class Task { public Task () { this.url = null; this.tag = null; this.hrefSpell = null; this.query = null; this.doubleQuote = true; } public Task(String anUrl, String aTag, String aHrefSpell, String aQuery, boolean aDoubleQuote) { this.url = anUrl; this.tag = aTag; this.hrefSpell = aHrefSpell; this.query = aQuery; this.doubleQuote = aDoubleQuote; } String url; String tag; String hrefSpell; String query; boolean doubleQuote; }
import; // // // maol.osx // // Created by lujnan on 07-11-1. // Copyright 2007 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved. // /** <pre> * Description: This is the URL class represents an Uniform Resource Locator. * URL is a compact string of characters used to represent a resource available * on the Internet. It is also the global address of documents and other * resources on the World Wide Web. * * The first part of the address is scheme, it is a protocol identifier and * indicates what protocol to use, the second part is host which specifies * the IP address or the domain name, the third part is port of the web server, * the forth part is path which specifies where the resource is located. * The protocol identifier and the resource name are separated by a colon and two * forward slashes. * * Copyright: Zhejiang SU square technology co.,Ltd. </pre> * * @author [email protected] * @version 1.0 07-07-02 */ public class URL { /** the characters defined in RFC1738 could be used in URL scheme*/ public static final String stuffFromRFC1738 = "<>\"#%{}|\\^~[]`"; /** the protocol identifier appointed by URL to indicate what protocol to use */ protected String schema; /** the domain name of the host computer */ protected String hostName; /** the port number of the host computer */ protected int port; /** the path of the source in the host computer */ protected String path; /** the part of the URL used to query which begin with '?' */ protected String query; /** the fragment part of the URL which begin with '#' */ protected String fragment; /** the name of user */ protected String userName; /** the password to enter */ protected String password; /** the value to indicate whether the URL is valid */ protected boolean isValid; /** * Construct a new URL through parsing the appointed characters.<br> * Judge whether the URL is valid through using the isValid method of URL. * * @param encodedUrl String (character string type) the URL character need parsed */ public URL(String encodedUrl) { port = -1; if (encodedUrl != null) { path = encodedUrl; int pos = path.indexOf('#'); if (pos != -1) { fragment = path.substring(pos+1); path = path.substring(0, pos); } pos = path.indexOf('?'); if (pos != -1) { query = path.substring(pos+1); path = path.substring(0, pos); } pos = path.indexOf(':'); if (pos != -1) { if (path.indexOf('/') < 0 && path.indexOf('@', pos) > pos) { schema = path.substring(0, pos); path = path.substring(pos+1); } else if (path.length() >= pos+2 && path.charAt(pos+1) == '/' && path.charAt(pos+2) == '/') { schema = path.substring(0, pos); path = path.substring(pos+1); } } if (path.charAt(0) == '/' && path.charAt(1) == '/') { path = path.substring(2); } pos = path.indexOf('/'); if (pos == -1) { hostName = path.substring(0); path = "/"; } else { hostName = path.substring(0, pos); path = path.substring(pos); } pos = hostName.indexOf('@'); if (pos != -1) { int div = hostName.indexOf(':'); if (div < pos) { userName = hostName.substring(0, div); password = hostName.substring(div+1, pos); hostName = hostName.substring(pos+1); } } else { pos = hostName.indexOf(':'); if (pos != -1 && (pos != (hostName.length() - 1))) { port = Integer.valueOf(hostName.substring(pos+1)).intValue(); hostName = hostName.substring(0, pos); } } if (path == null || path.length() == 0) { path = "/"; } if (hostName == null) { isValid = false; } else { isValid = true; } } else { isValid = false; } } /** * Judge whether the character need to be encoded.<br> * For the HTTP is the text protocol, the characters of URL which<br> * writes into the HTTP will destroy the HTTP rule.