SSH 监控部署脚本   奋斗在京(ERIKXUE) 薛忠权

[root@dcnda2 ~]# cat /

echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "

echo " "

echo " 欢迎您使用 <被采集机SSH KEY> LINUX 辅助安装程序 V1.0"

echo " "

echo " 在使用之前请确认如下信息"

echo " "

echo "您本机存在  unionmon 用户;"

echo " "

echo "您已经拷贝 key 文件(authorized_keys)至系统“ /” (根目录)下"

echo " "

echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "

echo " "

read -p "Press any key to continue." var

echo " "

echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "

echo "|             system is buiding your setting.......                           |"

echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "

echo " "

/bin/cat >>/etc/ssh/sshd_config <<erikxue

RSAAuthentication  yes

PubkeyAuthentication  yes

AuthorizedKeysFile   .ssh/authorized_keys


/bin/cat >> /etc/sudoers <<erikxue

unionmon  ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/dmidecode,/usr/sbin/hwinfo, /usr/sbin/hbanyware/hbacmd,/usr/sbin/lsof,/sbin/ethtool,/sbin/mii-tool


/bin/sed -i '/PATH=/ c PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin' /home/unionmon/.bash_profile

/bin/bash /home/unionmon/.bash_profile

/bin/mkdir /home/unionmon/.ssh

/bin/mv /authorized_keys   /home/unionmon/.ssh/authorized_keys

/bin/chown unionmon.unionmon /home/unionmon/ -R

/bin/chmod 700 /home/unionmon/ -R

/etc/init.d/sshd restart

echo " "

echo "_______________请确认.ssh目录的权限为700___________________________"

echo " "

/bin/ls -lsad /home/unionmon/.ssh

echo " "

echo "_______________请确认文件的权限为700_______________"

echo " "

/bin/ls -lsad /home/unionmon/.ssh/*

echo " "

echo "_______________请确认/etc/sudoers文件被正确修改__________________"

echo " "

/usr/bin/tail -n 2  /etc/sudoers

echo " "

echo "_______________请确认SSH文件被正确修改_______"

echo " "

/usr/bin/tail -n 3 /etc/ssh/sshd_config

echo " "

echo "_______________请确认unionmon用户PATH被正确修改_______"

echo " "

cat /home/unionmon/.bash_profile

echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "

echo "正在删除原始authorized_keys,请稍后...."

echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "

echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "

echo "恭喜您安装成功!"

echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "

[root@dcnda2 ~]#




[root@dcnda2 ~]# cat /

echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "

echo " "

echo " You are welcome to use <LINUX SSH KEY>  installer V1.0"

echo " "

echo " please confirm the following information before use"

echo " "

echo "1.this machine have the user   unionmon ;"

echo " "

echo "2.You have to copy the key file (authorized_keys) to the system "/" (under the root directory)"

echo " "

echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "

echo " "

read -p "Press any key to continue." var

echo " "

echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "

echo "|             system is buiding your setting.......                           |"

echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "

echo " "

/bin/cat >>/etc/ssh/sshd_config <<erikxue

RSAAuthentication  yes

PubkeyAuthentication  yes

AuthorizedKeysFile   .ssh/authorized_keys


/bin/cat >> /etc/sudoers <<erikxue

unionmon  ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/dmidecode,/usr/sbin/hwinfo, /usr/sbin/hbanyware/hbacmd,/usr/sbin/lsof,/sbin/ethtool,/sbin/mii-tool


/bin/sed -i '/PATH=/ c PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin' /home/unionmon/.bash_profile

/bin/bash /home/unionmon/.bash_profile

/bin/mkdir /home/unionmon/.ssh

/bin/mv /authorized_keys   /home/unionmon/.ssh/authorized_keys

/bin/chown unionmon.unionmon /home/unionmon/ -R

/bin/chmod 700 /home/unionmon/ -R

/etc/init.d/sshd restart

echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "

echo "   Please make sure the directory of .SSh permissions for 700   "

echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "

