

-- Create the user
create user SDE
  default tablespace SDE
  temporary tablespace TEMP
  profile DEFAULT
  password expire
  quota unlimited on sde;
-- Grant/Revoke object privileges
grant execute on DBMS_CRYPTO to SDE;
-- Grant/Revoke role privileges
grant select_catalog_role to SDE;
-- Grant/Revoke system privileges
grant administer database trigger to SDE;
grant alter any index to SDE;
grant alter system to SDE;
grant create any index to SDE;
grant create any trigger to SDE;
grant create any view to SDE;
grant create indextype to SDE;
grant create library to SDE;
grant create operator to SDE;
grant create procedure to SDE;
grant create public synonym to SDE;
grant create sequence to SDE;
grant create session to SDE;
grant create table to SDE;
grant create trigger to SDE;
grant create type to SDE;
grant create view to SDE;
grant drop any index to SDE;
grant drop any view to SDE;
grant drop public synonym to SDE;
grant select any table to SDE;

本文出自 “IT技术学习与交流” 博客,谢绝转载!
