
转载自 http://py.vaults.ca/~x/python_and_vim.html

paste into your ~/.vimrc

set tabstop=4       " A four-space tab indent width is the prefered coding style
                    " for Python (and everything else!), although of course some
                    " disagree. This page generally assumes you want 4-space
                    " indents.

set shiftwidth=4    " This allows you to use the < and > keys from VIM's visual
                    " (marking) mode to block indent/unindent regions

set smarttab        " Use the "shiftwidth" setting for inserting <TAB>s instead
                    " of the "tabstop" setting, when at the beginning of a
                    " line. This may be redundant for most people, but some
                    " poeple like to keep their tabstop=8 for compatability
                    " when loading files, but setting shiftwidth=4 for nicer
                    " coding style.

set expandtab       " expandtab    et    Insert spaces instead of <TAB>
                    " character when the <TAB> key is pressed. This is also
                    " the prefered method of Python coding, since Python is
                    " especially sensitive to problems with indenting which can
                    " occur when people load files in different editors with
                    " different tab settings, and also cutting and pasting
                    " between applications (ie email/news for example) can
                    " result in problems. It is safer and more portable to
                    " use spaces for indenting.

set softtabstop=4   " softtabstop=4    sts    People like using real tab
                    " character instead of spaces because it makes it easier
                    " when pressing BACKSPACE or DELETE, since if the indent
                    " is using spaces it will take 4 keystrokes to delete
                    " the indent. Using this setting, however, makes VIM see
                    " multiple space characters as tabstops, and so <BS> does
                    " the right thing and will delete four spaces (assuming
                    " 4 is your setting).

set autoindent      " autoindent    ai    Very painful to live without this
                    " (especially with Python)! It means that when you press
                    " RETURN and a new line is created, the indent of the new
                    " line will match that of the previous line.
