www.kisspuppet.com puppet实战
[root@puppetserver ~]# vim /etc/mcollective/facts.txt #收集并定义所有节点的fact信息,仅仅作为查看用 fact_certname=<自定义> fact_apply1=apache fact_apply2=php fact_apply3=mysql fact_apply4=java fact_apply5=tomcat fact_apply6=oracle fact_apply7=nginx fact_apply8=jboss fact_apply9=haproxy fact_apply10=db2 …
[root@agent1 ~]# cat /etc/mcollective/facts.txt #假设agent1节点具有以下fact变量信息 fact_certname=agent1.kisspuppet.com #puppet认证用,可写成其他名称 fact_apply3=mysql fact_apply4=java fact_apply10=db2 [root@agent2 ~]# cat /etc/mcollective/facts.txt #假设agent1节点具有以下fact变量信息 fact_certname=agent2.kisspuppet.com #puppet认证用,可写成其他名称 fact_apply2=php fact_apply3=mysql fact_apply7=nginx
由于自定义fact信息属于每个节点的特性,放在agents(存放单个节点个性模块的目录)目录中,可将这部分定义成一个class包含到每个节点的class agentN{}中。
[root@puppetserver ~]# cat /etc/puppet/agents/modules/agent1/manifests/init.pp class agent1{ include agent1::facts } class agent1::facts{ file{ "/etc/mcollective/facts.txt": owner => "root", group => "root", mode => 0400, content => template("agent1/facts.txt.erb"), backup => 'main', } } ...
[root@puppetserver agents]# cat modules/agent1/templates/facts.txt.erb ------------Some custom facts variables------------- fact_certname=agent1.kisspuppet.com fact_apply3=mysql fact_apply4=java fact_apply10=db2 ... ---------------------------------------------------- [root@puppetserver agents]# cat modules/agent1/manifests/init.pp class agent1{ include agent1::facts } class agent1::facts{ file{ "/etc/mcollective/facts.txt": owner => "root", group => "root", mode => 0400, content => template("agent1/facts.txt.erb"), backup => 'main', } } ... [root@puppetserver agents]# cat modules/agent2/templates/facts.txt.erb ------------Some custom facts variables------------- fact_certname=agent2.kisspuppet.com fact_apply2=php fact_apply3=mysql fact_apply7=nginx ... ----------------------------------------------------
3.1 创建全局模块
新建一个模块可命名为public,放在environment(存放基础环境的模块)模块中,自定义fact fact_apply.rb(过滤各自的自定义fact信息)
[root@puppetserver puppet]# cat environment/modules/public/lib/facter/fact_apply.rb # certname is usered for /etc/puppet/puppet.conf Facter.add("fact_certname") do setcode do Facter::Util::Resolution.exec("/bin/grep 'fact_certname=' /etc/mcollective/facts.txt |awk -F= '{print $2}'") end end # fact_apply1~N.rb # Facter.add("fact_apply1") do setcode do Facter::Util::Resolution.exec("/bin/grep 'fact_apply1=' /etc/mcollective/facts.txt |awk -F= '{print $2}'") end end Facter.add("fact_apply2") do setcode do Facter::Util::Resolution.exec("/bin/grep 'fact_apply2=' /etc/mcollective/facts.txt |awk -F= '{print $2}'") end end … Facter.add("fact_apply10") do setcode do Facter::Util::Resolution.exec("/bin/grep 'fact_apply10=' /etc/mcollective/facts.txt |awk -F= '{print $2}'") end end
3.2 设置局部模块
[root@puppetserver ~]# vim /etc/puppet/puppet.conf [main] pluginsync = true … [root@agent2 ~]# vim /etc/puppet/puppet.conf [main] pluginsync = true …
5.1 节点运行puppet命令更新
[root@agent2 ~]# puppet agent --test info: Retrieving plugin notice: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/fact_apply.rb]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}03bdfe12d6f40fb8abe0bd407dab6d69' info: Loading downloaded plugin /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/fact_apply.rb #自动下载 info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/backup_date.rb info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/fact_apply.rb #自动载入 info: Caching catalog for agent2.kisspuppet.com info: Applying configuration version '1381211740'
5.2 通过节点查看自定义fact是否生效
[root@agent2 ~]# facter -p | grep fact_ fact_apply2 => php fact_apply3 => mysql fact_apply7 => nginx fact_certname => agent1.kisspuppet.com [root@agent1 facter]# facter -p | grep fact_ fact_certname => agent2.kisspuppet.com fact_apply10 => db2 fact_apply3 => mysql fact_apply4 => java
6 MCollective客户端测试自定义fact
[root@puppetserver facter]# mco inventory agent1.kisspuppet.com | grep fact_ fact_apply10 => db2 fact_apply3 => mysql fact_apply4 => java fact_certname => agent1.kisspuppet.com [root@puppetserver facter]# mco inventory agent2.kisspuppet.com | grep fact_ fact_apply2 => php fact_apply3 => mysql fact_apply7 => nginx fact_certname => agent2.kisspuppet.com
7.1 触发更新fact_apply4=java的主机
自定义fact fact_apply4=‘java’的主机目前只有agent1
[root@puppetserver facter]# mco puppet -v runonce mco facts -v --with-fact fact_apply4='java' Discovering hosts using the mc method for 2 second(s) .... 1 * [ ============================================================> ] 1 / 1 agent1.kisspuppet.com : OK {:summary=> "Started a background Puppet run using the 'puppet agent --onetime --daemonize --color=false --splay --splaylimit 30' command"} ---- rpc stats ---- Nodes: 1 / 1 Pass / Fail: 1 / 0 Start Time: Tue Oct 08 14:24:08 +0800 2013 Discovery Time: 2003.39ms Agent Time: 1091.75ms Total Time: 3095.14ms
7.2 触发更新fact_apply3=mysql和系统为RHEL5.7的主机
自定义fact fact_apply3=‘mysql’的主机有agent1和agent2,系统为RHEL5.7的主机只有agent2(通过系统自带fact获取),取交集,只有agent2会被触发更新。
[root@puppetserver facter]# mco puppet -v runonce rpc --np -F operatingsystemrelease='5.7' -F fact_apply3='mysql' Discovering hosts using the mc method for 2 second(s) .... 1 agent2.kisspuppet.com : OK {:summary=> "Started a background Puppet run using the 'puppet agent --onetime --daemonize --color=false --splay --splaylimit 30' command"} ---- rpc stats ---- Nodes: 1 / 1 Pass / Fail: 1 / 0 Start Time: Tue Oct 08 14:22:23 +0800 2013 Discovery Time: 2004.56ms Agent Time: 1092.00ms Total Time: 3096.56ms