
Sample ExaminationQuestions


The followingquestions are examples of the type of questions that appear on the PMPCertification Examination.


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1. The MAJORprocesses for project integration management are:

A. Project plandevelopment, project plan execution, and overall change control.

B. Project plandevelopment, project plan execution, and scope change control.

C. Project plandevelopment, overall change control, and scope change control.

D. Project plandevelopment, initiation, and overall change control.


A. 项目计划制定,项目计划实施和整体变更控制。

B. 项目计划制定,项目计划实施和范围变更控制。

C. 项目计划制定,整体变更控制和范围变更控制。

D. 项目计划制定,启动和整体变更控制。

2. Projectsponsors have the GREATEST influence on the scope, quality, time, and cost ofthe project during the:

A. Conceptphase.

B. Developmentphase.

C. Executionphase.

D. Close-downphase.


A. 概念阶段

B. 制定阶段

C. 实施阶段

D. 收尾阶段

3. Ideally,communication between the project manager and the project team members shouldtake place:

A. Via dailystatus reports.

B. Throughapproved documented forms.

C. By writtenand oral communication.

D. Through theformal chain of command..


A. 通过日常状态报告

B. 通过批准的文件报表

C. 通过书面的和口头的沟通

D. 通过正式的指令链

4. A project’spayback period ends when:

A. Profitmaximum is realized.

B. Unit profitis realized.

C. Monthlyrevenue exceeds monthly costs.

D. Cumulativerevenue equals cumulative coses.


A. 实现利润最大化后

B. 实现单位利润后

C. 月度收益大于月度成本时

D. 累积收益等于累积成本时

5. A scopestatement is important because it:

A. Provides thebasis for making future project decisions.

B. Provides abrief summary of the project.

C. Approves theproject for the stakeholders.

D. Providescriteria for measuring project cost.


A. 提供了制定项目未来决策的基础

B. 提供了项目的简要概述

C. 为项目干系人批准了项目

D. 提供了计量项目成本的标准

6. A projectmanagement professional can compare earned value performance data to all of thefollowing project management tools EXCEPT:

A. Criticalpath analysis.

B. Technicalperformance metrics.

C. Riskmitigation plans.

D. Forecastedfinal costs and schedule estimates.


A. 关键路径分析

B. 技术性能指标

C. 风险减轻计划

D. 最终成本预测和进度估算


C. 风险减轻计划,课本352页,挣值分析可以用来控制风险。

7. During theproject scope planning process, the work breakdown structure should bedeveloped to :

A. TheSub-project level.

B. The leveldetermined by the project office.

C. A levelallowing for adequate estimates.

D. The costcenter level.


A. 子项目的层面

B. 项目办公室所确定的层面

C. 能够进行充分估算的层面

D. 成本中心的层面

8. Thedecomposition process is a technique used to construct a:

A. Precedencenetwork.

B. CriticalPath Method Diagram.

C. Varianceanalysis.

D. Workbreakdown structure.


A. 前导网络图

B. 关键路径图

C. 偏差分析

D. 工作分解结构

9. A projectloses a contractor in the middle of a project. A new project team is formed toreplace the role of the lost contractor and his/her team. As a project manager,what is the FIRST topic to address to the team in the kick-off meeting?

A. Identifyteam roles and responsibilities.

B. Reviewdetailed schedule.

C. Discuss costestimates.

D. Emphasizeyour authority.


A. 确定团队角色和职责

B. 评估详细进度

C. 讨论成本估算

D. 强调你的权威

10. Constructiveteam roles include:

A. Encourager,initiator, and gatekeeper.

B. Informationgiver, devil’s advocate, and clarifier.

C. Withdrawer,harmonizer, and blocker.

D. Summarizer,recognition seeker, and information seeker.


A. 鼓励者、启动者和把关者

B. 提供者、魔鬼建议者和澄清者

C. 回避撤退者、息事宁人者和信息阻挡者

D. 总结者、寻求认可者和寻求信息者

计算机生成了可选文字:________________ ?WJI initiator blocker �f1gatekeeper +6JJ�k. 1JE I, s I  �H �H   I 4tijJ recognition seeker $O13


11. A projectschedule completion date will change if:

A. The criticalpath is reduced.

B. Thecontingency is no longer available.

C. No floattime is available.

D. Projectresources are reduced.


A. 关键路径缩短了

B. 应急储备没有了

C. 时差没有了

D. 项目资源减少了

12. Yourproject is behind schedule due to conflict between team members. Havingresolved the conflict, to get the project back on schedule, you shouldconsider:

