在配置SCOM 2012 R2的应用程序事务性监视的时候,发生在捕获网页的时候无法加载web recorder控件,经过检查IE的这个控件已经被我手动启用了,如图。
Issue on recording a Web Browser Session in SCOM 2012 R2 with Windows 2012 R2
When recording a “Web Browser Session” I regularly bump into the same issue. The record button is missing while doing a capture. This is very annoying but I always follow the same solutions to fix the issue. Underneath a recap on how to fix this issue.
-Be sure the x64 version of internet explorer is running, you can check this in the task manager in the properties of the Internet Explorer, be sure that it’s located in C:\Program files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
-Enable Internet Explorer Options by clicking IE settings, internet options:
�C Advanced �C Security �C Enable Enhanced Protected Mode
�C Advanced �C Browsing �C Enable third-party browser extensions
�C Shutdown all IE browser sessions and open Regedit (runas Administrator)
�C Browse to the following regkey: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
�C Add a new DWORD called TabProcGrowth and set it to 0
�C Browse to the following regkey: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Discardable\PostSetup\Component Categories64\
-You should see two subkeys labeled: (These are the cached BHO IE objects related to the Web Recorder)
�C Delete only the above two mentioned keys (This will force IE to recache them next launch)
�C Restart the web capture, when IE Launches enable the add-on again if you are prompted.
�C If you still don’t see the Web-Recorder pane in IE you can now show it by:
�C Internet Explorer Options by clicking IE settings, internet options, view, explorer bars, web recorder
Problem solved!!
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