WPF 后台触发 Validate UI‘s Element

wpf中有validateRule类, 用于界面元素的验证, 如何后台去控制validateRule呢?

1. UI层要binding写好的ValidateRule,分为Binding和MultiBinding, 如下面分别实现了Combobox的SelectedValuePropperty的Binding

        < ComboBox x : Name ="cmbAgeType" Margin ="3"
                      SelectionChanged ="cmbAgeType_SelectionChanged"   Background ="#00000000" BorderBrush ="Black" Grid.Row ="4" MinWidth ="0" Grid.Column ="2" IsTabStop ="False" SelectedIndex ="0" d : LayoutOverrides ="GridBox" Tag ="PatientAge"
                      Visibility ="{ Binding DataContext , ElementName =window, Converter ={ StaticResource KeyToVisibilityConverter }, ConverterParameter =PatientAge}">
                < ComboBox.SelectedValue >
                    < Binding Path ="PatientAge" Converter ="{ StaticResource AgeMeasureConverter }" Mode ="TwoWay"   UpdateSourceTrigger ="PropertyChanged">
                        < Binding.ValidationRules >
                            < McsfPAFEContainee_ValidationRules : EmptyValidationRule ValidatesOnTargetUpdated ="True" ValidationStep ="ConvertedProposedValue"/>
                        </ Binding.ValidationRules >
                    </ Binding >
                </ ComboBox.SelectedValue >
                <!--<Binding Path="PatientAge" Converter=""  UpdateSourceTrigger="PropertyChanged"/>-->
            </ ComboBox >
            < TextBox x : Name ="txtPatientWeight" TextWrapping ="Wrap" Margin ="3" MaxLength ="10" TabIndex ="6" BorderBrush ="Black" Grid.Row ="5" Grid.Column ="1" Height ="22" MinWidth ="42" Tag ="PatientWeight"
                     Visibility ="{ Binding DataContext , ElementName =window, Converter ={ StaticResource KeyToVisibilityConverter }, ConverterParameter =PatientWeight}">
                < TextBox.Text >
                    < MultiBinding   Mode ="TwoWay" Converter ="{ StaticResource WeightConverter }"    UpdateSourceTrigger ="PropertyChanged">
                        < MultiBinding.ValidationRules >
                            < McsfPAFEContainee_ValidationRules : WeightValidationRule ValidatesOnTargetUpdated ="True" ValidationStep ="ConvertedProposedValue"/>
                        </ MultiBinding.ValidationRules >
                        < Binding Path ="PatientWeight"/>
                        < Binding Path ="IsChecked" ElementName ="rdoKg"/>
                    </ MultiBinding >
                </ TextBox.Text >
                < i : Interaction.Behaviors >
                    < McsfPAFEContainee_Behaviors : NumericTextBoxBehavior MinValue ="0" MaxValue ="300" />
                </ i : Interaction.Behaviors >
            </ TextBox >

2.  后台主动触发ValidationRule的验证。 以下方法根据上面的Binding, 分别去取Binding和MultiBinding, 然后调用UpdateSource。
             private bool ValidateInput( object child, PRCfgViewModel vm, bool isUpdateSource, bool isEmergency)
            BindingExpression be = null ;
            MultiBindingExpression mbe = null ;

            if (child is TextBox )
                be = (child as TextBox ).GetBindingExpression( TextBox .TextProperty);

                if ( null == be)
                    mbe = BindingOperations .GetMultiBindingExpression((child as TextBox ), TextBox .TextProperty);
            else if (child is DatePicker )
                be = (child as DatePicker ).GetBindingExpression( DatePicker .TextProperty);

                if ( null == be)
                    mbe = BindingOperations .GetMultiBindingExpression((child as DatePicker ), DatePicker .TextProperty);
            else if (child is ComboBox )
                be = (child as ComboBox ).GetBindingExpression( ComboBox .SelectedValueProperty);

                if ( null == be)
                    mbe = BindingOperations .GetMultiBindingExpression((child as ComboBox ), ComboBox .SelectedValueProperty);

            if ( null == be && null == mbe)
                return false ;

            ValidationRule vr = null ;
            if ( null != be && be.ParentBinding.ValidationRules.Count > 0)
                vr = be.ParentBinding.ValidationRules[0];
            else if ( null != mbe && mbe.ParentMultiBinding.ValidationRules.Count > 0)
                vr = mbe.ParentMultiBinding.ValidationRules[0];
                return false ;

            string bindingPath = "" ;

            if ( null != be)
                bindingPath = be.ParentBinding.Path.Path;
            else if ( null != mbe)
                Binding bd = mbe.ParentMultiBinding.Bindings[0] as Binding ;
                bindingPath = bd.Path.Path;

            bindingPath = bindingPath.Replace( "." , "_" );

            if (vm.Setting.CfgInfo[bindingPath] != null )
                (vr as BaseValidationRule ).IsActive = !isEmergency;

                if ((vr as BaseValidationRule ).IsActive)
                    (vr as BaseValidationRule ).IsAllowEmpty = !(vm.Setting.CfgInfo[bindingPath].IsKeyword);
                    if (isUpdateSource)
                        if ( null != be)
                        else if ( null != mbe)
                    return true ;

                (vr as BaseValidationRule ).IsAllowEmpty = true ;

            if (isUpdateSource)
                if ( null != be)
                else if ( null != mbe)

            return true ;