<br> * So some characters of the URL address should be encoded. * * @param ch the character need to judge * @return <code>true</code> for not need encoded, or <code>false</code> for need */ public static boolean needEncode(byte ch) { /* unsafe chars: - anything <= 32; - stuff from rfc1738("<>\"#%{}|\\^~[]`"); - '@' and ':'; needed for encoding URL username and password - anything >= 127. */ if (ch <= 32) return true; if (ch >= 127) return true; if (ch == '@' || ch == ':' || ch == ';' || ch == '/' || ch == '?' || ch == '&' || ch == '=') return true; if (stuffFromRFC1738.indexOf(ch) >= 0) return true; return false; } /** * Encode the character string.<br> * For the HTTP is the text protocol, the characters of URL which<br> * writes into the HTTP will destroy the HTTP rule.<br> * So some characters of the URL address should be encoded. * * @param toEncode the URL characters need to be encoded * @return return the characters which have been encoded */ public static String encodeString(String toEncode) { if (toEncode == null || toEncode.length() == 0) { return null; } byte bt[] = null; try { bt = toEncode.getBytes("UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { bt = toEncode.getBytes(); } int iSize = bt.length; StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < iSize; ++i) { byte ch = bt[i]; if (needEncode(ch)) { char chars[] = new char[3]; chars[0] = '%'; int v = ((ch&0xf0)>>4); if (v<10) { chars[1] = (char)(v+'0'); } else { chars[1] = (char)(v-10+'A'); } v = (ch&0x0f); if (v<10) { chars[2] = (char)(v+'0'); } else { chars[2] = (char)(v-10+'A'); } result.append(chars); } else { char cc = (char)ch; result.append(cc); } } return result.toString(); } /** * Decode URL characters.<br> * For the characters of URL which has been encoded to fit the HTTP protocol,<br> * the decoding operation should be done to get the original characters. * * @param toDecode the URL characters need to decode * @return the URL characters which have been decoded */ public static String decodeString(String toDecode) { char result [] = toDecode.toCharArray(); int i, iSize = toDecode.length(); int count = 0; for (count = 0, i = 0; i < iSize; ++i) { char ch = toDecode.charAt(i); if (ch != '%') { result[count++] = ch; } else { int k = ++i; ch = toDecode.charAt(k); while((Character.isDigit(ch) || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f')) && (k <= i+1)) { ++k; ch = toDecode.charAt(k); } result[count++] = (char) Integer.valueOf("0x"+toDecode.substring(i, k)).intValue(); i = k-1; } } return (new String(result, 0, count)); } /** * Get the scheme of URL. * * @return the scheme of URL, or <code>null</code> if the scheme isn't defined */ public String getSchema() { return schema; } public void setSchema(String schema) { if (schema != null && schema.length() != 0) this.schema = new String(schema); else this.schema = null; } /** * Get the host domain name of URL. * * @return the host domain name of URL, or <code>null</code> if the host isn't defined */ public String getHostName() { return hostName; } public void setHostName(String hostName) { if (hostName != null && hostName.length() != 0) { this.hostName = encodeString(hostName); } else { this.isValid = false; hostName = null; } } /** * Get the path of this URL which have been encoded * * @return the path of this URL which have encoded, or <code>null</code> if the path isn't defined */ public String getPath() { return path; } public void setPath(String path) { if (path != null && path.length() != 0) { String toEncode = null; if (path.charAt(0) == '/') { toEncode = path.substring(1); } else { toEncode = new String(path); } toEncode = encodeString(toEncode); this.path = "/" + toEncode; } else this.path = null; } /** *Get the port of this URL. * * @return the port of this URL, or <code>-1</code> if the port isn't defined */ public int getPort() { if (port <= 0) { if (schema != null) { if (schema.equalsIgnoreCase("ftp")) return 21; else if (schema.equalsIgnoreCase("https")) return 443; } return 80; } return port; } /** * Get