The client-side description of a yum repository. Repository configurations are found by parsing /etc/yum.conf and the files indicated by the reposdir option in that file (see yum.conf(5) for details).
Most parameters are identical to the ones documented in the yum.conf(5) man page.
Continuation lines that yum supports (for the baseurl, for example) are not supported. This type does not attempt to read or verify the exinstence of files listed in the include attribute.
Attributes yumrepo { 'resource title': name => # (namevar) The name of the repository. This corresponds to baseurl => # The URL for this repository. Set this to... cost => # Cost of this repository. Set this to `absent` to descr => # A human-readable description of the repository... enabled => # Whether this repository is enabled, as... enablegroups => # Whether yum will allow the use of package groups exclude => # List of shell globs. Matching packages will... failovermethod => # The failover methode for this repository; should gpgcheck => # Whether to check the GPG signature on packages... gpgkey => # The URL for the GPG key with which packages from http_caching => # What to cache from this repository. Set this to... include => # The URL of a remote file containing additional... includepkgs => # List of shell globs. If this is set, only... keepalive => # Whether HTTP/1.1 keepalive should be used with... metadata_expire => # Number of seconds after which the metadata will... mirrorlist => # The URL that holds the list of mirrors for this... priority => # Priority of this repository from 1-99. Requires... protect => # Enable or disable protection for this... proxy => # URL to the proxy server for this repository. Set proxy_password => # Password for this proxy. Set this to `absent` to proxy_username => # Username for this proxy. Set this to `absent` to s3_enabled => # Access the repo via S3. Set this to `absent` to... sslcacert => # Path to the directory containing the databases... sslclientcert => # Path to the SSL client certificate yum should... sslclientkey => # Path to the SSL client key yum should use to... sslverify => # Should yum verify SSL certificates/hosts at all. timeout => # Number of seconds to wait for a connection... # any applicable metaparameters. }
[root@linuxmaster1poc modules]# tree yum yum ├── files │ ├── etc │ │ └── yum.conf │ └── PM-GPG-KEY │ ├── RPM-GPG-KEY-puppet-release │ ├── RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release-rhel5 │ └── RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release-rhel6 ├── manifests │ ├── config.pp │ ├── init.pp │ ├── install.pp │ └── params.pp └── templates 5 directories, 8 files
[root@linuxmaster1poc modules]# cat yum/files/etc/yum.conf ##---File Managed by Puppet---## [main] cachedir=/var/cache/yum keepcache=0 debuglevel=2 logfile=/var/log/yum.log distroverpkg=redhat-release tolerant=1 exactarch=1 obsoletes=1 gpgcheck=1 plugins=1 # Note: yum-RHN-plugin doesn't honor this. metadata_expire=1h # installonly_limit = 3 # PUT YOUR REPOS HERE OR IN separate files named file.repo # in /etc/yum.repos.d
[root@linuxmaster1poc modules]# cat yum/manifests/init.pp class yum{ include yum::config,yum::install }
[root@linuxmaster1poc modules]# cat yum/manifests/install.pp class yum::install{ package { 'yum': ensure => installed, } }
[root@linuxmaster1poc modules]# cat yum/manifests/config.pp class yum::config{ include yum::params include yum::config_file,yum::config_key,yum::config_repo } class yum::config_file{ file { '/etc/yum.conf': ensure => present, owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0644', backup => main, source => 'puppet:///modules/yum/etc/yum.conf', require => Class['yum::install'], } file { '/etc/yum.repos.d/rhel-base.repo': ensure => present, owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0644', backup => main, require => Class['yum::config_repo'], } file { '/etc/yum.repos.d/puppet.repo': ensure => present, owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0644', backup => main, require => Class['yum::config_repo'], } } class yum::config_key{ file { $yum::params::yum_redhat_pki_name: ensure => present, owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0644', backup => main, source => $yum::params::yum_redhat_pki_download, } } class yum::config_repo{ yumrepo { rhel-base: descr => $yum::params::yum_redhat_descr, baseurl => $yum::params::yum_redhat_baseurl, enabled => 1, gpgcheck => 1, gpgkey => $yum::params::yum_redhat_pki, require => Class['yum::config_key'], priority => 1, } yumrepo { rhel-puppet: descr => $yum::params::yum_puppet_descr, baseurl => $yum::params::yum_puppet_baseurl, enabled => 1, gpgcheck => 0, priority => 2, } }
[root@linuxmaster1poc modules]# cat yum/manifests/params.pp class yum::params { case $operatingsystemrelease{ 5.7: { $yum_redhat_descr = 'rhel base rpm packages' $yum_puppet_descr = 'puppet rpm packages for rhel' $yum_redhat_pki = 'file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release-rhel5' $yum_redhat_baseurl = 'file:///media/cdrom/Server' $yum_puppet_baseurl = '' $yum_redhat_pki_name = '/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release-rhel5' $yum_redhat_pki_download = 'puppet:///modules/yum/PM-GPG-KEY/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release-rhel5' } 5.8: { $yum_redhat_descr = 'rhel base rpm packages' $yum_puppet_descr = 'puppet rpm packages for rhel' $yum_redhat_pki = 'file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release-rhel5' $yum_redhat_baseurl = 'file:///media/cdrom/Server' $yum_puppet_baseurl = '' $yum_redhat_pki_name = '/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release-rhel5' $yum_redhat_pki_download = 'puppet:///modules/yum/PM-GPG-KEY/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release-rhel5' } 6.4: { $yum_redhat_descr = 'rhel base rpm packages' $yum_puppet_descr = 'puppet rpm packages for rhel' $yum_redhat_pki = 'file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release-rhel6' $yum_redhat_baseurl = 'file:///media/cdrom' $yum_puppet_baseurl = '' $yum_redhat_pki_name = '/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release-rhel6' $yum_redhat_pki_download = 'puppet:///modules/yum/PM-GPG-KEY/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release-rhel6' } } }
PS: yumrepo资源可以通过file资源进行管理,这个可以根据实际情况而定!