Adding a Redundant Interface
You can configure up to 8 redundant interface pairs. To configure a redundant interface, perform the following steps:
Step 1 To add the logical redundant interface, enter the following command:
hostname(config)# interface redundant number
where the number argument is an integer between 1 and 8.
Step 2 To add the first member interface to the redundant interface, enter the following command:
hostname(config-if)# member-interfacephysical_interface
See the "Configuring and Enabling RJ-45 Interfaces" section for a description of the physical interface ID.
After you add the interface, any configuration for it (such as an IP address) is removed.
Step 3 To add the second member interface to the redundant interface, enter the following command:
hostname(config-if)# member-interfacephysical_interface
Make sure the second interface is the same physical type as the first interface.
To remove a member interface, enter the no member-interfacephysical_interface command. You cannot remove both member interfaces from the redundant interface; the redundant interface requires at least one member interface.
Step 4 To enable the interface (if you previously disabled it), enter the following command:
hostname(config-if)# no shutdown
By default, the interface is enabled. To disable the interface, enter the shutdown command. If you enter the shutdown command, you also shut down all subinterfaces. If you shut down an interface in the system execution space, then that interface is shut down in all contexts that share it.
The following example creates two redundant interfaces:
hostname(config)# interface redundant 1
hostname(config-if)# member-interface gigabitethernet 0/0
hostname(config-if)# member-interface gigabitethernet 0/1
hostname(config-if)# interface redundant 2
hostname(config-if)# member-interface gigabitethernet 0/2
hostname(config-if)# member-interface gigabitethernet 0/3
Changing the Active Interface
By default, the active interface is the first interface listed in the configuration, if it is available. To view which interface is active, enter the following command:
hostname# show interface redundantnumberdetail| grep Member
For example:
hostname# show interface redundant1detail| grep Member Members GigabitEthernet0/3(Active), GigabitEthernet0/2
To change the active interface, enter the following command:
hostname# redundant-interfaceredundantnumberactive-memberphysical_interface
where the redundantnumber argument is the redundant interface ID, such as redundant1.
The physical_interface is the member interface ID that you want to be active
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