the fragment part of this URL which have been encoded. <br> * The fragment is indicated by the sharp sign character "#" followed by more characters. <br> * The fragment indicates that after the specified resource is retrieved, the <br> * application is specifically interested in that part of the document that has the <br> * tag after the "#" attached to it. * * @return the fragment part of this URL which have been recoded, <br> * or <code>null</code> if the fragment isn't defined */ public String getFragment() { return fragment; } /** * Set the fragment part of this URL. <br> * The fragment will be encoded. * @param fragment */ public void setFragment(String fragment) { if (fragment != null) { String encoded = encodeString(fragment); this.fragment = encoded; } else this.fragment = null; } /** * Get the query part of this URL which have been encoded. * * @return the query part of this URL which have been encoded,<br> * or <code>null</code> if the query isn't defined */ public String getQuery() { return query; } public void clearQuery() { query = null; } /** * Add a query item. <br> * name and value will be encoded. * * @param name the name of query item, must not <code>null</code> or length() equals to zero. * @param value * @return <code>true</code> for success, or <code>false</code> for failure. */ public boolean addQuery(String name, String value) { if (name == null || name.length() == 0) return false; if (this.query == null) { this.query = ""; } if (this.query.length() != 0) { this.query += "&"; } this.query += encodeString(name); this.query += "="; String encoded = encodeString(value); if (encoded != null) { this.query += encoded; } return true; } /** * Get the user's message part of this URL which have been encoded. * * @return the user's message part of this URL which have been encoded,<br> * or <code>null</code> if the user's message isn't defined */ public String getUserName() { return userName; } /** * Set the username of URL. <br> * userName will be encoded. * * @param userName the username of URL. */ public void setUserName(String userName) { if (userName != null && userName.length() != 0) this.userName = encodeString(userName); else this.userName = null; } /** * Get the password part of this URL which have been encoded. * * @return the password part of this URL which have been encoded,<br> * or <code>null</code> if the user's message isn't defined */ public String getPassword() { return password; } /** * Set the password of URL. <br> * password will be encoded. * * @param password the password of URL. */ public void setPassword(String password) { if (password != null && password.length() != 0) this.password = encodeString(password); else this.password = null; } /** * Get the escaped fragment and query message of the appointed URL path.<br> * The fragment begin with '#', and the query begin with '?'. <br> * For the characters of URL which has been encoded to fit the HTTP protocol,<br> * the decoding operation should be done to get the original characters. * * @return the fragment and query message */ public String getEscapedPathQuery() { String escaped = new String(); escaped += path; if (fragment != null && fragment.length() != 0) { escaped += "#"; escaped += fragment; } if (query != null && query.length() != 0) { escaped += "?"; escaped += query; } return escaped; } /** * Judge whether the URL is valid. * * @return <code>true</code> for valid, or <code>false</code> for invalid */ public boolean isValid() { return isValid; } public String toString() { String url = buildString(); URL u = new URL(url); if (u.isValid()) return url; else return null; } private String buildString() { if (hostName == null || hostName.length() == 0) return null; String url = ""; if (schema != null && schema.length() != 0) url = schema+"://"; if (userName != null && userName.length() != 0) { url += userName; url += ":"; if (password != null && password.length() != 0) { url += password; } url += "@"; } url += hostName; if (port > 0) { url += ":"; url += port; } String escapedPathQuery = getEscapedPathQuery(); if (escapedPathQuery != null && escapedPathQuery.length() != 0) url += escapedPathQuery; return url; } }
