使用ccmclean 卸载sccm客户端

tools 2 sccm 2012 sccm configmgr2012 configmgr sccm cm2012  Uninstall or Remove CM 2012 client using CCMClean exeSince SMS 2003 days, we’re using CCMClean.exe to uninstall or remove the client components.

Removing/Uninstalling ConfigMgr 2007 or 2012 clients using CCMClean.exe is not supported by Microsoft. “Not supported by Microsoft” !! So, what does that mean ? Well, it’s not tested (extensively) and certified by Microsoft for the products ConfigMgr 2007/2012. However, it may or may not work.

In my experience, the CCMClean.exe is able to successfully remove/uninstall ConfigMgr/SCCM 2007 and 2012 client components. tools 2 sccm 2012 sccm configmgr2012 configmgr sccm cm2012  Uninstall or Remove CM 2012 client using CCMClean exe More details below……

Download �C CCMClean.exe (Download SMS 2003 toolkit and run it to install all the files �C go to the installation directory, it includes CCMClean.exe )

We can run the CCMClean.exe on remote machines using PSEXEC.exe. You should have administrative privileges on that remote machine.

tools 2 sccm 2012 sccm configmgr2012 configmgr sccm cm2012  Uninstall or Remove CM 2012 client using CCMClean exe

The command line parameters which can be used with CCMClean.exe.

Try and check out using “CCMClean.exe /?”

Silent install �C> ccmclean.exe /q

tools 2 sccm 2012 sccm configmgr2012 configmgr sccm cm2012  Uninstall or Remove CM 2012 client using CCMClean exe

I’ve tested CCMClean.exe on SCCM / ConfigMgr 2012 client and it did work perfectly !!!

a) Verify the CCMClean.log file to get more details

Log file location = “C:\Users\administrator\appdata\local\temp” OR %temp%

tools 2 sccm 2012 sccm configmgr2012 configmgr sccm cm2012  Uninstall or Remove CM 2012 client using CCMClean exe

b) Check the event log for some more details or confirmation

tools 2 sccm 2012 sccm configmgr2012 configmgr sccm cm2012  Uninstall or Remove CM 2012 client using CCMClean exe

c) CCM registry entry has been REMOVED

tools 2 sccm 2012 sccm configmgr2012 configmgr sccm cm2012  Uninstall or Remove CM 2012 client using CCMClean exe

d) SMS Agent Host service has been REMOVED

tools 2 sccm 2012 sccm configmgr2012 configmgr sccm cm2012  Uninstall or Remove CM 2012 client using CCMClean exe

e) WMI namespaces (root\ccm and root\cimv2\SMS) have been REMOVED

tools 2 sccm 2012 sccm configmgr2012 configmgr sccm cm2012  Uninstall or Remove CM 2012 client using CCMClean exetools 2 sccm 2012 sccm configmgr2012 configmgr sccm cm2012  Uninstall or Remove CM 2012 client using CCMClean exe

- See more at: http://anoopcnair.com/2012/06/11/configmgr-sccm-2012-uninstallremove-cm-2012-client-using-ccmclean-exe/#sthash.Wqe84xSB.dpuf
