Here are the basics to add a new device to a Brocade SAN fabric. I’m working with a Brocade DCX switch. In this scenario, there is a new server come with 2 HBA card that going to attach to the SAN switches.
HBA - Host Bus Adapter, HBA card is the device that connects the servers to a Storage Area Networks (SAN) via Fibre Channel.
WWN - World Wide Name, a unique 8-byte number identifying the HBA. Each WWN is an 8-byte number derived from an IEEE OUI (for the first 3 bytes) and vendor-supplied information.
FC Zone - Fibre Channel Zone, a partitioned subset of the fabric. Members of a zone are allowed to communicate with each other, but devices are not allowed to communicate across zones.
Steps to Zone Brocade Switch
switch 1 - fabric A (SWITCH_1)
switch 2 - fabric B (SWITCH_2)
Create aliases for the hosts HBA's on each switch
switch_1> alicreate " HOSTNAME01_HBA_0","10:00:00:c9:69:3d:53"
switch_2> alicreate " HOSTNAME01_HBA_1","10:00:00:c9:69:ae:4e"
Tips: Do a switchshow to capture the WWN before start the aliases creation.
switch_1> zonecreate "Z_HOSTNAME01_A", "HOSTNAME01_HBA_0"
switch_2> zonecreate "Z_HOSTNAME01_B", "HOSTNAME01_HBA_1"
Check the configuration
switch_1> zoneshow Z_HOSTNAME01_A
switch_2> zoneshow Z_HOST01_B
switch_1> cfgshow SWITCH_A
switch_1> cfgadd "SWITCH_A","Z_ HOSTNAME01_A"
switch_1> cfgsave
switch_1> cfgenable SWITCH_A
Check the configuration
switch_1> zoneshow
switch_2> cfgshow SWITCH_B
switch_2> cfgadd " SWITCH_B","Z_ HOSTNAME01_B"
switch_2> cfgsave
switch_2> cfgenable SWITCH_A
Check the configuration
switch_2> zoneshow