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class redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0, password=None, socket_timeout=None,connection_pool=None, charset='utf-8', errors='strict', unix_socket_path=None)
Provides backwards compatibility with older versions of redis-py that changed arguments to some commands to be more Pythonic, sane, or by accident.
lrem(name, value, num=0)
Remove the first num occurrences of elements equal to value from the list stored at name.
The num argument influences the operation in the following ways:
num > 0: Remove elements equal to value moving from head to tail. num < 0: Remove elements equal to value moving from tail to head. num = 0: Remove all elements equal to value.
pipeline(transaction=True, shard_hint=None)
Return a new pipeline object that can queue multiple commands for later execution. transaction indicates whether all commands should be executed atomically. Apart from making a group of operations atomic, pipelines are useful for reducing the back-and-forth overhead between the client and server.
setex(name, value, time)
Set the value of key name to value that expires in time seconds
zadd(name, *args, **kwargs)
NOTE: The order of arguments differs from that of the official ZADD command. For backwards compatability, this method accepts arguments in the form of name1, score1, name2, score2, while the official Redis documents expects score1, name1, score2, name2.
If you’re looking to use the standard syntax, consider using the StrictRedis class. See the API Reference section of the docs for more information.
Set any number of element-name, score pairs to the key name. Pairs can be specified in two ways:
As *args, in the form of: name1, score1, name2, score2, ... or as **kwargs, in the form of: name1=score1, name2=score2, ...
The following example would add four values to the ‘my-key’ key: redis.zadd(‘my-key’, ‘name1’, 1.1, ‘name2’, 2.2, name3=3.3, name4=4.4)
class redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0, password=None, socket_timeout=None,connection_pool=None, charset='utf-8', errors='strict', unix_socket_path=None)
Implementation of the Redis protocol.
This abstract class provides a Python interface to all Redis commands and an implementation of the Redis protocol.
Connection and Pipeline derive from this, implementing how the commands are sent and received to the Redis server
append(key, value)
Appends the string value to the value at key. If key doesn’t already exist, create it with a value of value. Returns the new length of the value at key.
Tell the Redis server to rewrite the AOF file from data in memory.
Tell the Redis server to save its data to disk. Unlike save(), this method is asynchronous and returns immediately.
blpop(keys, timeout=0)
LPOP a value off of the first non-empty list named in the keys list.
If none of the lists in keys has a value to LPOP, then block for timeout seconds, or until a value gets pushed on to one of the lists.
If timeout is 0, then block indefinitely.
brpop(keys, timeout=0)
RPOP a value off of the first non-empty list named in the keys list.
If none of the lists in keys has a value to LPOP, then block for timeout seconds, or until a value gets pushed on to one of the lists.
If timeout is 0, then block indefinitely.
brpoplpush(src, dst, timeout=0)
Pop a value off the tail of src, push it on the head of dst and then return it.
This command blocks until a value is in src or until timeout seconds elapse, whichever is first. A timeout value of 0 blocks forever.
Return a dictionary of configuration based on the pattern
config_set(name, value)
Set config item name with value
Returns the number of keys in the current database
Returns version specific metainformation about a give key
decr(name, amount=1)
Decrements the value of key by amount. If no key exists, the value will be initialized as 0 - amount
Delete one or more keys specified by names
Echo the string back from the server
execute_command(*args, **options)
Execute a command and return a parsed response
Returns a boolean indicating whether key name exists
expire(name, time)
Set an expire flag on key name for time seconds
expireat(name, when)
Set an expire flag on key name. when can be represented as an integer indicating unix time or a Python datetime object.
Delete all keys in all databases on the current host
Delete all keys in the current database
Return the value at key name, or None if the key doesn’t exist
getbit(name, offset)
Returns a boolean indicating the value of offset in name
getset(name, value)
Set the value at key name to value if key doesn’t exist Return the value at key name atomically
hdel(name, *keys)
Delete keys from hash name
hexists(name, key)
Returns a boolean indicating if key exists within hash name
hget(name, key)
Return the value of key within the hash name
Return a Python dict of the hash’s name/value pairs
hincrby(name, key, amount=1)
Increment the value of key in hash name by amount
Return the list of keys within hash name
Return the number of elements in hash name
hmget(name, keys)
Returns a list of values ordered identically to keys
hmset(name, mapping)
Sets each key in the mapping dict to its corresponding value in the hash name
hset(name, key, value)
Set key to value within hash name Returns 1 if HSET created a new field, otherwise 0
hsetnx(name, key, value)
Set key to value within hash name if key does not exist. Returns 1 if HSETNX created a field, otherwise 0.
