
1 Redis 内存存储结构

本文是基于 Redis-v2.2.4 版本进行分析.

1.1 Redis 内存存储总体结构

Redis 是支持多key-value数据库(表)的,并用 RedisDb 来表示一个key-value数据库(表). redisServer 中有一个 redisDb *db; 成员变量, RedisServer 在初始化时,会根据配置文件的 db 数量来创建一个 redisDb 数组. 客户端在连接后,通过 SELECT 指令来选择一个 reidsDb,如果不指定,则缺省是redisDb数组的第1个(即下标是 0 ) redisDb. 一个客户端在选择 redisDb 后,其后续操作都是在此 redisDb 上进行的. 下面会详细介绍一下 redisDb 的内存结构.


redis 的内存存储结构示意图

redisDb 的定义:

typedef struct redisDb
dict *dict; /* The keyspace for this DB */
dict *expires; /* Timeout of keys with a timeout set */
dict *blocking_keys; /* Keys with clients waiting for data (BLPOP) */
dict *io_keys; /* Keys with clients waiting for VM I/O */
dict *watched_keys; /* WATCHED keys for MULTI/EXEC CAS */
int id;
} redisDb;

redisDb 中 ,dict 成员是与实际存储数据相关的. dict 的定义如下:

typedef struct dictEntry
void *key;
void *val;
struct dictEntry *next;
} dictEntry;
typedef struct dictType
unsigned int (*hashFunction)(const void *key);
void *(*keyDup)(void *privdata, const void *key);
void *(*valDup)(void *privdata, const void *obj);
int (*keyCompare)(void *privdata, const void *key1, const void *key2);
void (*keyDestructor)(void *privdata, void *key);
void (*valDestructor)(void *privdata, void *obj);
} dictType;
/* This is our hash table structure. Every dictionary has two of this as we
* implement incremental rehashing, for the old to the new table. */
typedef struct dictht
dictEntry **table;
unsigned long size;
unsigned long sizemask;
unsigned long used;
} dictht;
typedef struct dict
dictType *type;
void *privdata;
dictht ht[2];
int rehashidx; /* rehashing not in progress if rehashidx == -1 */
int iterators; /* number of iterators currently running */
} dict;
