Ext 上传文件

* Ext上传:
<form id="uploadFileForm" action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
   <div id="fileupload" style="cursor:hand;"></div>
1 前台js代码
var uploadForm = new Ext.BasicForm('uploadFileForm');

var fileUploadBt = new Ext.ux.form.FileUploadField({
   renderTo: 'fileupload',        
   buttonOnly: true,
   buttonText: 'Excel导入',
   buttonCfg: {
       iconCls: 'download'
       //tooltip: '从Excel导入物料信息'
   listeners: {
       'fileselected': function(fb, v){
       //v 为文件路径
       if(fac.getValue() == ''){
           Ext.Msg.alert('操作提示', '请先选择一个成本中心或填写内部订单号!');

addMarcFromExcel :function(filePath){
       fileUpload: true,
       standardSubmit: true,
       url: '<c:out value="${path}" />/purchaseApply.htm?method=parseExcel',
       params: {
       costCenter: costCenter.getValue(),
       factNo: costCenterCmbStore.getAt(costCenterCmbStore.find('costNo',costCenter.getValue())).get('factNo'),
       internalOrder: internalOrder.getValue()
       waitMsg: '文件上传中,请等待...',    
       waitTitle: '上传进度条',
       success: function(form,action){            
       yyExt.info('导入成功', msgContent);
       for(var i=0;i<action.result.prdArr.length;i++){
       failure: function(form, action) {
       switch (action.failureType) {
           case Ext.form.Action.CLIENT_INVALID:
           Ext.Msg.alert('导入失败', 'Form fields may not be submitted with invalid values');
           case Ext.form.Action.CONNECT_FAILURE:
           Ext.Msg.alert('导入失败', 'Ajax communication failed');
           case Ext.form.Action.SERVER_INVALID:
              Ext.Msg.alert('导入失败', action.result.msg);

2 后台java代码:
* org.apache.commons.fileupload.servlet.ServletFileUpload
* 采用apache的ServletFileUpload解析request中的文件,并将文件相关信息封装进一个FileBean对象
FileUploadUtil fileTool = new FileUploadUtil();
fileTool.setSaveFile(false); //上传的文件不保存到硬盘
FileBean fileBean = fileTool.saveFile();
* 提取其他参数
String costCenter = fileTool.getParameter("costCenter"); //成本中心
String factNo = fileTool.getParameter("factNo"); //工厂编号
String internalOrder = fileTool.getParameter("internalOrder"); //内部订单

* Ext下载:Ext没有对下载做任何处理,下载采用一般方式即可。
<form  id="queryForm" target="myframe" method="post">
   <input type="text" id="marcNo" name="marcNo" style="width: 180px;">
   <input type="text" id="marcName" name="marcName" style="width: 100px">
download: function(){
   $("queryForm").action = "<c:out value="${path}"/>/marcInfo.htm?method=download";
public ModelAndView download(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception{
       OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
   try {
    * 1 提取条件参数
   String marcNo = RequestUtil.getParameter(request, "marcNo", null); //物料编码
   String marcName = RequestUtil.getParameter(request, "marcName", null); //品名

   response.setHeader("Content-Type","text/html; charset=UTF-8");
    * 2 根据条件参数得到相关文件的输出流,将输出流写回前台

   } catch (Exception e) {
   return new ModelAndView(this.indexView,"sessionUserName",super.getSessionUser(request).getUserName());


