1 minicase - 图片展示web工具
2 HTML color codes �C HTML颜色选择器
3 CSSMate �C 在线css编辑助手
4 WebPutty - 在线css编辑器
5 compass - 一种CSS框架
6 Sass - 基于CSS的描述文档样式的元语言,特点为简洁性和结构化。
7 gimp �C 位图设计软件
8 inkscape - 矢量图设计软件
9 codecademy - 非常好的Javascript培训网站。
10 Open Flash Chart �C this is the Open Flash Chart project.
11 jQuery/MooTools/Prototype/dojo/ExtJS/YUI/QooxDoo �C Javascript框架
12 chart.js �C 图标绘制库
13 highcharts - 图标绘制工具
1 mytinytodo �C 任务记录和分配web工具
2 zoho �C 在线office办公软件
3 mutt - 基于text的UNIX平台软件客户端程序
4 pinpoint - 利用Clutter实现的演示文稿制作工具
5 Prezi - Prezi is a cloud-based presentation software that opens up a new world between whiteboards and slides. The zoomable canvas makes it fun to explore ideas and the connections between them. The result: visually captivating presentations that lead your audience down a path of discovery.
6 Calligra - The Calligra Suite is a set of applications that allows you to easily complete your work. There are office applications, as well as Graphic applications. The Desktop edition runs on Windows, Linux and other Unix variations. Calligra Mobile currently runs using the Maemo 5 OS, and Meego platforms.
7 Slideshow.com �C A safe secure online platform where Members can share and publish PowerPoint Presentations and Photo Galleries.
1 hudson - 持续集成工具
2 CakePHP/Zend/CodeIgniter/Symfony/Seagull/Yii - PHP框架
3 Smarty - PHP模板引擎
4 Doctrine - 基于PHP语言的数据库抽像层上的ORM
5 Octokit �C github客户端的开放API
6 json-c - C语言解析Json的LIB库
1 zookeeper - 分布式应用程序协调服务
2 HPCC - High Performance Computing Cluster is a massive parallel-processing computing platform that solves Big Data problems.
3 Hadoop - The Apache Hadoop project develops open-source software for reliable, scalable, distributed computing.
1 Fail2ban - scans log files like /var/log/pwdfail or /var/log/apache/error_log and bans IP that makes too many password failures. It updates firewall rules to reject the IP address.
2 tfn2k �C ddos tool
1 Cacti - 网络流量监控展示工具
2 Nagios - 工业界标准的IT基础监控系统
3 ttyrpld- tty logging daemon
4 Zabbix - 基于WEB界面的提供分布式系统监视及网络监视功能的企业级的开源解决方案
5 MRTG - You have a router, you want to know what it does all day long? Then MRTG is for you. It will monitor SNMP network devices and draw pretty pictures showing how much traffic has passed through each interface.
6 x-trace �C X-Trace is a network diagnostic tool designed to provide users and network operators with better visibility into increasingly complex Internet applications.
7 Graphite
8 ganglia
9 collected
10 munin
1 Puppet - 自动化部署、资源管理和配置管理
2 cobbler - 网络安装服务器套件,集成了PXE、DHCP、DNS、Kickstart服务管理和yum仓库管理工具
3 vhffs - VHFFS is a massive virtual hosting platform for free software.
4 fibric
5 hudson
6 ccnet
7 deployhq
8 jenkins
10 inofity �C 自动备份
11 unison �C 双向镜像
1 redis
2 RabitMQ
5 MongoDB
6 activemq
1 limelight - 快速搭建移动app宣传页
1 sphinx �C 文档生成工具
2 newbeuter - 基于text的RSS工具
1 PostgreSQL - 世界最先进的开源数据库
2 mysql
3 postgreSQL
4 redis
5 memcached
6 memcachedDB
7 mongodb
8 crabDB
9 hbase
10 counchbase
11 dynamodb
1 NodeBalancer - Linode公司推出的一项服务,用于网络四层(针对端口)负载均衡。
2 DNSPod - 致力于为各类网站提供高质量的多线智能DNS免费解析。
1 ECmall �C 社区电子商务系统
2 ECShop �C B2C独立网店系统
1 sharepoint
2 twiki
3 mediawiki
4 markdown
2 WebService
3 RESTful
4 ZeroMQ
5 Celery
2 nginx
3 lighttpd
4 apache
5 haproxy
6 F5
7 gUnicorn
1 DNSPod
1 gitlab
2 td
3 trac
4 vstf
5 jira
6 trello
7 redmine
8 bugfree
9 Asana
10 bugzilla
11 urtracker
1 Flume
2 Mahout