


wget http://dag.wieers.com/rpm/packages/tcpick/tcpick-0.2.1-1.2.el5.rf.i386.rpm (具体看你自己的操作系统版本了)

rpm -i tcpick-0.2.1-1.2.el5.rf.i386.rpm


These are some screenshots of tcpick running on a xterm (with custom bash colors)

  • tcpick -i ppp0 -C -a
    tcpick running with interface, color and host lookup options

  • tcpick -i ppp0 -h -yU -C "port 22"
    tcpick sniffing a ssh connection ("port 22") displaying unprintable carachters in hexadecimal (-yU) highlighted in red color (-C). Packet headers (-h) are coloured too (-C)

  • tcpick -i ppp0
    tcpick running without options (only the interface option)

  • tcpick -ippp0 "port 6667" -S -C -h -yP
    tcpick running sniffing an IRC session, displaying a short header of the packet too

  • tcpick -ippp0 "port 6667" -yP| grep PRIVMSG
    tcpick running sniffing an IRC session, but displaying only messages!

  • tcpick -i ppp0 -yX -C
    tcpick running in "hexdump + ascii" (and color) mode, whitout displaying packet headers

  • tcpick -i ppp0 -a -C
    tcpick running with name lookup enabled


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