When Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) is running on a device, the %HSRP-4-DUPADDR:Duplicate address [IP_address] on [chars], sourced by [enet] error message can appear on the console if the IP address in an HSRP message received on the specified interface is the same as the IP address of the router receiving the message. The most likely cause of this condition is a network loop or a misconfigured switch that is causing the router to see its own HSRP hello messages

Error Message    %HSRP-4-DUPADDR: Duplicate address [IP_address] on [chars], sourced by
Explanation    The IP address in an HSRP message received on the specified interface is the same as the IP address of the router. Another router might be configured with the same IP address. The most likely cause is a network loop or a misconfigured switch that is causing the router to see its own HSRP Hello messages.
Recommended Action    Check the configurations on all the HSRP routers to ensure that the interface IP addresses are unique. Check that no network loops exist. If port channels are configured, check that the switch is correctly configured for port channels. Enter the standby use-bia command so that the error message displays the interface MAC address of the sending router, which can be used to determine if the error message is caused by a misconfigured router or a network loop.
工作中所遇到的实际情况是:某一次3F会议室有个傻瓜式8口交换机不知道被哪个傻逼短接了,真想TM切了他(她),你这一接,形成network loop,整个网络立马陷入瘫痪,直到上联思科交换机自动对傻瓜机的上联端口进行error-disabled处理,网络方恢复正常。

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