* This file is part of Ext JS 4
* Copyright (c) 2011 Sencha Inc
* Contact: http://www.sencha.com/contact
* GNU General Public License Usage This file may be used under the terms of the
* GNU General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
* Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE included in the packaging of
* this file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General
* Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met:
* http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
* If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please contact
* the sales department at http://www.sencha.com/contact.
Ext.require([ 'Ext.form.field.File' , 'Ext.form.Panel' , 'Ext.window.MessageBox' ]);
Ext.onReady(function() {
Ext.define( 'State' , {
extend : 'Ext.data.Model' ,
autoLoad : false ,
fields : [{
type : 'string' ,
name : 'text'
}, {
type : 'string' ,
name : 'flag'
var store = Ext.create( 'Ext.data.Store' , {
model : "State" ,
proxy : {
type : "ajax" ,
url : "./totosea/js/combobox_1.js" ,
reader : {
type : "json"
autoLoad : true
var upform = Ext.create( 'Ext.form.Panel' , {
renderTo : 'adminfileupdata' ,
width : 500 ,
id : "upform" ,
frame : true ,
title : '文件上传' ,
bodyPadding : '10 10 0' ,
x : 40 ,
y : 40 ,
defaults : {
anchor : '100%' ,
allowBlank : false ,
msgTarget : 'side' ,
labelWidth : 100
items : [{
xtype : 'combobox' ,
fieldLabel : '文件用途' ,
emptyText : '请选择文件用途分类' ,
store : store,
displayField : 'text' ,
valueField : 'flag' ,
name : 'flag'
}, {
xtype : 'textfield' ,
fieldLabel : '自定义文件名称' ,
emptyText : '请自定义文件名称,必填!' ,
name : "uplname"
}, {
xtype : 'filefield' ,
id : 'form-file' ,
emptyText : '请选择本地文件' ,
fieldLabel : '上传地址' ,
name : 'upl' ,
buttonText : '上传' ,
buttonConfig : {
iconCls : 'upload-icon'
buttons : [{
text : '上传' ,
handler : function() {
var form = this .up( 'form' ).getForm();
if (form.isValid()) {
url : 'uploadAdmin.do' ,
waitMsg : '正在上传您的文件,请耐心等候...' ,
success : function(form, action) {
Ext.Msg.alert( '提示信息' , "文件保存成功" );
failure : function() {
Ext.Msg.alert( "提示信息" , "对不起,文件保存失败" );
}, {
text : '重置' ,
handler : function() {
this .up( 'form' ).getForm().reset();

'text' : '可执行sql文件(TXT)' ,
'flag' : '1'
}, {
'text' : '普通文件' ,
'flag' : '2'

* 资源文件上传到服务器
public void uploadAdmin() {
String flag = this .servletRequest.getParameter( "flag" );
String uplname = this .servletRequest.getParameter( "uplname" );
String filePath = this .getDocumentAdminPath() + uplFileName;
File file = new File(filePath);
* 保存文件
ResourceFile a = new ResourceFile();
a.setCreateDate( new Date());
a.setContentType( this .uplContentType);
a.setFilePath( "/document/admin/" + uplFileName);
a.setExeNumber( 0 );
a.setExtension(ActionUtil.getExtention(uplFileName).substring( 1 ));
* 复制文件到磁盘
ActionUtil.copy(upl, file);
try {
this .hibernateService.save(a);
} catch (Exception e) {
* 返回结果
// JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
// json.put("msg", "文件上传成功");
// json.put("success", "true");
// System.out.println(json.toString());
// JsonResult.json(json.toString(), servletResponse);

    <action name="uploadAdmin" class="fileAction"            method="uploadAdmin">
            <interceptor-ref name="fileUpload">
                <param name="allowedTypes">                    application/vnd.ms-word, application/vnd.ms-excel,                    application/pdf, text/plain,application/kswps                </param>
                <param name="maximumSize">104857600</param>
                <param name="savePath">/upload</param>
            <interceptor-ref name="defaultStack" />
            <result name="success">${successValue}</result>
            <result name="r" type="redirect">${successValue}</result>


Ext 文件上传

b7fd5266d01609247e6d9ec0d40735fae7cd34a46a63f6246b600c33c795e2131a4c510fd8f9a178上传完了之后地址会加载到上传内容这个文本框里面 962bd40735fae6cda13c97ba0fb30f2443a70f64 里面还做了类型判断,用于上传文本和相片代码如下,把一下代码封装在一个js文件里面



