wc---Word Count
格式:wc [-选项] filename
[root@justin ~]# cat /home/passwd It is not only good to our health, but also to the environment. There is no CO2 being produced as there are in cars. So it is very clean and green. If you go to work by a bicycle instead of driving, you will get a better chance to get enough exercise. [root@justin ~]# cat /home/passwd|wc 3 52 253 [root@justin ~]#
-l :统计行数;
[root@justin ~]# cat /home/passwd|wc -l 3 [root@justin ~]#
-w :统计字数。一个字被定义为由空白、跳格或换行字符分隔的字符串;
[root@justin ~]# cat /home/passwd|wc -w 52 [root@justin ~]#
-c 统计字节数;
[root@justin ~]# cat /home/passwd|wc -c 253 [root@justin ~]#
-m :统计字符数。这个标志不能与 -c 标志一起使用;
[root@justin ~]# cat /home/passwd|wc -m 253 [root@justin ~]#
-L 打印最长行的长度;
[root@justin ~]# cat /home/passwd|wc -L 104 [root@justin ~]#