
有同学在Oracle ALL STARS群中提问 如何通过AWR来查找一段时间内,数据库段对象(堆表、索引)等的空间增长信息。   在Oracle 10g开始awr自动负载仓库引入了dba_hist_seg_stat视图,该视图记录了快照时间内segment-level段级的历史统计信息:DBA_HIST_SEG_STAT displays historical information about segment-level statistics. This view captures the top segments based on a set of criteria and captures information from V$SEGSTAT. The total value is the value of the statistics since instance startup. The delta value is the value of the statistics from the BEGIN_INTERVAL_TIME to the END_INTERVAL_TIME in the DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT view.   我们可以通过以下SQL脚本来列出相关段对象在 快照时间内的使用空间的历史变化信息:    
column owner format a16
column object_name format a36
column start_day format a11
column block_increase format 9999999999

