用法:gzip [option] somefile
-c:将压缩后的结果输出至标准输出,可实现保留原文件。例如 gzip -c /path/to/somefile > /path/to/somefile.gz
解压缩:gunzip somefile.gz
[root@localhost tesla]# gzip test gzip: test is a directory -- ignored # gzip不能压缩目录 [root@localhost tesla]# gzip -r coffee # 对目录coffee进行递归压缩处理,coffee中除目录之外的所有文件都被压缩成gzip格式,见下方 [root@localhost tesla]# ls -R coffee coffee: test1 test2 coffee/test1: group.gz passwd.gz coffee/test2: inittab.gz profile.gz [root@localhost tesla]# cd test [root@localhost test]# ls group inittab passwd [root@localhost test]# gzip -8 group # 指定压缩比为8 [root@localhost test]# ls # 可见压缩后源文件被删除 group.gz inittab passwd [root@localhost test]# gunzip group.gz # 解压缩 [root@localhost test]# ls # 解压缩后压缩包默认也被删除,同样可在gunzip命令中指定-c选项保留 group inittab passwd [root@localhost test]# gzip -c inittab > /tmp/test/initys.gz # 这种方式可保留源文件 [root@localhost test]# ls /tmp/test initys.gz [root@localhost test]# zcat /tmp/test/initys.gz # 不解压查看 # inittab is only used by upstart for the default runlevel. ...
用法:bzip2 [option] somefile
解压缩:bunzip2 somefile.bz2
[tesla@localhost ~]$ ls test1 group passwd [tesla@localhost ~]$ bzip2 -k test1/group # 压缩group,并保留原文件 [tesla@localhost ~]$ ls test1 group group.bz2 passwd [tesla@localhost ~]$ bzcat test1/group.bz2 # 不解压查看 root:x:0: bin:x:1:bin,daemon ... [tesla@localhost ~]$ bunzip2 test1/group.bz2 # 解压缩 bunzip2: Output file test1/group already exists. [tesla@localhost ~]$ bunzip2 -f test1/group.bz2 # 指定-f选项强行覆盖
用法:xz [option] somefile
解压缩:unxz somefile.xz
[tesla@localhost ~]$ ls test2 inittab profile [tesla@localhost ~]$ xz -v test2/inittab # 可以看到,压缩比确实很高 test2/inittab (1/1) 100.0 % 556 B / 884 B = 0.629 [tesla@localhost ~]$ ls test2 inittab.xz profile
用法:zip ZIP_FILE.zip src_file...
解压:unzip somefile.zip
[tesla@localhost ~]$ ls coffee test [tesla@localhost ~]$ ls test test1 test2 [tesla@localhost ~]$ ls test/test{1,2} test/test1: group passwd test/test2: inittab profile [tesla@localhost ~]$ zip rose.zip test/test1/* # 对test1目录中的文件归档压缩 adding: test/test1/group (deflated 47%) adding: test/test1/passwd (deflated 59%) [tesla@localhost ~]$ zip -r beast.zip test # 如果想对各子目录下的文件一并压缩,指定-r选项(递归处理)是个不错的选择 adding: test/ (stored 0%) adding: test/test1/ (stored 0%) adding: test/test1/group (deflated 47%) adding: test/test1/passwd (deflated 59%) adding: test/test2/ (stored 0%) adding: test/test2/profile (deflated 52%) adding: test/test2/inittab (deflated 47%) [tesla@localhost ~]$ ls beast.zip coffee rose.zip test [tesla@localhost ~]$ zip beast.zip -d test/test2/inittab # 删除压缩包beast.zip中的一个文件 deleting: test/test2/inittab [tesla@localhost ~]$ unzip -v beast.zip # 不解压的情况下查看压缩包目录,可以看到,指定的文件确实已被删除 Archive: beast.zip Length Method Size Cmpr Date Time CRC-32 Name -------- ------ ------- ---- ---------- ----- -------- ---- 0 Stored 0 0% 10-19-2015 09:25 00000000 test/ 0 Stored 0 0% 10-19-2015 09:25 00000000 test/test1/ 796 Defl:N 422 47% 10-19-2015 07:38 d8930aa4 test/test1/group 1590 Defl:N 644 60% 10-19-2015 07:38 f5fa6e0b test/test1/passwd 0 Stored 0 0% 10-19-2015 08:47 00000000 test/test2/ 1796 Defl:N 855 52% 10-19-2015 09:25 8a28f20c test/test2/profile -------- ------- --- ------- 4182 1921 54% 6 files [tesla@localhost ~]$ unzip rose.zip -d coffee/ # 将rose.zip解压至coffee目录下 Archive: rose.zip inflating: coffee/test/test1/group inflating: coffee/test/test1/passwd [tesla@localhost ~]$ ls -R coffee coffee: test coffee/test: test1 coffee/test/test1: group passwd
用法:tar [option]... -f tarfile.tar [src_file...]