A. Crashing theschedule.

B. Performingresource leveling.

C. Conductingreverse resource allocation scheduling.

D. Utilizingthe critical chair resources.


A. 进行进度赶工

B. 实行资源平衡

C. 执行逆向资源分配进度计划

D. 动用关键的后备资源

13. Riskquantification includes:

A. Enumeratingsources of internal and external events.

B. Identifyingpotential events and impact.

C. Evaluatingprobability and impact.

D. Developingcontingency plans and resources.


A. 例举内部和外部事件来源

B. 确定潜在的事件和影响

C. 评估概率和后果

D. 制定应急计划和资源

14. In whichproject phase do you have the GREATEST influence on project risk?

A. Conceptual

B. Design

C. Execution

D. Implementation


A. 概念形成

B. 设计

C. 实施

D. 执行

15. A precisedescription of a deliverable is called a:

A. Specification

B. Baseline

C. Work package

D. Workbreakdown structure element


A. 规格

B. 基准

C. 工作包

D. 工作分解结构要素

16. Theobjective of fast tracking a project is to:

A. Increaseproductivity.

B. Reduceproject duration.

C. Increaseschedule tracking controls.

D. Reduceproject risks.


A. 提高生产效率

B. 减少项目历时

C. 提高进度跟踪控制

D. 降低项目风险

17. When aproject manager places a purchase order for a piece of equipment, it representswhich of the following?

A. Commitment

B. Expense

C. Cashout-flow

D. Capitalinvestment


A. 承诺

B. 开支

C. 现金流出

D. 资本投资

18. Which ofthe following are frequently used tools in procurement planning?

A. Make or buyanalysis, expert judgement, and contract type selection.

B. Contracttype selection, bidders conferences, and expert judgement.

C. Expertjudgement, audits, and bidders conferences.

D. Make or buyanalysis, contract type selection, and weighting system.


A. 自制/外购分析,专家判断和合同类型的选择

B. 合同类型选择,招标会和专家判断

C. 专家判断,审计和招标会

D. 自制/外购分析,合同类型选择和加权系统


19. You havejust taken control of a project in the middle of execution and need to learnwho has approval authority for revisions in scope. Which document provides thisinformation?

A. Resourceassignment matrix

B. Changecontrol plan

C. Projectcharter

D. Clientorganization chart


A. 资源分配矩阵

B. 变更控制计划

C. 项目章程

D. 客户组织关系图


20. Of thefollowing conflict management approaches, which is believed to lead to theLEAST enduring positive results?

A. Problemsolving

B. Avoidance

C. Compromise

D. Forcing


A. 解决问题

B. 回避

C. 妥协

D. 强迫

21. Complexprojects, involving cross-disciplinary efforts, are MOST effectively managedby:

A. Multiplelead project managers.

B. A functionalorganization.

C. A strongmatrix organization.

D. A strongtraditional manager.


A. 多个负责项目经理

B. 职能式组织

C. 强矩阵组织

D. 强势的传统经理

22. The measureused to forecast project cost at completion is:










23. Acontractor’s deliverable has been delayed 30 days. The process of determininghow this event will affect the project schedule is called risk:

A. Identification

B. Mitigation

C. Simulation

D. Assessment


A. 认别

B. 减轻

C. 模拟

D. 评估

24. Conflictresolution techniques that may be used on a project include:

A. Withdrawing,compromising, controlling, and forcing.

B. Controlling,forcing, smoothing, and withdrawing.

C. Confronting,compromising, smoothing, and directing.

D. Smoothing,confronting, forcing, and withdrawing.


A. 撤退、妥协、控制和强迫

B. 控制、强迫、圆滑和撤退

C. 面对问题、妥协、圆滑和指示

D. 圆滑、面对问题、强迫和撤退

25. It iscritical for your company to offer its products on the Internet to increase itsmarket share. The company has no previous experience in this area, but itbelieves that knowledge is needed rapidly. As you have shown an interest in theInternet, you are asked to start planning for this project.

What is the FIRSTstep to take as you begin planning?

