100 Best Blogs for Librarians of the Future

As a modern day library student, you’re probably excited about discovering and experimenting with the new tools and systems that have changed the way we find, receive and catalog information. But with all of the new technology out there, it can be hard to keep track of everything beyond your own niche field of study. This collection of library and information technology blogs have changed that, and now you’ll be able to learn about all of the trends, developments, tools and resources available to librarians in every niche.

Technology and Education

Discover how technology is changing the way we learn in the classroom and in libraries.

  1. Wired Librarian: Karen Kliegman is the Library Media Specialist at her elementary school and shares thoughts on library conventions, blogging, information literacy, and more.
  2. Free Range Librarian: K.G. Schneider is Community Librarian for Evergreen open-source library software, and she blogs about writing, tech toys, and more.
  3. Information Wants to Be Free: Meredith Farkas is the distance learning librarian at Norwich University. Learn about how libraries work in a distance learning environment from her posts.
  4. Librarians Matter: This blog discusses how new technology systems can be used in libraries.
  5. Libraryman: This young librarian likes stirring up new ideas and controversial new technology systems and trends for libraries.
  6. LibrarianInBlack: Here, tech librarians will find all kinds of resources and discussions about keeping up with technology trends and developments.
  7. ALA TechSource Blog: This multi-author blog contains information about ways to bring your library into the 21st century and beyond.
  8. LITA Blog: The Library and Information Technology Association blogs here.
  9. info-fetishist: Anne-Marie Deitering is the Franklin McEdward Professor for Undergraduate Learning Initiatives at Oregon State University Libraries, and she blogs about emerging web technologies and systems.
  10. Theoretical Librarian: This blog reports on new technology systems and how they may or may not be able to be used in libraries.
  11. iLibrarian: The OEDb’s Library blog is full of tech tips for librarians.
  12. MichaelZimmer.org: For news and analysis on privacy, surveillance, new media, ethics and technology, check out this blog.
  13. Peter Scott’s Library Blog: Peter Scott blogs about Google books, e-learning, web archiving, and more.
  14. The Handheld Librarian: Librarians submit articles about computers and technology to this blog.
  15. Blog without a library: Learn about library and tech news and trends from Blog without a library.
  16. The Ubiquitous Librarian: Brian Mathews blogs about media, design, the future of libraries, and more.
  17. Hey Jude: Follow this blog if you want to discover more about "learning in an online world."
  18. Social Networking Librarian: Find out if social networking is something you want to encourage in your library or not.
  19. Connie Crosby: This Canadian law librarian is up-to-date on social media, e-commerce and more.
  20. Tame the Web: On Tame the Web, Michael Stephens and his guest bloggers cover library 2.0, librarians and leadership, and more.
  21. Library clips: Here, a librarian blogs about wikis, blogging, and social media.
  22. The Uncommon Commons: Visit this blog for "library and IT-related commentary" from an information commons "hub" librarian.
  23. Disruptive Library Technology Jester: This blog comes from a library technologist who loves straddling the line between traditional librarianship and technology.
  24. What I Learned Today: Librarians learn valuable web 2.0 and programming tips from this blog.

School and Academic Librarians

Librarians who work in schools and at colleges and universities will find plenty of resources for developing new programs from these blogs.

  1. The Kept-Up Academic Librarian: Academic librarians visit this blog to keep up with the news and developments in higher education and libraries.
  2. ALSC Blog: The Association for Library Service to Children blogs about children’s literature, technology, the Internet and children, and more.
  3. YALSA: Get podcasts, technology posts and more from the Young Adult Library Services Association blog.
  4. How the University Works: Academic librarians can better understand the changing landscape of the needs and demands of higher education here.
  5. copy this blog: This blog tackles a range of issues relevant to higher education librarians including copyright, censorship, critical information theory, library policies, privacy, and more.
  6. The Gypsy Librarian: The Gypsy Librarian covers topics relevant to wandering spirits and academic librarians.
  7. Academic Librarian: Check out this blog from the Philosophy & Religion Librarian at Princeton University.
  8. Library Grits: Dianne McKenzie is a lifelong learner and school librarian who shares tips for getting students involved in reading, research and technology.