* 约定:types为调用时传来的参数.形式为jsp-gig-png

*      uploadid为上传后要填充路径的控件id

*      上传的属性均为upload

* 功能:页面调用openUpload("","");方法即可



var types = "";


var uploadid = "";

function openUpload(type,id){

 types = type;

uploadid = id;



var formUpload = new Ext.form.FormPanel({

   baseCls: 'x-plain',

   labelWidth: 80,


   defaultType: 'textfield',

   items: [{

     xtype: 'textfield',

     fieldLabel: '文 件',

     name: 'upload',

     inputType: 'file',

     allowBlank: false,

     blankText: '请上传文件',

     anchor: '90%'  // anchor width by percentage



var winUpload = new Ext.Window({

   title: '资源上传',

   width: 400,


   minWidth: 300,

   minHeight: 100,

   layout: 'fit',




   items: formUpload,

   buttons: [{

     text: '上 传',

     handler: function() {



              title: 'Please wait',

              msg: 'Uploading...',

              progressText: '',




              animEl: 'loding'




           success: function(form, action){

 var objxzdz = Ext.get(uploadid).dom;

 var value = action.result.msg;

 objxzdz.value = value;




            failure: function(form, action){    

//... action生成的json{msg:上传失败},页面就可以用action.result.msg得到非常之灵活

             Ext.Msg.alert('Error', action.result.msg);    






     text: '取 消',









<pre class="java" name="code">import java.io.File;

import java.io.FileInputStream;

import java.io.FileOutputStream;

import org.apache.struts2.ServletActionContext;

import net.ask123.ecommerce.common.util.Common;

import net.ask123.ecommerce.common.util.Constants;

import net.ask123.ecommerce.common.util.FileOperate;

import net.ask123.ecommerce.common.util.VeDate;


* 上传的公共方法


* @author sam.zhang



public class UploadAction extends ExtJsonActionSuport {




private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

       //和前台的名字一样,这里约定是 upload

&nbsp;       private File upload;

private String uploadContentType;

private String uploadFileName;

private String savePath;

// 存放允许上传的后缀名

private String types;

public String getSavePath() {

return savePath;


public void setSavePath(String savePath) {

this.savePath = savePath;


public File getUpload() {

return upload;


public void setUpload(File upload) {

this.upload = upload;


public String getUploadContentType() {

return uploadContentType;


public void setUploadContentType(String uploadContentType) {

this.uploadContentType = uploadContentType;


public String getUploadFileName() {

return uploadFileName;


public void setUploadFileName(String uploadFileName) {

this.uploadFileName = uploadFileName;


public String getTypes() {

return types;


public void setTypes(String types) {

this.types = types;



public String execute() throws Exception {

String msg = "";

FileOperate fo = new FileOperate();

String sid = VeDate.getNo(4);

this.savePath = "/updownFiles";

try {

// ...获取文件后缀名

String ext = fo.getFileExt(getUploadFileName());

if ("".equals(this.types)

|| Common.indexofString(this.types, "-") == -1) {

msg = "上传失败";

this.setJsonString("{success:false,msg:'" + msg + "'}");

return SUCCESS;


// ...判断上传的文件是否合法

boolean istrue = FileOperate.trueExt(this.types.split("-"), ext);

if (!istrue) {

msg = "您上传的文件格式不正确,正确格式为" + this.types;

this.setJsonString("{success:false,msg:'" + msg + "'}");

return SUCCESS;


// ...文件存放的位置

String sPath = ServletActionContext.getRequest().getRealPath(


+ Constants.FILESPARA

+ sid.substring(0, 4)

+ Constants.FILESPARA

+ sid.substring(4, 6)

+ Constants.FILESPARA;

// ...保存在数据库的路径

String filePath = this.savePath + "/" + sid.substring(0, 4) + "/"

+ sid.substring(4, 6) + "/" + sid + "." + ext;

// 如果目录不存在则创建它


FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(sPath

+ sid + "." + ext);

FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(getUpload());

// ...

byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];

int len = 0;

while ((len = fileInputStream.read(buffer)) > 0) {

fileOutputStream.write(buffer, 0, len);


this.setJsonString("{success:true,msg:'" + filePath + "'}");

} catch (Exception e) {




return SUCCESS;

