
不得以,今天早上,花了一些时间,在词典的帮助下用我蹩脚的英语翻译了一下 OpenId的协议。终于搞明白了OpenId的加密验证模式。
A description of the OpenID protocol with diagrams.
1: User submits Identity URL
1 :用户提交身份地址
The consumer uses a form with GET or POST to allow the user to enter their OpenID url.
2: Consumer fetches Identity URL
2: 应用服务器取得身份验证服务器
The consumer parses the HTML content and looks for a tag:
<LINK REL='openid.server' HREF=(the server)>
应用服务器解吸用户提交的地址的数据中的HTML标签:<link rel=’openid.server’ href=’the server’>(其中the server 就是身份验证服务器)
3: Consumer associates with server (option 1)
3: 应用服务器与身份验证服务器交互(选项 1
In order to communicate securely with the server, the consumer gets an association with the server discovered in step 2, using an existing association if it is available, otherwise visiting the server and using Diffie Hellman to negotiate a shared secret with which to sign communication.  A consumer unable to store state uses "dumb mode" which does not perform this step, and instead uses step 7.
为了能够与身份验证服务器安全的通信,应用服务器需要向(从第2步获取的)身份验证服务器请求一个协议。如果有现成的可以使用的协议,则用现有的协议,否则,通过Diffie Hellman的方法获得一个共享密匙, 静默模式(dumb mode)下的应用服务器不需要这一步,而是使用第7步的操作。
4: Consumer redirects the user to the server
4 :应用服务器将用户重定向到身份验证服务器
The OpenID server URL accepts a query, containing all the information the server needs to check the user's identity and redirect the user back to the consumer.  The server checks the authentication of the user.  If the user is signed in (has an auth cookie) and has already authorized sending their identity to the consumer, step 5 may be skipped.
5: User Authenticates to server
5: 用户鉴别是否是自己访问的服务
The user authenticates to the server with a cookie or a username and password, and the server asks the user for permission to send their identity information to the consumer.
6: Server redirects the user back to the consumer
6: 身份验证服务器重定向用户到应用服务器
The consumer parses the servers response (which is appended to the return-to URL the consumer sent) and verifies it using the association, or in the case of dumb mode proceeds to step 7.
应用服务器使用获得的身份验证服务器的协议,校验并解析所返回的数据。如果在 静默模式(dumb mode)下,继续第7步。
7: Consumer verifies the response with the server (option 2)
7: 应用服务器通过身份验证服务器校验接收到的信息(选项 2
Communicating directly with the server, the dumb mode consumer checks the response received via the User Agent in the redirect.
应用服务器直接连接身份验证服务器校验接受到的信息,在静默模式下的应用服务器使用重定向的方法通过身份地址(User Agent)核对接受到的信息。
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本文出自 51CTO.COM技术博客
