
Part III – The Way Things Are Shaping Up To Be

These are some of the most popular Presentation Tier technologies available today:

1. DHTML/AJAX frameworks for Current Browsers
● Largely handcoded with third party JavaScript libraries
● Google Web Toolkit (GWT, GWTExt)
● TIBCO General Interface Builder
2. XML Dialects for Advanced Browsers
● XForms and XHTML 2.0
● Mozilla XUL
● Microsoft SilverLight/XAML
3. Java frameworks
● Java WebStart (with/without Spring Rich Client)
● JavaFX
4. Adobe Flashbased frameworks
● Adobe Flex
● OpenLaszlo

In a future paper, we hope to analyse and critique each of these technologies from the SOFEA standpoint, and also provide guidelines on how best to use it in accordance with SOFEA principles. We think that would be of considerable practical value to developers.