Library Issues and Advocacy

From unions to the Library Bill of Rights to copyright issues to privacy and surveillance, these blogs cover important developments in the future of librarianship and information.

  1. Ben’s Bytes: Ben is a public librarian in Wichita, KS, who blogs about the future of libraries.
  2. Library Juice: Check out this intriguing blog for analysis and commentary "on the intersection of libraries, politics, and culture."
  3. banned librarian: Librarians who support social activist groups and causes can find information, resources and allies here.
  4. Librarian Activist: Keep up with the business and social trends impacting librarians.
  5. Librarian.net: This blog covers everything from information developments, Library Bill of Rights, a day in the life of a librarian, book burning, and more.
  6. collectanea: Learn about copyright issues, intellectual property and more.
  7. Concerned Librarians of British Columbia: Stay current on the issues and crises affecting librarianship in Canada and beyond.
  8. In the Library With the Lead Pipe: Six librarians from different niche industries maintain this blog to talk about the future of libraries, their jobs, and more.
  9. The Green Library: Learn ways to make your library more energy efficient, user-friendly and generally green.
  10. Library of Congress Blog: In addition to posts about Library of Congress news and exhibits, this blog has lots of great resources and stories about information literacy, technology, and the future of libraries.
  11. Closed Stacks: Closed Stacks is a multi-author blog about library school, librarianship, technology, academic libraries, and more.
  12. Designing Better Libraries: Find out how innovative design and new media can change the way your library operates.
  13. The Society for Librarians Who Say Motherfucker: This community blog will help you stay in touch with the rants and ravings of librarians, patrons, technicians, library school students and more.
  14. Resource Shelf: Librarians, journalists, educators and other information professionals can turn to this blog for news about their industries.
  15. Library Law Blog: Learn about issues like privacy, public domain, new library technologies, and more.
  16. Union Librarian: Librarians passionate about labor rights and the union should follow this blog.
  17. Library Garden: Librarians with different perspectives blog about the future of libraries and the need to make them relevant again.

Research and Reference

These blogs serve as resources for reference and research librarians, as well as for librarians who want to learn about being published.

  1. ACRL Insider: This is the blog from the Association of College and Research Libraries.
  2. A Library Writer’s Blog: This blog contains resources for librarians who want to publish articles and network with the greater librarian community.
  3. Blogging@NYPL: The New York Public Library blog highlights how libraries are sources of information and reference.

Innovation and Information

The future of libraries depends on the innovation of educators, librarians and technology professionals. Read all about what’s next from the people who are planning for the future.

  1. Virtual Dave…Real Blog: This blog comes from Dave Lankes, associate professor at Syracuse University’s School of Information Studies.
  2. The Googlization of Everything: Find out how Google has impacted the way we retrieve information.
  3. if:book: Discover the future of the book from this blog.
  4. The Travelin’ Librarian: Michael Sauers is the Technology Innovation Librarian for the Nebraska Library Commission and has written books and articles about technology and education.
  5. Derivative Work: Laura Quilter is a librarian and information activist. Read her blog for news and developments about authority, autonomy and more.
  6. Open Access News: Keep up with open information and open source by following this blog.
  7. The Other Librarian: This blog comes from a regarded library innovator, Ryan Deschamps, e-Learning Services Manager at the Halifax Public Libraries.
  8. DIY Librarian: Tara Murra is a blogging librarian who promotes "librarianship for the people" and covers topics like open source, alternative information systems, and more.
  9. Musings about librarianship: Follow this blog to keep up with the new methods libraries can use to help patrons find information.
  10. From the Library Director’s Desk: This tenured public library director helps other librarians learn how to harness the power of technology.
  11. Stephen’s Lighthouse: Stephen is the SirsiDynix Vice President of Innovation, and he blogs about how libraries can embrace technology, the Internet and social media.
  12. Open Sesame: This blog is all about open source and information.
  13. No Shelf Required: Find out how the ebook movement impacts your library and your patrons.
  14. jandawson.net: Recent posts from this blog cover the information age, innovation, and more.
  15. The Brewin’ Librarian: Matt Hamilton writes about emerging technologies, next generation libraries, and more.
  16. in forming thoughts: This young librarian writes about web tools and sites for librarians, library camp, and other new library trends and developments.
  17. Information Literacy Weblog: This blog brings readers all the information literacy news from around the world.
  18. The Keyword Blog: Become more fluent in the language of the information age when you visit The Keyword Blog.
  19. Planet Cataloging: This aggregated blog network shares news about cataloging and metadata.
  20. Extensible Librarian: This blog comes from the Assessment Librarian for the University of Pittsburgh.
  21. Library Bazaar: Learn about library issues like social media and technology from Library Bazaar.