Return the list of values within hash name
incr(name, amount=1)
Increments the value of key by amount. If no key exists, the value will be initialized as amount
Returns a dictionary containing information about the Redis server
Returns a list of keys matching pattern
Return a Python datetime object representing the last time the Redis database was saved to disk
lindex(name, index)
Return the item from list name at position index
Negative indexes are supported and will return an item at the end of the list
linsert(name, where, refvalue, value)
Insert value in list name either immediately before or after [where] refvalue
Returns the new length of the list on success or -1 if refvalue is not in the list.
Return the length of the list name
lock(name, timeout=None, sleep=0.1)
Return a new Lock object using key name that mimics the behavior of threading.Lock.
If specified, timeout indicates a maximum life for the lock. By default, it will remain locked until release() is called.
sleep indicates the amount of time to sleep per loop iteration when the lock is in blocking mode and another client is currently holding the lock.
Remove and return the first item of the list name
lpush(name, *values)
Push values onto the head of the list name
lpushx(name, value)
Push value onto the head of the list name if name exists
lrange(name, start, end)
Return a slice of the list name between position start and end
start and end can be negative numbers just like Python slicing notation
lrem(name, count, value)
Remove the first count occurrences of elements equal to value from the list stored at name.
The count argument influences the operation in the following ways:
count > 0: Remove elements equal to value moving from head to tail. count < 0: Remove elements equal to value moving from tail to head. count = 0: Remove all elements equal to value.
lset(name, index, value)
Set position of list name to value
ltrim(name, start, end)
Trim the list name, removing all values not within the slice between start and end
start and end can be negative numbers just like Python slicing notation
mget(keys, *args)
Returns a list of values ordered identically to keys
move(name, db)
Moves the key name to a different Redis database db
Sets each key in the mapping dict to its corresponding value
Sets each key in the mapping dict to its corresponding value if none of the keys are already set
object(infotype, key)
Return the encoding, idletime, or refcount about the key
parse_response(connection, command_name, **options)
Parses a response from the Redis server
Removes an expiration on name
Ping the Redis server
pipeline(transaction=True, shard_hint=None)
Return a new pipeline object that can queue multiple commands for later execution. transaction indicates whether all commands should be executed atomically. Apart from making a group of operations atomic, pipelines are useful for reducing the back-and-forth overhead between the client and server.
publish(channel, message)
Publish message on channel. Returns the number of subscribers the message was delivered to.
Return a Publish/Subscribe object. With this object, you can subscribe to channels and listen for messages that get published to them.
Returns the name of a random key
rename(src, dst)
Rename key src to dst
renamenx(src, dst)
Rename key src to dst if dst doesn’t already exist
Remove and return the last item of the list name
rpoplpush(src, dst)
RPOP a value off of the src list and atomically LPUSH it on to the dst list. Returns the value.
rpush(name, *values)
Push values onto the tail of the list name
rpushx(name, value)
Push value onto the tail of the list name if name exists
sadd(name, *values)
Add value(s) to set name
Tell the Redis server to save its data to disk, blocking until the save is complete
Return the number of elements in set name
sdiff(keys, *args)
Return the difference of sets specified by keys
sdiffstore(dest, keys, *args)
Store the difference of sets specified by keys into a new set named dest. Returns the number of keys in the new set.
set(name, value)
Set the value at key name to value
set_response_callback(command, callback)
Set a custom Response Callback
setbit(name, offset, value)
Flag the offset in name as value. Returns a boolean indicating the previous value of offset.
setex(name, time, value)
Set the value of key name to value that expires in time seconds
setnx(name, value)
Set the value of key name to value if key doesn’t exist
setrange(name, offset, value)
Overwrite bytes in the value of name starting at offset with value. If offset plus the length of value exceeds the length of the original value, the new value will be larger than before. If offset exceeds the length of the original value, null bytes will be used to pad between the end of the previous value and the start of what’s being injected.
Returns the length of the new string.
Shutdown the server
sinter(keys, *args)
Return the intersection of sets specified by keys
sinterstore(dest, keys, *args)
Store the intersection of sets specified by keys into a new set named dest. Returns the number of keys in the new set.
sismember(name, value)
Return a boolean indicating if value is a member of set name
slaveof(host=None, port=None)
Set the server to be a replicated slave of the instance identified by the host and port. If called without arguements, the instance is promoted to a master instead.
Return all members of the set name
smove(src, dst, value)
Move value from set src to set dst atomically
sort(name, start=None, num=None, by=None, get=None, desc=False, alpha=False, store=None)
Sort and return the list, set or sorted set at name.
start and num allow for paging through the sorted data
by allows using an external key to weight and sort the items.
