a linux quick question--Too many levels of symbolic links for directory

Today, i am trouble shooting a linux issue about  hard disk capacity. My cacti system (monitor platform mentioned in my previous post) is based on opensuse 11 which installed and set by service provider when the data center built on HongKong . 
       According original design  , i know the linux server function as MRTG server, the / directory is just allocated 5G space and mounted many system directory such as "usr , var...."   when  system was installed.  but i think this is not a best practice
for any scenario , if all system directory mount / , it offen meet a issue lacking space, just like mine.
      So , i want to move some folders to other partition , it has a mount point /home . After checking system , i decide to move /usr/share to /home , meanwhile i will  ln-s /home/share to /usr/share. But when i create the symbolic link for folder share, i found that cacti lose fonts, and present a confused display.  I check the symbolic link /usr/share, and i got a error
Too many levels of symbolic links
  It seems that i fail to create the symbolic link for folder share that located on /home with command ln -s . i researched , found there exist level limit for command ln. It means the directory to long .
     The solution:
      mount --bind /home/share /usr/share   
It will mount the folder /home/share  as a folder and exists in /usr . Confirmed all functions, system works.