Reading and Literature Blogs

Keep up with new literature and get ideas for encouraging your patrons to read from these bloggers.

  1. Booklist: The Booklist blog contains resources and reviews for audiobooks, book awards, book lists, and more.
  2. book/daddy: Jerome Weeks is an experienced book critic and arts producer for the NPR/PBS station in Dallas-Fort Worth.
  3. Critical Mass: Critical Mass is the blog of the National Book Critics Circle Board of Directors.
  4. Blogs on Criticas Magazine: Librarians, educators and booksellers connect on this blog to learn about Spanish-language and Hispanic interest books, authors and more.
  5. Welcome to my Tweendom: Young adult librarians can learn about new books and children’s authors here.
  6. So Many Books: Get reviews of entire archives and collections from this blog, with a few posts about librarianship sprinkled in.
  7. Bookslut: Bookslut is a popular blog that features interviews and book reviews.
  8. Paper Cuts: The New York Times book blog is a great resource for keeping up with new authors.
  9. Ready Steady Blog: Get book reviews, author interviews and more.
  10. Bryan’s Book Blog: This book blog covers a range of genres, and relates classics to worthwhile movie versions.
  11. The Book Lady’s Blog: This young bookkeeper reviews fiction, memoirs, nonfiction and other books.
  12. Sammy and Beckett’s Book Blog: Learn about modern and contemporary authors, genres and trends from Sammy and Beckett’s Book Blog.
  13. Mark’s Contemporary Literature Blog: Become well-versed in the contemporary literature your library needs to stock by following this blog from Mark Flanagan.

Media and Communication

Learn how librarians can collaborate with media and other communication tools and methods from these blogs.

  1. Connectivism: Learn about networking and social media in an education and library context here.
  2. Public Knowledge: Learn how to prepare for the future of digital media and communications by checking out this blog.
  3. TeleRead: Bring the E-Books Home: This blog covers publishing, media and e-books.

Professional Blogs

Follow these library association and librarian blogs for official information and to find out what it’s like to work as a modern day librarian.

  1. Librarian’s Rant: This reference librarian attempts to keep up with the changing library landscape.
  2. The LibVocate: This blog promotes librarianship and information literacy.
  3. ALA Weblog Service: The American Library Association blog covers news in politics, libraries, education, and from all other ALA blogs.
  4. AL Inside Scoop: Follow the blog from the American Libraries magazine here.
  5. The Days and Nights of the Lipstick Librarian!: This hip librarian is anything but the stuffy old stereotype.
  6. Lauren’s Library Blog: Lauren Pressly is the author of So You Want to Be a Librarian and blogs about the future of libraries.
  7. Accidentally Curious: This young librarian discusses modernizing your library and making it more appealing to a new generation of readers and researchers.
  8. Attempting Elegance: Jenica Rogers-Urbanek is a library director and self-proclaimed geek who likes sharing what it’s like to work as a librarian.
  9. 025.431 The Dewey blog: Brush up on your Dewey Decimal classification knowledge here.
  10. Bilingual Librarian: Read this blog to learn about the collections and systems that make the world’s top libraries so special.
  11. Head Tale: This librarian blogs about everything from library science to writing to the "spirit of librarianship."