A. Identify therisks.

B. Plan thescope.

C. Establish aresource plan.

D. Complete acost and schedule estimate.



A. 识别分险

B. 计划范围

C. 建立资源计划

D. 完成成本和进度控制

26. Effectivestakeholder management includes all of the following project elements EXCEPT:

A. Clearrequirements definition.

B. Scope changecontrol.

C. Timelystatus information.

D. Frequentcost reports.


A. 清楚的需求定义

B. 范围变更控制

C. 及时的状态信息

D. 频繁的成本报告

27. A likelyresult of using “compromise” to resolve a two-party conflict is:

A. Lose-lose

B. Win-lose

C. Win-win

D. Lose-win


A. -

B. -

C. -

D. -

28. As part ofthe quality audit, the scope statement is checked against the work results toensure the conformance to the customer requirements. The results should bedocumented and used for:

A. Estimatingfuture projects.

B. Changing theproject scope.

C. Definingfuture project tasks.

D. Validatingthe quality process.


A. 估算未来项目

B. 变更项目范围

C. 定义未来项目任务

D. 证实质量过程

29. A generallyaccepted method to confirm accuracy of task progress is through:

A. Earnedvalue.

B. Probabilityvs. outcome.

C. Maximumceiling.

D. Workbreakdown structure.


A. 挣值

B. 概率与后果

C. 最大上限

D. 工作分解结构

30. Which ofthe following techniques is used to control the project schedule?

A. Paretodiagram

B. Performancemeasurement

C. Parametricmodeling

D. Statisticalsampling


A. 帕累托图

B. 绩效衡量

C. 参数模型

D. 统计抽样

31. Paretoanalysis, cause and effect, and flow charts are all tools used in quality:

A. Control

B. Benchmarking

C. Planning

D. Verification


A. 控制

B. 标杆

C. 计划

D. 核实

32. Elements ofchanging a project schedule include all of the following EXCEPT:

A. Obtain theappropriate levels of approval.

B. Submit theappropriate change requests.

C. Evaluate theimpact of a change to the schedule.

D. Adjust theproject end date to the schedule variance.


A. 获得适当的认可水平

B. 提交适当的变更请求

C. 评估进度变更的影响

D. 根据进度偏差调整项目完工日期

33. Anindividual’s willingness to take a risk can be determined by:

A. Decisiontree modeling.

B. Monte Carlomethod.

C. Sensitivityanalysis.

D. Utilityfunction.


A. 决策树模型

B. 蒙特卡洛分析

C. 敏感度分析

D. 效用分析

34. All of thefollowing assist in determining the impact of a scope change EXCEPT:

A. Projectcharter.

B. Baseline.

C. Performancemeasurement.

D. Milestones.


A. 项目章程

B. 基准

C. 绩效测量

D. 里程碑

35. A projectwas estimated to cost $1.5 million and scheduled to last six months. Afterthree months, the earned value analysis shows the following:




What are theschedule and cost variances?

A. SV=+$100,000/CV=+$150,000

B. SV=+$150,000/CV=-$100,000

C. SV=-$50,000/CV=+$150,000

D. SV=-$100,000/CV=-$150,000






A. SV=+$100,000/CV=+$150,000

B. SV=+$150,000/CV=-$100,000

C. SV=-$50,000/CV=+$150,000

D. SV=-$100,000/CV=-$150,000

36. Configurationmanagement is a technique for:

A. Overallchange control.

B. Project planexecution.

C. Scopeplanning.]

D. Riskquantification.


A. 整体变更控制

B. 项目计划实施

C. 范围计划编制

D. 风险的量化

37. Scopechange control MUST be integrated with all of the following control processesEXCEPT:

A. Schedule

B. Cost

C. Procurement

D. Quality


A. 进度

B. 成本

C. 采购

D. 质量

38. Reviewingwork products and results to ensure that all were completed satisfactorily andformally accepted is part of:

A. Riskmanagement.

B. Qualitycontrol.

C. Changecontrol management.

D. Scopeverification.


A. 风险管理

B. 质量控制

C. 变更控制管理

D. 范围审核

39. Riskresponse development is intended to:

A. Create stepsto identify project risks.

B. Formulatestrategies for dealing with adverse events.

C. Construct alist of previous project risks.

D. Developmeasurements to quantify project risks.


A. 建立识别项目风险的步骤

B. 制定处理不利事件的策略

C. 建立以前项目风险的清单

D. 建立量化项目风险的指标

40. Due to cutsin funding, your project has been terminated. The scope verification process:

A. Should bedelayed until the project is completed.

B. Shoulddetermine the correctness of the work results.

C. Shouldestablish and document the level and extent of completion.

D. Will formthe basis of the project audit.


A. 应推迟到项目完工进行

B. 应确定工作结果的正确性

C. 应确定并记录完工的水平和程度

D. 将构成项目审计的基础

41. During thecontract close-out, the project manager needs to document the:

A. Formalacceptance.

B. Statement ofwork.

C. Paymentschedule.

D. Changecontrol procedure.


A. 正式验收

B. 工作说明书

C. 付款进度

D. 变更控制步骤

42. You’ve beenengaged to manage a project. The estimated cost of the project is $1,000,000.The project sponsor has approved this amount. Your earned value calculationsindicate that the project will be completed on time and under budget by $200,000.Based on this calulation, your personal profit will decrease by $2,000.