import javax.microedition.midlet.*; import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; public class HttpMidlet extends MIDlet implements CommandListener { //public static String defaultURL = ""; //public static String defaultURL = ""; // public static String defaultURL = ""; //public static String defaultURL = ""; //public static String defaultURL = ""; //public boolean isCMWAP = false; public boolean isCMWAP = true; public Display myDisplay = null; public boolean doing = false; public Form requestScreen; public TextField requestField; public List list; public String[] menuItems; public Form resultScreen; // public TextField resultField; public StringItem resultField; public TextField resultStatus, resultUrl; Command sendCommand; Command exitCommand; Command backCommand; HttpClient httpClient; public HttpMidlet(){ myDisplay = Display.getDisplay( this ); sendCommand = new Command("鍙戦��", Command.OK, 1); exitCommand = new Command("閫�鍑�", Command.OK, 1); backCommand = new Command("杩斿洖", Command.OK, 1); requestScreen = new Form("鍖椾含娆㈣繋浣狅紒"); requestField = new TextField("浠嬬粛:", "浠庣Щ鍔ㄦⅵ缃戠殑瀹氬埗褰╅搩銆愭摝鑲╄�岃繃銆�", 256, TextField.URL); requestScreen.append(requestField); requestScreen.addCommand(sendCommand); requestScreen.addCommand(exitCommand); requestScreen.setCommandListener(this); menuItems = new String[] {"GET 璇锋眰", "POST 璇锋眰"}; list = new List("璇烽�夋嫨Http鏂规硶:", List.IMPLICIT, menuItems, null); list.setCommandListener(this); resultScreen = new Form("鏈嶅姟鍣ㄥ搷搴�:"); resultScreen.addCommand(backCommand); resultScreen.setCommandListener(this); resultUrl = new TextField("褰撳墠璇锋眰URL:", null, 256, TextField.ANY); resultStatus = new TextField("鐘舵��:", null, 300,TextField.ANY); // resultField = new TextField("鍐呭:", null, 400,TextField.ANY); resultField = new StringItem("鍐呭:", null, StringItem.PLAIN); resultScreen.append(resultUrl); resultScreen.append(resultStatus); resultScreen.append(resultField); } public void startApp() { myDisplay.setCurrent( requestScreen ); } public void commandAction( Command com, Displayable disp ) { if ( com == sendCommand ) { myDisplay.setCurrent( list ); } else if ( com == backCommand ) { if (this.doing) return; myDisplay.setCurrent( requestScreen ); } else if ( com == exitCommand ) { destroyApp( true ); notifyDestroyed(); } if ( disp == list && com == List.SELECT_COMMAND ) { if (this.doing) return; this.doing = true; httpClient = new HttpClient(this); httpClient.request(list.getSelectedIndex()); } } public void pauseApp() { } public void destroyApp( boolean unconditional ) { myDisplay = null; requestScreen = null; requestField = null; resultScreen = null; resultField = null; httpClient = null; } }
import*; import java.util.*; import*; public class HttpClient extends Thread { static final String LT_GO_HREF = "<go href="; static final String LT_A_HREF = "<a href="; static final String DOUBLE_QUOTE = "\""; static final String SINGLE_QUOTE = "\'"; static Task TASK_NULL = new Task(null, null, null, null, true); Vector taskStack; int stackIdx; HttpMidlet midlet; int method; boolean jump; public HttpClient(HttpMidlet aMidlet) { midlet = aMidlet; } public Task getTask() { return (Task)taskStack.elementAt(stackIdx); } public Task getNextTask() { return (Task)taskStack.elementAt(stackIdx+1); } public void run() { do { String result = null; Task t = getTask(); midlet.resultUrl.setString(t.url); if (t == TASK_NULL) break; if (t.url == null || t.url.length() == 0) { stackIdx ++; continue; } System.gc(); jump = false; if (0 == method) result = sendHttpGet(t.url); else result = sendHttpPost(t.url); if (result != null) { //midlet.requestField.setMaxSize(result.length()); //midlet.resultField.setString(result); midlet.resultField.setText(result); } if (stackIdx < taskStack.size()-1) { if (result != null && t.tag != null && t.tag.length() > 0) { String url = getJumpUrl(result); if(stackIdx == 