2009/03/18 CCM Multilevel Administration
1.Enabling MLA
User > Access Rights > Configure MLA Parameters
更改密码,关闭当前管理页面,重启World Web Publishing Service服务
(start>services.msc),再次登录 ccmadministrator/
Standard functional groups, which are the default functional groups
Custom-based functional groups
2.MLA Functional Groups
User > Access Rights > Functional Group
note that functional groups cannot be modified or deleted
Standard Plugin
Standard User Privilege Management
Standard User Management
Standard Feature
Standard System
Standard Service Management
Standard Service
Standard Serviceability
Standard Gateway
Standard RoutePlan
Standard Phone
3.MLA User Groups
User > Access Rights > User Group
4.Assigning MLA Access Privileges
查看stand phone的默认权限User > Access Rights > Functional Group > Stand Phone
User > Access Rights > User Group > PhoneAdministration > 选中Reno,Assign
此时退出ccmadministrator,log in as Reno,这时有很多选项不可选
5.Creating New MLA Functional and User Groups
Step 1. Create a new functional group and assign privileges.
1.Choose User > Access Rights > Functional Group, and click Add a New Functional
2.In the Functional Group Name field, enter the name of a new functional group (in
this example, Music ly
3.check ly the Media Resource->Music Hold Audio Source check box under Service
After you have added the functional group to the configuration, you can create a
user group for the administrator and assign the necessary functional group
Step 2. Create a new user group and assign privileges.
1. Choose User > Access Rights > User Group, and click Add a New User Group.
2.In the User Group Name field, enter the name of the new user group (in this
example, MusicDJ), and click Insert.
3.Click Add a User to Group
添加用户chicago, Assign Privileges:Music ly(Full Access),最后返回user group页面,
Step 3. Verify proper operation.
log in using chicago,After logging in, attempt to access allowed and disallowed
areas of the CallManager Administration. Disallowed pages will appear
Preventing Toll Fraud
Setting the Block OffNet to OffNet Service Parameter
Service > Service Parameters > Service:Cisco CallManager > Block OffNet to OffNet
Dropping Conference Calls
Service > Service Parameters > Service:Cisco CallManager >Drop Ad Hoc Conference
Hardening the IP Phone
Disable Speakerphone and Disable Speakerphone and Headset Disable these features to
prevent eavesdropping conversations in the office.
PC Port Disable the PC port to prevent a PC from connecting to the network via the
IP phone switch.
Settings Access Disable or restrict access to the IP phone settings to avoid the
risk that details about the network infrastructure could be exposed.
Gratuitous ARP Disable this feature to prevent gratuitous ARP-based man-in-the-
middle attacks.
PC Voice VLAN Access Disable this feature to stop the IP phone from forwarding
voice VLAN traffic to the PC.
Web Access Disable access to the IP phone from a web browser to avoid the risk that
details about the network infrastructure could be exposed.
打开CISCO 7940等硬件电话就可以看见以上选项
2009/03/19 普通摄像头玩转Cisco VT Advantage
说明:Cisco VT Advantage根本不需要cisco的专有硬件(这个可是要花很多银子的),普通摄像头就可以搞定,我用的是迈德科斯的摄像头,这样的摄像头市面上多的是。
1.Configuring IP Phones to Support Video
device > phone启用以下选项:
pc port/video capabities
Retry Video Call as Audio
2.Verification of Phone Configuration
4.Installing Cisco VT Advantage a Client
Cisco VT Advantage主界面,点击VIDEO CHECK就可以看到本段和对端图像啦,have fun.
Check these points before installing Cisco VT Advantage software a PC:
Ensure that the Cisco IP Phone is properly connected to the corporate telephony
network. You could do a short audio test call to ensure that the IP phone is
working correctly.
Ensure that the Cisco IP Phone is video-enabled. If the LCD screen the Cisco IP
Phone displays the video camera icon the status line, the phone is video-
Ensure that the Ethernet port of the PC is connected to the PC port of the IP phone
because this connection is mandatory for Cisco VT Advantage.
For the Cisco Audio Session Tunnel protocol to operate between Cisco VT Advantage
and the IP phone, the PC must be capable of reaching the IP phone over TCP/IP.
Typical IP telephony designs use separate voice and data VLANs, as well as ACLs or
firewalls between those VLANs to secure the IP telephony network.
5.verifying VT Advanage
After a successful video check, you should be able to place and receive calls.
Place a test call to another IP phone with Cisco VT Advantage enabled, and verify
the local and remote views
对端也启用Cisco VT Advantage相应功能,双方才能看到画面
本文出自 “虹桥漫步” 博客,谢绝转载!