个性化Windows Cmd

rem ******************************
rem *Cmd Initialize Script
rem *1、find the Regedit on [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun]
rem *2、edit key "AutoRun",enter your script path. 
rem *3、close Regedit,and run cmd again.
rem *4、thanks and enjoy ^0^
rem *by Caspar @ Apr. 16, 2009
rem ******************************
@echo off
rem set title info,change by yourself.
title Caspar Lau @ Sentox
rem extend hotkeys
doskey ls=dir
doskey pwd=cd
doskey rm=del
rem modify prompt
prompt [$T$H$H$H $P]$$
rem make colorful & clean
cd \
color 0a
@echo on
