谷歌眼镜开发Mirror API之语音命令清单




指导方针 好的例子 不好的例子
一般要使用多个Glassware,但任然需要一个明确的目的。 "ok glass, learn a song" "ok glass, learn something", "ok glass, learn a song on guitar"
用口语,看起来像和Glassware在交谈 "ok glass, take a picture" ("You can use Glass to take a picture") "ok glass, take picture" ("You can use Glass to take picture")
在公共场合可以舒服的说出来 "ok glass, find a doctor" "ok glass, find a gynecologist"
将用户的意图尽快采取措施 "ok glass, find a recipe for" (this allows users to speak "chicken kiev" and immediately see the recipe) "ok glass, show me a cookbook" (this forces users to look through a list for what they want)
避免品牌词语 "ok glass, make a video call" "ok glass, start a hangout"
"ok glass, make a video call" "ok glass, hangout"
适合在一行(高少于600px 宽40px ) "ok glass, add a calendar event" "ok glass, create a new calendar event"
Does not sound similar to existing commands

"ok glass, find a race" (too similar to "ok glass, find a place")
Does not require immediate interactivity in Mirror API Glassware. Immediate interactivity is only supported with GDK Glassware.
不需要Mirror API Glassware立即有交互性。直接的互动仅支持GDK Glassware。
"ok glass, find a recipe" (This requires a response from the Glassware so the user can view the results.) "ok glass, take a note" (This allows users to speak a note and move on to their next task without worry about a response from the Glassware.)
一个对象需要一个必要的动词 "ok glass, make a video call" "ok glass, video call"
需要使用时有条款 "ok glass, record a video" "ok glass, record video"
使用时 对象是明确的。 "ok glass, show me the weather" "ok glass, take the picture"
当只有一个相关的实例对象时使用"this" "ok glass, recognize this song" "ok glass, recognize songs"
在适当的时候使用me和my "ok glass, show me the news" "ok glass, show the news"
为Glass指明行动主题 "ok glass, start a run" (Glass starts Glassware that tracks a run) "ok glass, go running" (The user is the one that actually goes running)
