python 程序1【登录接口】







account_file = 'account.txt'

lock_file = 'lock.txt'

for i in range(3):

    username = raw_input("username: ").strip()

    password = raw_input("password:").strip()

    if len(username) !=0 and len(password) !=0:

        f = file('account_file')

        loginSuccess = False

        for line in f.readlines():

            if username == line.split()[0] and password == line.split()[1]:  #user and passwd are correct

                print "Welcome %s login my system" % username


        if loginSuccess is True:    #login success







import os

account_file = 'account.txt'

lock_file = 'loack.txt'

# put account in  a list

f =file(account_file)

account_list = f.readlines()


while True:

   # put locked user into a lock list

    f = file(lock_file)

    lock_list = []

    for i in f.readlines():




    loginSuccess = False

    userame =raw_input('username: ').strip()

    if username in lock_list:

        print "Sorry,you are already in the block list,getthe fuking out!"


    for line in account_list:

        line = line.split()

        if line[0] == username:    #username correct

            for i in range(3):

                password =  raw_input('passwd:').strip()

                if password == line[1]:    #paswd correct

                    print "Welcome %s  login my system!" % username

                    loginSuccess = True



                f = file(lock_file,'a')

                f.write(''%s\n' %username)

                print "Entered 3 times of wrong passwd,going to lock %s" % username

            if loginSuccess == True:break #jump out of the for top loop    

    if loginSuccess == True:break #jump out of the while loop 

