Service Unavailable HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable



Service Unavailable HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable


Today when we try to deploy webpart to SharePoint site, System display following error

“Service Unavailable  HTTP Error 503.  The service is unavailable”

When I research online come across that the error cause due to following reasons

1. Application Pools Identity account password may changed

2. The administrator has stopped the application pool

To Enable Service

1. Open up IIS Manager and


2. Go to Connection and Expand click on Application Pools


3. Select Application Pools and Start (if Services stopped)

If changed Identity account password

4. Locate your App Pool account and right-click on it and select ‘Advanced Settings’.

5. Click on the right of the Identity box to change it (A window will pop up).

6.  Click on Set and simply retype your App Pool Identity in there with the new password.



域账户在修改密码之后会出现一些基于域的应用程序无法正常启用的情况,解决方法是到相依的Service中修改账户密码与最新修改的密码相同。例如Sharepoint的应用程序池自动关闭,以及基于SQL Service的服务无法启用的情况多是这个问题导致。
