SCCM 客户端软件安装失败检查列表 client installation troubleshooting checking

本来我是在找服务器和客户端site code站点代码问题,牵涉到SCCM secondary site migration,但是90%都是在各个论坛大家在报安装不了SCCM 控制台或者安装之后拿不到side code,或者拿到了side code / 自动发现后无法安装软件,索性抽空写一篇关于这个方向的文章。(其实我是在等日志刷新中,无聊ing)


如果你选择去SCCM客户端推送安装方法,请确保了您已经有了客户端or目标计算机的管理员权限,否则您就将一直在access deny中度过余生。

如何使用客户端请求安装 Configuration Manager 客户端


如果你选择从SCCM 控制台console进行安装,右键点击客户端/计算机 点击安装是最简单的,但是请查阅ccm.log查阅安装日志。

原理大致是ccmsetup.exe下载到c:\windows\sysem32\ccmsetup 然后执行,读取ccmsetup清单文件mobileclient.tcf后,获取剩余文件,然后继续客户端安装。


? CCMSetup.exe: Used to Install, uninstall and upgrade the SCCM 2007 client using client push installation or manual installation. It is low bandwidth aware and is the single way to launch client deployment. You also do not need to use CCMClean to uninstall the client as the uninstall switch can be used instead.
? BITS: BITS 2.0 is required for Windows 2000 clients. BITS 2.5 is used for most of the Windows operating systems with the exception of Windows Vista which uses BITS 3.0.
Note: When installing BITS 2.0 on Windows 2000 SP4 machines, a restart is required. This means that if you do not have BITS 2.0, then ccmsetup will stop the install and wait until the next process of reboot before it starts the next process.
? Microsoft Windows Installer v3.1 v2 (KB 893803): Update to all operating systems except Windows Server 2003 SP1 and later
? Windows Update Agent (WUA) version 7.0.6000.363: Used on clients to support detection of applicable updates and deployment
? MSXML6.msi - Windows installer script for installing the Core XML Services
? MSRDC (Remote Differential Compression): Required for branch DP to support binary differential replication. For more information on binary differential replication, please visit .
Regarding windows 2000 clients, they don't support MSRDC, so Windows 2000 clients cannot be branch DP’s. Windows XP and later will install this utility and the associated windows server code will be used to install the bits.
? Wimgapi.msi: Imaging API for custom tools for image management
? CCMSetup.msi: Windows installer package for deploying of the SCCM 2007 client using AD GPO. You cannot run CCMSetup.msi to install clients manually.


ClientLocation.log---->记录站点分配任务。可以帮助解决那里的客户端未分配到Configuration Manager 2007站点的情况。







  1. Windows update自动更新
  2. BITS智能传输服务
  3. 远程注册表
  4. SMS agent代理主机
  5. Terminal服务
  6. Windows installer
  7. WMI


  1. 检查防火墙启用或禁用,如果启用,请telnet sccm server相关端口
  2. 检查边界,可以是(IP范围orIP子网or AD site站点分支)在站点服务器指定选项
  3. Schema扩展,并确保属性发布到广告系统管理容器(你可以看到组件的状态,如果在更新与属性系统管理容器有任何错误)
  4. 在客户端检查的网络配置,如果有没有DNS的问题,该客户端是能够解决的SCCM服务器的NetBIOS和FQDN,没有任何通讯问题
  5. 检查客户端是否可以连接管理点MP
    HTTP://<SCCM_SERVER/ SMS_MP/.sms_aut MPLIST----应该给你空白页
    HTTP <SCCM_SERVER/ SMS_MP/.sms_aut mpcert------应该给你一些随机数
  6. 如果WMI 没有正常工作,请停止服务,重命名存储库文件夹修复WMI(C:\ WINDOWS\ SYSTEM32 \ WBEM),并启动该服务。
  7. 如果上面的测试失败确保MP工作正常。您可以检查mpcontrol.log站点服务器上查找错误,并确保同样的错误不再日志中。
  8. 检查的Locationservices.log(查找管理点和分发点)和clientlocation.log(站点分配任务)和ClientIDManagerStartup.log(创建并维护客户端的GUID)基本可以看到5条以上的策略更新,那么基本就算ok了。
