The plugin only installes the LWJGL jars and native libraries, so that it is easy to develop plugins using LWJGL. It does not provide any support for developing standalone LWJGL based Java applications (e.g. no LWJGL launch configuration is provided). If you develop an Eclipse plugin using LWJGL, you only have to add the LWJGL plugin to the list of required plugins, i.e. you don't have to care about native library paths anymore.
Support for developing standalone LWJGL applications with Eclipse is already implemented but not publicly available yet. For more information, visit LWJGL's forum and read this posting .
LWJGL comes with native libraries for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux. By accident this are the same platform Eclipse supports ;-). So, you only have to take care that your Eclipse version is new enough, 3.2 or newer should work. Elder Eclipse versions (shipped with SWT 3.1) do not support OpenGL. There is a experimental plugin available for SWT 3.1, but we didn't tested that one (at least the test view is not working without changes since the plugin must be imported explicitly).
For more information on using OpenGL in SWT applications, see http://www.eclipse.org/swt/opengl/ .
This is the preferred way to install the plugin! The feature's version number is simply LWJGL's version number.
The plugin comes with LWJGL 2.0.1 (or newer versions). The plugin can easily be installed using Eclipse's update feature:
Help / Software Updates / Find and Install...
Search for new features to install
New Remote Site
Provide data as above (http://lwjgl.org/update) and install feature.
In order to test whether everything worked fine, simply open
Windows / Show Views / Others...
Other / LWJGL Test View
Manual installation is not supported. Experienced Eclipse users may be able to download all necessary files from the update site manually.
Informations about the LWJGL plugin will be announced at the LWJGL forum and the GEF3D newsgroup.