hiding system tray icons

GPEDIT.MSC 用户配置―>管理模板-> 任务栏和开始菜单-〉 隐藏通知区域配置为已启用

Hide Disk Management snap-in from Computer Management console file.

the disk management is used to perform disk-related tasks, such as creating and formatting partitions and volumes, and assigning drive letters. It can be accessed from start > control panel > administrative tools > computer management. But, with this setting you can hide this snap-in from computer management console file. For this, go to start > run menu, enter regedit and navigate to the registry path listed below. If any of the subkeys \mmc\{8ead3a12-b2c1-11d0-83aa-00a0c92c9d5d} does not exist, create them as explained below. Then, create a string value restrict_run in the right panel. Now, right-click and modify its value to 1 which can disable snap-in. However, if you want to enable back the snap-in, delete the subkey {8ead3a12-b2c1-11d0-83aa-00a0c92c9d5d}. The changes take effect after a restart or logoff

Registry Entries

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  • Path: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\]
  • Location: Current User
  • Value Name: MMC
  • Data Type: Key
  • Action Type: Add an Entry
  • Path: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\MMC\]
  • Location: Current User
  • Value Name: {8EAD3A12-B2C1-11d0-83AA-00A0C92C9D5D}
  • Data Type: Key
  • Action Type: Add an Entry
  • Path: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\MMC\{8EAD3A12-B2C1-11d0-83AA-00A0C92C9D5D}\]
  • Location: Current User
  • Value Name: Restrict_Run
  • Data Type: REG_SZ (String Value)
  • Enabled Value: 1
  • Action Type: Add an Entry

本文出自 “漫步Hacking时空” 博客,谢绝转载!
