SAP-定义字段状态变式field status variants

转)SAP-定义字段状态变式field status variants

sap 2009-08-28 15:06:22 阅读122 评论0   字号: 订阅

You have to define field status outside of the master record. Mark the field status you need for each field or field group under a field status group. Then assign the field status group to individual G/L accounts in the G/L account master records.

Field status groups are independent of company code, attaching instead to the field status variant.




Sample:  You defined a separate field status group for bank accounts because you always need the same fields for posting to bank accounts. Within this group, the assignment number, text, and value date fields are optional. You have specified that all other fields be suppressed.

The figure below shows the standard screen in which no fields are suppressed, and the screen for posting to a bank account.


Field status group是在哪设置的?




我设置了Field status 但其他的不知道如何设置了。


后台配置:Financial Accounting->Financial Accounting Global Settings->Document->Line Item->Controls->Maintain Field Status Variants

IMG:Financial accouting--Financial accounting global setting--document--Line item--Control--Maintain  field status Variants.
SAP里的字段状态很多地方都能控制,一个是属于主数据控制时的字段状态,一种是DOCUMENT 时的字段状态,当然reconcile account的控制是从field status variant 来的。
前者如:Field status variant, account group,company code base field后者如osting key等。
下面还有一个Assign Company Code to Field Status Variants!!
把字段状态变量分配给COMPANY CODE就可以了 t-code:OBC5.

w39 上传了这个附件:
2004-5-18 11:12
picture2.jpg (54.73 KB)
