You need to convince the interviewer that you are
the best possible person for the job.
Before you enter the interview room, you are just
another name on the list. Make sure that by the time you
come out, yours is the only name on it.
Stay calm, think clearly and don’t let tricky
questions and being under pressure put you off your
Make sure you know exactly where the interview will
take place, and the name and position of the person you
are due to meet. Work out your route in advance and
allow a generous margin of error in case of unforeseen
Have the telephone number of the company handy so
that you can let them know if you are running late as
this is generally forgiven whereas unannounced lateness
generally isn’t.
Find out approximately how long the interview will
take and arrange other appointments accordingly �C don’t
leave your car on a meter and end up worrying more about
being clamped than getting the job.
Where we can, we include company information to help
you prepare for your interview and give you a better
understanding of the company and the work it produces.
However, you may find that digging a little deeper also
boosts your confidence at the interview.
Being even a little knowledgeable demonstrates to
the interviewer that you have gone to the trouble to see
whether you’d fit into the team and make a successful
‘career’ out of the ‘job’. Make sure you ask intelligent
questions but not of the “how much holiday?” variety!
Quiz yourself
Time and again interviewers ask the same general
questions in additions to those of a more technical
nature. Common are “Why are you interested in this
position” “Tell me about your current boss”. “What are
the most satisfying/frustrating things about your
current employment? “What are your strengths/where do
you think your weaknesses lie?” Why do you think we
should give you the job?” “Where do you see yourself in
5-10 years time?” Learn them, prepare your answers,
practice on friends.
Dress to impress
People shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but they
do, all the same. If you look untidy that’s how you’ll
be remembered and first impressions really do count.
Always wear a suit and tie or neat skirt/dress and
polish your shoes. Even if you are attending a second
interview and you know the organisation allows less
formal work dress, maintain a professional/formal
approach, as you don’t know who you may happen to meet,
the Managing Director perhaps!
It may sound obvious, but be civilised and remember
your manners. Shake hands firmly with people you are are
introduced to and when you leave. If you are offered a
coffee say your pleases and thank yous, but keep it
Be unaggressively assertive
Find the right tone in which to present your
positive aspects. You have to talk about your
achievements to show you are the right person, but do it
without being boastful. Under no circumstances should
you spend a significant portion of the interview running
down your current employer �C this is viewed as negative.
Turn weaknesses into strengths
Don’t pretend you haven’t got any weaknesses because
everyone has some. On the other hand, don’t do yourself
down, because you could be talking your way out of a
job. Discuss your weaknesses as though you have
recognised them and strive to overcome them. “I used to
have bad time management so now I prioritise my workload
first thing every morning.” “I like to take control and
be involved in everything. I sometimes find it hard to
delegate but when I have, the results have been
If you lack technical strength in a particular area
don’t try and ‘smokescreen’ but admit; “no, that isn’t
my strongest suit, but I’m sure it’s not going to be a
problem to pick up”.
Have a positive attitude
Above all, don’t wait until after the event to
decide that you wish you’d tried harder to get the
position. Always go in with the intention of getting an
offer, only then do you really have the chance to weigh
up how this opportunity compares with others. Many
people, with the benefit of hindsight, have regretted
they didn’t take a particular interview sufficiently
seriously. Don’t let yourself be in this ‘if only’
Some worthwhile questions
Finally, if you are given the chance to ask
questions you should always take it. It’s best to ask
questions that fit naturally into the context of the
interview, and there is obviously no benefit in asking a
previously prepared question if the subject matter has
been adequately covered. It simply looks like you
haven’t paid attention.
However, if inspiration fails you here are some
suggestions which should give you the right impression:
What is logical progression within the position,
where can I expect to be if my performance is good?
What are the future plans for the company and
What, in your opinion, are the major reasons why
someone should join this company?