'Variable Initialization and Declaration
Dim sExcelLocation
Dim sParent, sParentProp, arrParent, arrParentProp, sControl, sControlProp, arrControlProp, sAction, sDataValue
Dim obj_hierarchy, control_object
sExcelLocation = "D:\QTP\QTP Framework Samples\QTP-Keyword-Driven-Framework-1\Flow Sheets\MercuryFlightReservation.xls"
' Function Name - fnExecuteTestCase
' Purpose - This is just a wrapper function that calls fnReadExcel function
Function fnExecuteTestCase(sTestCaseName)
End Function
'============= End Function ===============
' Function Name - fnReadExcel
' Purpose - This function loads the excel sheet into QTP data table and stores the cell values in Global Variables
Function fnReadExcel(sSheetName)
'Add the Data Sheet into QTP Data Table
'Import the Excel Sheet into QTP Data Table
DataTable.ImportSheet sExcelLocation, sSheetName, "dtSheet"
'Loop through all the rows in the Data Sheet
iRow = DataTable.GetSheet("dtSheet").GetRowCount
For iR = 1 to iRow
'Set the Current Row in the Data Sheet according to the loop counter
DataTable.SetCurrentRow iR
'Capture all the cell values in different variables
sParent = DataTable("Parent", "dtSheet")
sParentProp = DataTable("PProperty", "dtSheet")
sControl = DataTable("Control", "dtSheet")
sControlProp = DataTable("CProperty", "dtSheet")
sAction = DataTable("Action", "dtSheet")
sDataValue = DataTable("Data", "dtSheet")
'Call the function that will convert the excel data into QTP readable format
If sParent = "End" Then
Exit For
ElseIf sParent <> "" Then
'The action is independent of the all the controls (refer NOTE 2 from the article)
End If
End Function
'============= End Function ===============
' Function Name - fnIdentifyParentHierarchy
' Purpose - This function converts the values in cells A and B into QTP readable format
Function fnIdentifyParentHierarchy()
'Split Parent Property so that multiple objects casn be resolved
arrParentProp = Split(sParentProp, ",")
'Resolve the hierarchy of all the objects that are parent to the actual control
Select Case sParent
Case "Dialog"
Set obj_hierarchy = Dialog(arrParentProp(0))
Case "Window"
Set obj_hierarchy = Window(arrParentProp(0))
Case "Window,Dialog"
Set obj_hierarchy = Window(arrParentProp(0)).Dialog(arrParentProp(1))
Case "Window,Dialog,Dialog"
Set obj_hierarchy = Window(arrParentProp(0)).Dialog(arrParentProp(1)).Dialog(arrParentProp(2))
End Select
'Call the function that will resolve the Control Object
End Function
'============= End Function ===============
' Function Name - fnIdentifyControl
' Purpose - This function converts the values in cells C and D into QTP readable format and then combines values from Cells A, B, C and D to come up with a single object
Function fnIdentifyControl()
'Split the Control Property
If sControl <> "" Then
arrControlProp = Split(sControlProp, ":=")
'Resolve the Control object to obtain the complete heirarchy on which the action can be performed
Set child_object = Description.Create()
child_object("micclass").value = sControl
child_object(arrControlProp(0)).value = arrControlProp(1)
'Create the object on which the action will be performed
Set control_object = obj_hierarchy.ChildObjects(child_object)
'Control Object is the parent hierarchy on which the action will be performed (refer NOTE 1 from the article)
Set control_object = obj_hierarchy
End If
'Call the function that will perform the necessary action on the object
End Function
'============= End Function ===============
' Function Name - fnAction
' Purpose - This function performs action on the object based upon the defined keyword
Function fnAction()
'Perform Action on the control_object based upon the keyword defined in the excel sheet
Select Case sAction
Case "SetValue"
control_object(0).Set sDataValue
Case "SelectMenu"
control_object(0).Select sDataValue
Case "Type"
control_object(0).Type sDataValue
Case "SelectDropDownValue"
control_object(0).Select sDataValue
Case "SelectWinListValue"
control_object(0).Select sDataValue
Case "Click"
Case "Activate"
Case "WindowClose"
Case "Run"
SystemUtil.Run sDataValue
Case "SendKeys"
'This function uses SendKeys method to select value from the Menu
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Select Case sDataValue
Case "Alt F+N"
WshShell.SendKeys "%(fn)"
Case "Alt F+O"
WshShell.SendKeys "%(fo)"
End Select
Set WshShell = Nothing
End Select
End Function
'============= End Function ===============
'Execute --> TC_01_CreateOrder 测试用例名称(sheet名称)
'Execute --> TC_02_ModifyOrder
'Execute --> TC_03_DeleteOrder