
在任意地点,访问电子邮件: Outlook  ActiveSync  OWA  OVA 
使用DTMF访问Outlook Voice Access-->见下图:
使用语音识别访问Outlook Voice-->见下图:
实现配置和演示: Pilot Number  
                    PBX上的配置: 电话号码到IP地址
什么是自动答录功能? 拨叫者可以听到的一些预先录制的语音提示,指导拨叫者进行按键操作  外部拨叫者可以呼叫单位的总机,并且听到自动答录的提示音  内部内线呼叫者可以拨打特殊的内线号码,听到不同的自动答录提示音  有很多应用场景,自动答录可以嵌套调用
什么时候需要使用自动答录: 拨叫方不知道具体的呼叫号码,或者需要提示信息的帮助时
                                 你需要为拨叫方提供一定的信息,例如: 指导和建议信息,甚至广告  工作时间的自动答录提示音  非工作时间的自动答录提示音
自动答录对象: An auto attendant is linked to a dial plan when it is created. The attribute 'msExchUmAutoAttendantDialPlanLink' has the DN of this dial plan. This value cannot be changed
                 The number of digits in the pilot identifiers('msExchUMAutoAttendantDialedNumbers') is determined by the 'MSExchUMNumberingplandigits' attribute of the dial plan that is linked to this auto attendant.
                 For speech recognition the 'msExchASRenabled' attribute is set to 'TRUE'.
                By default the attributes 'msExchUMCallSomeoneEnabled', 'msExchUMDialPlanSubscribersAllowed' and 'msExchUMsendVoiceMessageEnabled' is set to TRUE.
自定义提示音的种类:Dial Plan-->Welcome Greeting  Informational Greeting
                        Auto Attendant-->Welcome Greeting  Informational greeting  Menu Option  Menu Prompt  Holiday Greeting  
自定义提示音设置在AD中的保存: Copy the wav file to the prompt publishing point  Update the AD configuration  见下图:
Prompt Publishing Point: One Publishing Point for each dial plan  Provides staging between publishing server and other UM servers in the dial plan.  见下图:
Publish the Prompt - step 1 -->见下图:
Changing the prompt Publishing Point: The existing prompt publishing point server is currently down.
                                                   The existing prompt publishing point server has been decommissioned.
                                                   The existing prompt publishing point server is on a slow bandwidth network.
                                                   Commands-->$dp = Get-UMDialPlan - Id DialPlanID  xcopy \\OLDSrv\ExchangeUM\\NEWSrv\UMPrompts/s/e   $dp.PromptPublishingPoint = \\\Prompts   $dp | Set-UMDialPlan
一些命令行和配置技巧: You can specify secondary dial plan and a sencondary 'eum' address for a UM enabled user-->Set-UMMailbox UMUSER - SecondaryDialplan DialPlan2 - secondaryAddress 4101
                            Create Dial Plan object without a default policy-->New-UMDialPlan DPNAME -generateUMMailboxPolicy.$true
                            Set security attribute for a dial plan-->Set-UMDialPlan MyDialPlan -VOIPSecurity "UnSecured"  Set-UMDialPlan MyDialPlan-VOIPSecurity"SIPSecured":SIPSecured -SIP Signaling information is encrypted the RTP data is not encrypted  UnSecured -both signal and data is NOT encrypted 
                           Change polling interval for FDS(in minutes)-->Set-UMDialPlan MydialPlan -FDSPollInterval 15
命令行诊断工具: 测试连通性-->Test-UMConnectivity: Test-UMConnectivity listenPort 5060 
                                      Parameters used: IPGateway  Phone  Fax  ListenPort  Timeout  Monitoring Context
网络和协议问题诊断工具: Netmon 2.0-->SIP Parser  No parser for RTP or T.38
                              Netmon 3.0-->SIP,RTP,T.38 parser will be available by RTM
                              Ethereal-->Parser for SIP,RTP,T.38  Color coded for each protocol  View SIP Conversation  Analyze RTP Traffic  Capture raw RTP media 
                             Known Issues-->TLS-netmon does not work  Issue with long SIP Header
网络抓包诊断时的过滤参数设置: sip || rtp || sdp || t38
                                      Ip.addr == ???
                                      To see UM worker Process activity-->(Tcp.port eq 5061) || (Tcp.port eq 5062)
                                      Search on specific string-->From 'edit' choose 'find packet'  Choose 'string' for type,put your string in 'packet details'
                                      Call ID--> == call_id
UM服务器的备份: Custom Prompt Files-->Wav files  File level backup  Prompts for dial plan and Auto Attendant  C:\program files\Microsoft\Microsoft Exchange\Unified Messaging\Prompts\Custom
                     Configuration files-->Globcfg.xml  UMConfig.xml
                     Grammar Files-->%ExchROOT%\bin\Grammar  Helpful for Grammar file with custom Address list or very Large Grammar file.
UM服务器的灾难恢复: Scenario A -UM Server Down: Multiple UM server environment-->Remove the UM server from the dial plan  Change Prompt Publishing Point  Change Gateway settings 
                                                                   Reinstall UM Server-->'recoverserver'option-exsetup/roles:UM/mode:recoverServer
                                                                   How to remove the UM role permanently-->Unlink the server from the dial plan  Not a prompt publishing point  Not pointed by any Gateway  All the prompt files are copied to another UM server and backed up.
灾难恢复场景--邮箱服务器故障: 对UM服务器的影响-->Unable to submit voice mail to user's mailbox  Unable to access mailbox using OVA  Unable to generate new PIN  All the voice mail is stuck on the HT server  You can recover the message using 'export-message' command
邮箱服务器的恢复和对UM的影响: Mailbox server restored from backup-->Does not affect UM functionality
                                       Data loss(corruption) in Mailbox server-->May affect UM functionality  Voice mail message may get lost  May have to generate new PIN
                                      Dial Tone Database for Mailbox Server-->Users will not be able to access voice mail using old PIN: Generate new PIN and send email  Disable and re-enable UM mailbox - "First Time User" is set to TRUE  When database is restored send a new mail 
