
InfoWorld Security Boot Camp: Day 15: Run security on a shoestring
October 9, 2009
YOUR ASSIGNMENT TODAY: Run security on a shoestring.
WHY DO IT:You'll impress the higher-ups if you spend more time on doing the basic things better instead of wasting money on unproven, guaranteed-to-fail, advanced security defenses.
HOW TO DO IT: Send your lackeys the following to-do list: Inventory the hardware and software you have; remove unneeded software and services; once you've got a minimized list of software, patch your software; review active user accounts and remove those that are no longer needed; secure your wireless networks. Finally, aggregate security logs and use intelligent analysis to bring the critical events you really need to know about to your attention.
RECOMMENDED READING: " Good security in recessionary times," Infoworld.com
