
1、ZeroConfig是Avahi公司出品的一款使用mDNS/ DNS-SD协议,方便发现本地网络上的服务的协议套件。这可以使您可以插入您的笔记本电脑或电脑网络的瞬间就能查看其他人谁可以与您聊天,找到打印机打印到或发现被共享的文件。MacOS X中使用了兼容的技术。Avahi是一个采用DNS Service Discovery和Multicast DNS 鉴别技术来进行网络零配置。它采用D-Bus技术通信。

2、Avahi 是Zeroconf规范的开源实现,常见使用在Linux上。它可以在没有 DNS 服务的局域网里发现基于 zeroconf 协议的设备和服务。


mDNS multicast DNS , 使用5353端口。





在Apple 的设备上(电脑,笔记本,iphone,ipad等设备)都提供了这个服务。很多Linux设备也提供这个服务。Windows的设备可能没有提供,但是如果安装了iTunes之类的软件的话,也提供了这个服务。



下文是来自 的说明。

Multicast DNS is a way of using familiar DNS programming interfaces, packet formats and operating semantics, in a small network where no conventional DNS server has been installed.

Multicast DNS is a joint effort by participants of the IETF Zero Configuration Networking (zeroconf) and DNS Extensions (dnsext) working groups. The requirements are driven by the Zeroconf working group; the implementation details are a chartered work item for the DNSEXT group. Most of the people working on mDNS are active participants of both working groups.

While the requirements for Zeroconf name resolution could be met by designing an entirely new protocol, it is better to provide this functionality by making minimal changes to the current standard DNS protocol. This saves application programmers from having to learn new APIs, and saves application programmers from having to write application code two different ways ― one way for large configured networks and a different way for small Zeroconf networks. It means that most current applications need no changes at all to work correctly using mDNS in a Zeroconf network. It also means that engineers do not have to learn an entirely new protocol, and current network packet capture tools can already decode and display DNS packets, so they do not have to be updated to understand new packet formats.