At the completion ofthis project, the project manager will document and archive all projectinformation. This information may be used for future projects in all areasEXCEPT:

A. Estimatingdurations.

B. Administeringcontracts.

C. Resolvingconflicts.

D. Allocatingresources.



A. 历时估算

B. 合同管理

C. 冲突解决

D. 资源分配

43. A KEYactivity in closing out a project is to:

A. Disseminatestatus reports and risk assessment.

B. Disseminateinformation to formalize project competion.

C. Monitor thespecific project results to determine if they comply with relevant qualitystandards.

D. Transfer allthe project records to the project owners.


A. 发布状态报告和风险评估。

B. 发布消息以正式确认项目完工。

C. 监控具体的项目结果以确定其是否符合相关质量标准。

D. 把全部项目记录转移给项目所有人。

44. You’ve beenengaged to manage a project. The estimated cost of the project is $1,000,000.The project sponsor has approved this amount. Your carned value calculationsindicate that the project will be completed on time and under budget by $200,000.Based on this calulation, your personal profit will decrease by $2,000.

Given the estimateddecrease in personal profit, what action should you take?

A. Invoice forthe full $1,000,000 based on the contract.

B. Add tasks toimprove the outcome and increase the actual project cost.

C. Inform theend-user that you can add features to the project in order to use the entirebudget.

D. Communicatethe projected financial outcome to the project sponsor.



A. 根据合同,仍然开出100万美元的发票。

B. 对结果进行改善,这样增加的任务就会使实际项目成本提高上来。

C. 告诉最终用户你可以增加一些特征以用满预算。

D. 把项目的财务结果传给项目发起人。

45. You arebuilding a water treatment facility. Routine tests reveal that there arecontaminants in the water but that they have an extremely low risk for causingany sickness. As the project manager, you should:

A. Inform thepublic that a detailed examination has been ordered to determine the extent towhich the problem exists.

B. Do nothingbecause there is extremely low risk for sickness except for some effects onsmall children and the elderly.

C. Tell thepublic there is no problem, except for small children and the elderly who needto boil the water before drinking.

D. Educate thepublic about the advances on water treatment technology and the industryefficiency and safety record.


A. 告诉公众已安排进行一次详细的检查来确定问题存在的程度。

B. 什么也不做,因为除了对小孩和老人有点影响外,引发疾病的风险是其其低的。

C. 告诉公众饮这样的水是没有问题的,但小孩和老人需要把水烧开后再饮用。

D. 教育公众水处理技术的发展和工业效用以及安全记录。

46. A KEYactivity for achieving customer satisfaction is to define:

A. The businessuse.

B. Requirements.

C. Productspecificity.

D. Changecontrol.


A. 商业用途

B. 需求

C. 产品明细

D. 变更控制

47. When itappears that a design error will interfere with meeting technical performanceobjectives, the PREFERRED response is to:

A. Decrease theperformance value to equal the assessed value.

B. Developalternative solutions to the problem.

C. Increase thespecified value to set a new performance goal.

D. Reduce theoverall technical complexity of the project.


A. 降低绩交标准值使之等于评估结果值

B. 确定问题的解决方案

C. 提高规定值以建立新的绩效目标

D. 降低项目整体的技术复杂度

48. Thedisorientation experienced by people who suddenly find themselves living andworking in a different environment is known as:

A. Cultureshock

B. Sociocentrism

C. Temporalshock

D. Ethnocentrism


A. 文化冲突

B. 社会中心论

C. 暂时冲突

D. 民族优越感

49. What is theMOST effective process to ensure that cultural and ethical differences do notimpede success of your multi-national project?

A. Co-locating

B. Traning

C. Forming

D. Teaming


A. 协同定位

B. 培训

C. 团队形成

D. 团队建设

50. Negotiationacross international cultures involves mutual interdependence between parties.The negotiation MUST be conducted in an atmosphere of:

A. Mutual trustand cooperation

B. Generalitiesand vagueness

C. Sincerityand compassion

D. Uncertaintyand caution


A. 相互信任与合作

B. 泛泛而谈

C. 真诚与同情

D. 不确定和谨慎