/bin/ls -lsad /home/unionmon/.ssh

echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "

echo "   Please make sure the file permissions for 700     "

echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "

/bin/ls -lsad /home/unionmon/.ssh/*

echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "

echo " Make sure that the /etc/sudoers file is properly modified "

echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "

/usr/bin/tail -n 2  /etc/sudoers

echo " "

echo "_______________Make sure that the SSH file is properly modified_______"

echo " "

/usr/bin/tail -n 3 /etc/ssh/sshd_config

echo "_______________Make sure that user unionmon'sPATH _______"

echo " "

cat /home/unionmon/.bash_profile

echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "

echo "Deleting the original authorized_keys, please wait...."

echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "

echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "

echo "Congratulations on your successful installation!!!"

echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "

[root@dcnda2 ~]#




[root@dcnflow1 ~]# bash /


You are welcome to use <LINUX SSH KEY>  installer V1.0

please confirm the following information before use

1.this machine have the user   unionmon 锛

2.You have to copy the key file (authorized_keys) to the system / (under the root directory)


Press any key to continue.


|             system is buiding your setting.......                           |


/bin/mkdir: 无法创建目录‘/home/unionmon/.ssh’: 文件已存在

停止 sshd:[  确定  ]

启动 sshd[  确定  ]


  Please make sure the directory of .SSh permissions for 700  


4 drwx------  2 unionmon unionmon 4096  1月 17 16:59 /home/unionmon/.ssh


  Please make sure the file permissions for 700    


4 -rwx------  1 unionmon unionmon 395  1月 17 10:34 /home/unionmon/.ssh/authorized_keys

4 -rwx------  1 unionmon unionmon 392 2012-12-18  /home/unionmon/.ssh/known_hosts


Make sure that the /etc/sudoers file is properly modified


aiuap   dcnflow1=NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/useradd,/usr/sbin/userdel,/usr/sbin/usermod,/usr/bin/passwd,/usr/sbin/groupadd,/usr/sbin/groupdel,/bin/cat

unionmon  ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/dmidecode,/usr/sbin/hwinfo, /usr/sbin/hbanyware/hbacmd,/usr/sbin/lsof,/sbin/ethtool,/sbin/mii-tool

_______________Make sure that the SSH file is properly modified_______

RSAAuthentication  yes

PubkeyAuthentication  yes

AuthorizedKeysFile   .ssh/authorized_keys

_______________Make sure that user unionmon'sPATH _______

# .bash_profile

# Get the aliases and functions

if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then

       . ~/.bashrc


# User specific environment and startup programs


export PATH



Deleting the original authorized_keys, please wait....



Congratulations on your successful installation!!!



[root@dcnda2 ~]# bash /


欢迎您使用 <被采集机SSH KEY> LINUX 辅助安装程序 V1.0


您本机存在  unionmon 用户;

您已经拷贝 key 文件(authorized_keys)至系统“ /” (根目录)下


Press any key to continue.


|             system is buiding your setting.......                           |


/bin/mkdir: ome/unionmon/.ssh

sshd[  0;39m  ]


4 drwx------  2 unionmon unionmon 4096  17 17:18 /home/unionmon/.ssh


4 -rwx------  1 unionmon unionmon 395  17 10:34 /home/unionmon/.ssh/authorized_keys

4 -rwx------  1 unionmon unionmon 392 2012-12-18  /home/unionmon/.ssh/known_hosts


aiuap   dcnda2=NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/useradd,/usr/sbin/userdel,/usr/sbin/usermod,/usr/bin/passwd,/usr/sbin/groupadd,/usr/sbin/groupdel,/bin/cat

unionmon  ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/dmidecode,/usr/sbin/hwinfo, /usr/sbin/hbanyware/hbacmd,/usr/sbin/lsof,/sbin/ethtool,/sbin/mii-tool


RSAAuthentication  yes

PubkeyAuthentication  yes

AuthorizedKeysFile   .ssh/authorized_keys


# .bash_profile

# Get the aliases and functions

if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then

       . ~/.bashrc


# User specific environment and startup programs


export PATH


export LANG=en.US