注意:多个选项合并指定时,-f选项要放在末尾,因为其后是接归档文件的,例如如果这样指点:-fcv httpd.tar,那么tar会将归档文件名误认为是cv
例 tar -cf httpd.tar httpd
例 tar -xf httpd.tar
例 tar -tf httpd.tar
例如 tar -zcf httpd.tar.gz httpd # 把目录httpd归档并压缩成httpd.tar.gz
tar -zxf httpd.tar.gz [-C DIR] # 解压(默认至当前目录),可省去-z,tar会根据后缀自动判断该调用哪种工具;
-C DIR(或--directory=DIR):展开或解压到指定目录,如不指定,默认为当前目录
-N, --newer=DATE-OR-FILE:only store files newer than DATE-OR-FILE,只归档比指定时间或文件更新的文件。时间格式如"2015-10-19 00:00:00",以时间戳中的ctime作比较
[root@localhost tesla]# ls test group inittab passwd profile [root@localhost tesla]# tar -cvf /data/test.tar test # 如果源文件或目录指定的是绝对路径,打包时会将前面的根路径去掉,否则的话总是会解包到原来的地方而将原文件覆盖 test/ test/profile test/group test/passwd test/inittab [root@localhost tesla]# ls /data test.tar [root@localhost tesla]# cp /etc/grub.conf test/ [root@localhost tesla]# tar -rf /data/test.tar test/grub.conf # 向包中添加文件 [root@localhost tesla]# tar -tf /data/test.tar # 不解包查看包中清单 test/ test/profile test/group test/passwd test/inittab test/grub.conf [root@localhost tesla]# tar -xf /data/test.tar -C /tmp # 解包至/tmp目录下 [root@localhost tesla]# ls /tmp/test group grub.conf inittab passwd profile [root@localhost tesla]# cd [root@localhost ~]# tar -xf /data/test.tar test/group # 可解开包中的单一文件 [root@localhost ~]# ls /root/test group [root@localhost ~]# cd /home/tesla [root@localhost tesla]# tar -zcf test.tar.gz test # 打包对调用gzip压缩 [root@localhost tesla]# ls test test.tar.gz [root@localhost tesla]# ll /data/test.tar test.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 20480 Oct 19 12:37 /data/test.tar -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2947 Oct 19 12:40 test.tar.gz [root@localhost tesla]# tar -xf test.tar.gz -C /var # 解压 [root@localhost tesla]# ls /var/test group grub.conf inittab passwd profile [root@localhost test]# tar -cf /var/pioneer.tar /home/tesla # 如果源文件或目录指定的是绝对路径,打包时会自动将根路径去掉,否则总是会解包到原来的地方而将源文件覆盖 tar: Removing leading `/' from member names [root@localhost test]# tar -tf /var/pioneer.tar home/tesla/ home/tesla/.bash_logout home/tesla/.bash_profile ... [root@localhost tesla]# stat test/passwd ... Access: 2015-10-19 13:08:23.146558224 +0800 Modify: 2015-10-19 12:59:58.607703441 +0800 Change: 2015-10-19 12:59:58.607703441 +0800 [root@localhost tesla]# tar --newer="2015-10-19 13:05:00" -cvf time.tar test test/ tar: test/profile: file is unchanged; not dumped test/group test/grub.conf tar: test/passwd: file is unchanged; not dumped # passwd文件的ctime比指定时间旧,故没有被归档 tar: test/inittab: file is unchanged; not dumped
■备份:通常其它工具找到的结果 | cpio -o [option]... > file/device
-B:把I/O块大小设置成 5120字节,默认为512字节
例 find boot | cpio -oB > /var/boot.backup
find / | cpio -oB > /dev/sdb1 # 将整个文件系统备份到磁盘sdb上
■还原:cpio -i [option]... < file/device
-c:use the new portable format
例 cpio -i < /var/boot.backup
[root@localhost ~]# cd / [root@localhost /]# find boot | cpio -ovB > data/boot.backup # 备份boot分区 boot boot/grub boot/grub/grub.conf boot/grub/reiserfs_stage1_5 ... 4867 blocks [root@localhost /]# ls data boot.backup [root@localhost /]# ll data/boot.backup -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 24919040 Oct 19 16:08 data/boot.backup [root@localhost /]# cd data [root@localhost data]# cpio -i < boot.backup # 还原 48670 blocks [root@localhost data]# ls boot boot.backup [root@localhost data]# ls boot ... initramfs-2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64.img