub_test/config/deploy# ll total 16 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 30 14:30 ./ drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jul 30 10:18 ../ -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jul 30 10:18 .gitkeep -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 155 Jul 30 14:30 ops_manage_from_svn_install.rb -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 633 Jul 30 14:07 svn.rb root@server:~/capistrano/caphub_test/config/deploy# cat ops_manage_from_svn_install.rb namespace :ops_manage do task :install do system("cap svn deploy:setup") system("cap svn deploy:check") system("cap svn deploy:update") end end
root@server:~/capistrano/caphub_test/config/deploy# cap -vT cap deploy # Deploys your project. cap deploy:check # Test deployment dependencies. cap deploy:cleanup # Clean up old releases. cap deploy:cold # Deploys and starts a `cold' application. cap deploy:create_symlink # Updates the symlink to the most recently deployed version. cap deploy:finalize_update # [internal] Touches up the released code. cap deploy:migrate # Run the migrate rake task. cap deploy:migrations # Deploy and run pending migrations. cap deploy:pending # Displays the commits since your last deploy. cap deploy:pending:diff # Displays the `diff' since your last deploy. cap deploy:restart # Blank task exists as a hook into which to install your own environment specific behaviour. cap deploy:rollback # Rolls back to a previous version and restarts. cap deploy:rollback:cleanup # [internal] Removes the most recently deployed release. cap deploy:rollback:code # Rolls back to the previously deployed version. cap deploy:rollback:revision # [internal] Points the current symlink at the previous revision. cap deploy:setup # Prepares one or more servers for deployment. cap deploy:start # Blank task exists as a hook into which to install your own environment specific behaviour. cap deploy:stop # Blank task exists as a hook into which to install your own environment specific behaviour. cap deploy:symlink # Deprecated API. cap deploy:update # Copies your project and updates the symlink. cap deploy:update_code # Copies your project to the remote servers. cap deploy:upload # Copy files to the currently deployed version. cap deploy:web:disable # Present a maintenance page to visitors. cap deploy:web:enable # Makes the application web-accessible again. cap invoke # Invoke a single command on the remote servers. cap multiconfig:ensure # [internal] Ensure that a configuration has been selected cap ops_manage_from_svn_install # Load ops_manage_from_svn_install configuration cap patch # Create, deliver and apply patch cap patch:apply # Apply patch cap patch:create # Create patch cap patch:deliver # Deliver patch cap patch:revert # Revert patch cap shell # Begin an interactive Capistrano session. cap svn # Load svn configuration cap uptodate # Automatically synchronize current repository cap uptodate:git # Extended help may be available for these tasks. Type `cap -e taskname' to view it.
然后使用cap ops_manage_from_svn_install ops_manage:install
root@ server:~/capistrano/caphub_test/config/deploy# cap ops_manage_from_svn_install ops_manage:install triggering load callbacks * 2013-07-30 14:32:23 14:32:23 == Currently executing `uptodate' * 2013-07-30 14:32:23 14:32:23 == Currently executing `uptodate:git' * 2013-07-30 14:32:23 14:32:23 == Currently executing `ops_manage_from_svn_install' triggering start callbacks for `ops_manage:install' * 2013-07-30 14:32:23 14:32:23 == Currently executing `multiconfig:ensure' * 2013-07-30 14:32:23 14:32:23 == Currently executing `ops_manage:install' triggering load callbacks * 2013-07-30 14:32:24 14:32:24 == Currently executing `uptodate' * 2013-07-30 14:32:24 14:32:24 == Currently executing `uptodate:git' * 2013-07-30 14:32:24 14:32:24 == Currently executing `svn' triggering start callbacks for `deploy:setup' * 2013-07-30 14:32:24 14:32:24 == Currently executing `multiconfig:ensure' * 2013-07-30 14:32:24 14:32:24 == Currently executing `deploy:setup' * executing "sudo -p 'sudo password: ' mkdir -p /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/releases /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/shared /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/shared/system /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/shared/log /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/shared/pids" servers: [""] [] executing command command finished in 1100ms * executing "sudo -p 'sudo password: ' chmod g+w /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/releases /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/shared /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/shared/system /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/shared/log /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/shared/pids" servers: [""] [] executing command command finished in 337ms triggering load callbacks * 2013-07-30 14:32:26 14:32:26 == Currently executing `uptodate' * 2013-07-30 14:32:26 14:32:26 == Currently executing `uptodate:git' * 2013-07-30 14:32:26 14:32:26 == Currently executing `svn' triggering start callbacks for `deploy:check' * 2013-07-30 14:32:26 14:32:26 == Currently executing `multiconfig:ensure' * 2013-07-30 14:32:26 14:32:26 == Currently executing `deploy:check' * executing "test -d /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/releases" servers: [""] [] executing command command finished in 850ms * executing "test -w /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage" servers: [""] [] executing command command finished in 21ms * executing "test -w /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/releases" servers: [""] [] executing command command finished in 19ms * executing "which svn" servers: [""] [] executing command command finished in 24ms You appear to have all necessary dependencies installed triggering load callbacks * 2013-07-30 14:32:28 14:32:28 == Currently executing `uptodate' * 2013-07-30 14:32:28 14:32:28 == Currently executing `uptodate:git' * 2013-07-30 14:32:28 14:32:28 == Currently executing `svn' triggering start callbacks for `deploy:update' * 2013-07-30 14:32:28 14:32:28 == Currently executing `multiconfig:ensure' * 2013-07-30 14:32:28 14:32:28 == Currently executing `deploy:update' ** transaction: start * 2013-07-30 14:32:28 14:32:28 == Currently executing `deploy:update_code' executing locally: "svn info --username denglei --password 123456 --no-auth-cache -rHEAD" command finished in 740ms * executing "svn export -q --username denglei --password 123456 --no-auth-cache -r6 /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/releases/20130730063229 && (echo 6 > /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/releases/20130730063229/REVISION)" servers: [""] [] executing command command finished in 30404ms * 2013-07-30 14:32:59 14:32:59 == Currently executing `deploy:finalize_update' * executing "chmod -R -- g+w /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/releases/20130730063229 && rm -rf -- /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/releases/20130730063229/public/system && mkdir -p -- /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/releases/20130730063229/public/ && ln -s -- /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/shared/system /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/releases/20130730063229/public/system && rm -rf -- /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/releases/20130730063229/log && ln -s -- /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/shared/log /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/releases/20130730063229/log && rm -rf -- /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/releases/20130730063229/tmp/pids && mkdir -p -- /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/releases/20130730063229/tmp/ && ln -s -- /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/shared/pids /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/releases/20130730063229/tmp/pids" servers: [""] [] executing command command finished in 229ms * 2013-07-30 14:32:59 14:32:59 == Currently executing `deploy:create_symlink' * executing "sudo -p 'sudo password: ' rm -f /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/current && sudo -p 'sudo password: ' ln -s /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/releases/20130730063229 /tmp/result_svn/ops_manage/current" servers: [""] [] executing command command finished in 322ms ** transaction: commit
root@ server:~/capistrano/caphub_test/config/deploy#cat ops_manage_from_svn_install.rb namespace :ops_manage do task :install do system("stop server") system("cap svn deploy:setup") system("cap svn deploy:check") system("cap svn deploy:update") system("start server") end end
root@ubuntu:/tmp/caphub/test/config/deploy# cat ops_manage_from_svn_install.rb namespace :ops_manage do task :install do system("stop server") system("mv path/oldfile /tmp/oldfile") system("cap svn deploy:setup") system("cap svn deploy:check") system("cap svn deploy:update") system("rm -rf path/newfile") system("mv /tmp/oldfile path/oldfile") system("start server") end end