Use an “*” to indicate where in the key the item value is located
get allows for returning items from external keys rather than the
sorted data itself. Use an “*” to indicate where int he key the item value is located
desc allows for reversing the sort
alpha allows for sorting lexicographically rather than numerically
store allows for storing the result of the sort intothe key storespop(name)Remove and return a random member of set namesrandmember(name)Return a random member of set namesrem(name, *values)Remove values from set namestrlen(name)Return the number of bytes stored in the value of namesubstr(name, start, end=-1)Return a substring of the string at key name. start and end are 0-based integers specifying the portion of the string to return.sunion(keys, *args)Return the union of sets specifiued by keyssunionstore(dest, keys, *args)Store the union of sets specified by keys into a new set named dest. Returns the number of keys in the new set.transaction(func, *watches, **kwargs)Convenience method for executing the callable func as a transaction while watching all keys specified inwatches. The ‘func’ callable should expect a single arguement which is a Pipeline object.ttl(name)Returns the number of seconds until the key name will expiretype(name)Returns the type of key nameunwatch()Unwatches the value at key name, or None of the key doesn’t existwatch(*names)Watches the values at keys names, or None if the key doesn’t existzadd(name, *args, **kwargs)Set any number of score, element-name pairs to the key name. Pairs can be specified in two ways:As *args, in the form of: score1, name1, score2, name2, ... or as **kwargs, in the form of: name1=score1, name2=score2, ...The following example would add four values to the ‘my-key’ key: redis.zadd(‘my-key’, 1.1, ‘name1’, 2.2, ‘name2’, name3=3.3, name4=4.4)zcard(name)Return the number of elements in the sorted set namezincrby(name, value, amount=1)Increment the score of value in sorted set name by amountzinterstore(dest, keys, aggregate=None)Intersect multiple sorted sets specified by keys into a new sorted set, dest. Scores in the destination will be aggregated based on the aggregate, or SUM if none is provided.zrange(name, start, end, desc=False, withscores=False, score_cast_func=<type 'float'>)Return a range of values from sorted set name between start and end sorted in ascending order.start and end can be negative, indicating the end of the range.desc a boolean indicating whether to sort the results descendinglywithscores indicates to return the scores along with the values. The return type is a list of (value, score) pairsscore_cast_func a callable used to cast the score return valuezrangebyscore(name, min, max, start=None, num=None, withscores=False, score_cast_func=<type 'float'>)Return a range of values from the sorted set name with scores between min and max.If start and num are specified, then return a slice of the range.withscores indicates to return the scores along with the values. The return type is a list of (value, score) pairsscore_cast_func` a callable used to cast the score return valuezrank(name, value)Returns a 0-based value indicating the rank of value in sorted set namezrem(name, *values)Remove member values from sorted set namezremrangebyrank(name, min, max)Remove all elements in the sorted set name with ranks between min and max. Values are 0-based, ordered from smallest score to largest. Values can be negative indicating the highest scores. Returns the number of elements removedzremrangebyscore(name, min, max)Remove all elements in the sorted set name with scores between min and max. Returns the number of elements removed.zrevrange(name, start, num, withscores=False, score_cast_func=<type 'float'>)Return a range of values from sorted set name between start and num sorted in descending order.start and num can be negative, indicating the end of the range.withscores indicates to return the scores along with the values The return type is a list of (value, score) pairsscore_cast_func a callable used to cast the score return valuezrevrangebyscore(name, max, min, start=None, num=None, withscores=False, score_cast_func=<type 'float'>)Return a range of values from the sorted set name with scores between min and max in descending order.If start and num are specified, then return a slice of the range.withscores indicates to return the scores along with the values. The return type is a list of (value, score) pairsscore_cast_func a callable used to cast the score return valuezrevrank(name, value)Returns a 0-based value indicating the descending rank of value in sorted set namezscore(name, value)Return the score of element value in sorted set namezunionstore(dest, keys, aggregate=None)Union multiple sorted sets specified by keys into a new sorted set, dest. Scores in the destination will be aggregated based on the aggregate, or SUM if none is provided.class redis.ConnectionPool(connection_class=<class 'redis.connection.Connection'>,max_connections=None, **connection_kwargs)Generic connection pooldisconnect()Disconnects all connections in the poolget_connection(command_name, *keys, **options)Get a connection from the poolmake_connection()Create a new connectionrelease(connection)Releases the connection back to the poolclass redis.Connection(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0, password=None, socket_timeout=None,encoding='utf-8', encoding_errors='strict', parser_class=<class 'redis.connection.PythonParser'>)Manages TCP communication to and from a Redis serverconnect()Connects to the Redis server if not already connecteddisconnect()Disconnects from the Redis serverencode(value)Return a bytestring representation of the valueon_connect()Initialize the connection, authenticate and select a databasepack_command(*args)Pack a series of arguments into a value Redis commandread_response()Read the response from a previously sent commandsend_command(*args)Pack and send a command to the Redis serversend_packed_command(command)Send an already packed command to the Redis server