


         - glibc, glibc-devel, gcc, cpp

         - gawk
         - libtool (1.4+)
         - gdbm, gdbm-devel
         - libpcap (http://www.tcpdump.org)
         - gd, gd-devel

         - libpng, libpng-devel


         - openssl, openssl-devel
         - zlib, zlib-devel

Build ntop

# cd ntop-3.0/

# ./configure && make && make install

Cleanup older versions
# make install-data-as

# make listlibclean

# make libclean

Build a static ntop

    Sometimes you want to build ntop statically so that both shared libraries
    and plugins are included in the main program. In order to do that you need

# cd ntop
#./configure --enable-static-plugins
# make sntop

    The final binary is called sntop (static ntop).

3. Run ntop (See 1STRUN.txt)

# /usr/local/bin/ntop -A -u userid -P directory

          where  userid is the *nix userid you've created - with minimal
                 permissions - to run ntop
                 directory is the directory path where ntop will store
                 it's databases

# /usr/local/bin/ntop -u userid -P directory ...other parameters...

# netstat -nltup

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本文出自 “小崔的实验笔记” 博客,谢绝转载!
