python web开发框架 - 之 Django Cookie

在django 1.1.1 中有3种cookie:

   >>> C = Cookie.SimpleCookie()
   >>> C = Cookie.SerialCookie()
   >>> C = Cookie.SmartCookie()

Once you've created your Cookie, you can add values just as if it were
a dictionary.

   >>> C = Cookie.SmartCookie()
   >>> C["fig"] = "newton"
   >>> C["sugar"] = "wafer"
   >>> C.output()
   'Set-Cookie: fig=newton\r\nSet-Cookie: sugar=wafer'

The SimpleCookie expects that all values should be standard strings.
Just to be sure, SimpleCookie invokes the str() builtin to convert
the value to a string, when the values are set dictionary-style.

   >>> C = Cookie.SimpleCookie()
   >>> C["number"] = 7
   >>> C["string"] = "seven"
   >>> C["number"].value
   >>> C["string"].value
   >>> C.output()
   'Set-Cookie: number=7\r\nSet-Cookie: string=seven'

The SerialCookie expects that all values should be serialized using
cPickle (or pickle, if cPickle isn't available).  As a result of
serializing, SerialCookie can save almost any Python object to a
value, and recover the exact same object when the cookie has been
returned.  (SerialCookie can yield some strange-looking cookie
values, however.)

   >>> C = Cookie.SerialCookie()
   >>> C["number"] = 7
   >>> C["string"] = "seven"
   >>> C["number"].value
   >>> C["string"].value
   >>> C.output()
   'Set-Cookie: number="I7\\012."\r\nSet-Cookie: string="S\'seven\'\\012p1\\012."'
