Introduction on Using Hamcrest Unit Test Framework

 Hamcrest is a unit test framework, the assert function assertThat of hamcrest is more human readable comparing to the assert function of Junit, therefore, Junit4 has already adopted and integrated the hamcrest framework from version 4.4 on. Please check following screenshot.


 But Junit4 integrates only the core features of hamcrest, in order to facilitate our test automation work, we should add the hamcrest JAR library with all features into our test project.

-         Hamcrest-all-xx.jar          : Contains all feature of hamcrest

-         Hamcreset-core-xx.jar  : Contains core feature of hamcrest

We could download hamcrest by following this link:|ga|1|g%3Aorg.hamcrest

Following description would illustrate how to use hamcrest-all in our test project.

Step 1:Drag&drop the hamcrest-all jar package to the libs(Create one if not exist)folder of the project

Step 2: Import hamcrest modules into test script

“importstatic org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat”: in order to use the function“assertThat”

-  “import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*”:in order to use the matcher of“is”,”notNullValue”,”equalTo” and so on.

Step 3: Use hamcrest feature in our test script


Following are the link on the syntax of asserThat function of hamcrest.