4) { midlet.resultStatus.setString(url); } jump = (url != null); if (jump) { Task nt = getNextTask(); nt.url = url; stackIdx++; } else { url = getHoldupUrl(result); if (jump = (url != null)) { t.url = url; } } } else { stackIdx++; } } /*try { sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); }*/ } while(jump); midlet.doing = false; } public void request(int aMethod) { method = aMethod; //midlet.resultField.setString(""); midlet.resultField.setText(""); midlet.resultStatus.setString("姝e湪澶勭悊璇锋眰锛岃绋嶅��..."); midlet.myDisplay.setCurrent(this.midlet.resultScreen); stackIdx = 0; taskStack = new Vector(); //taskStack.addElement(new Task("", "鍥鹃搩")); //taskStack.addElement(new Task(null, "姘歌繙鏄綘澶х埛")); //taskStack.addElement(new Task("", "text/html", "href=",null, true)); /*taskStack.addElement(new Task("", "鐐瑰嚮姝ゅ", LT_A_HREF, null, false)); taskStack.addElement(new Task(null, "涓嶅樊閽�", LT_A_HREF, null, true)); taskStack.addElement(new Task(null, "here</a>", LT_A_HREF, null, true)); taskStack.addElement(new Task(null, "涓嶅樊閽�", LT_A_HREF, null, true)); taskStack.addElement(new Task(null, "<postfield name=\'", "<go method=\'get\' href=", "&pid=3&sub=0&fee=3.50&bizcode=600906002000005001", false)); taskStack.addElement(new Task(null, "鐐瑰嚮姝ゅ", LT_A_HREF, null, true));*/ taskStack.addElement(new Task("", "鐐瑰嚮姝ゅ", LT_A_HREF, null, false)); taskStack.addElement(new Task(null, "鍚嶄汉涓撶敤閾�", LT_A_HREF, null, true)); taskStack.addElement(new Task(null, "绔嬪嵆杩涘叆", LT_A_HREF, null, true)); taskStack.addElement(new Task(null, "璁㈠埗褰╅搩", LT_A_HREF, null, false)); //taskStack.addElement(new Task(null, "涓嶅樊閽�", LT_A_HREF, null, true)); //taskStack.addElement(new Task(null, "<postfield name=\'", "<go method=\'get\' href=", "&pid=3&sub=0&fee=3.50&bizcode=600906002000005001", false)); //taskStack.addElement(new Task(null, "鐐瑰嚮姝ゅ", LT_A_HREF, null, true)); //taskStack.addElement(new Task(null, "绔嬪嵆杩涘叆", LT_A_HREF, null, true)); //taskStack.addElement(new Task(null, "璁㈠埗褰╅搩", LT_A_HREF, null, false)); taskStack.addElement(new Task(null, null, null, null, true)); taskStack.addElement(TASK_NULL); // start thread. start(); } public String getHoldupUrl(String aPage) { if (aPage != null && aPage.length()>0) { Task t = getTask(); String lt_go_href_quto = LT_GO_HREF + (t.doubleQuote ? DOUBLE_QUOTE : SINGLE_QUOTE); int pos = aPage.indexOf(lt_go_href_quto); if (pos >= 0) { pos += lt_go_href_quto.length(); int pos2 = 0; if ((pos2 = aPage.indexOf(t.doubleQuote ? DOUBLE_QUOTE : SINGLE_QUOTE, pos+1)) > 0) return aPage.substring(pos, pos2); else return aPage.substring(pos); } } return null; } public String getJumpUrl(String aPage) { Task t = getTask(); if (t.hrefSpell != null && aPage != null && aPage.length()>0) { String href_quto = t.hrefSpell + (t.doubleQuote ? DOUBLE_QUOTE : SINGLE_QUOTE); int pos; if ((pos = aPage.indexOf(t.tag)) > 0) { boolean found = false; char ch = href_quto.charAt(0); do { if ((pos = aPage.lastIndexOf(ch, pos-1)) > 0) { String hrefSpell = aPage.substring(pos, pos+t.hrefSpell.length()); if (hrefSpell.equalsIgnoreCase(t.hrefSpell)) { found = true; pos = aPage.indexOf(href_quto, pos); } } } while(!found && pos >= 0); } else { midlet.resultUrl.setString("jumpUrl: can't found in this page."); return null; } if (pos > 0) { pos += href_quto.length(); int pos2 = aPage.indexOf(t.doubleQuote ? DOUBLE_QUOTE : SINGLE_QUOTE, pos+1); String tmp = null; if (pos2>0) tmp = aPage.substring(pos, pos2); else tmp = aPage.substring(pos); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); int len = tmp.length(); for (int i=0; i < tmp.length(); i++) { if (i+5<=len && tmp.charAt(i) == '&' && tmp.charAt(i+1) == 'a'&& tmp.charAt(i+2) == 'm' && tmp.charAt(i+3) == 'p' && tmp.charAt(i+4) == ';') { i += 4; buf.append('&'); } else buf.append(tmp.charAt(i)); } String jumpUrl = buf.toString(); if (jumpUrl.indexOf("://") < 0) { URL uu = new URL(t.url); if (jumpUrl.charAt(0) == '/' || jumpUrl.charAt(0) == '\\') { jumpUrl = uu.getSchema()+"://"+uu.getHostName() + jumpUrl; } else { char ch = uu.getPath().charAt(uu.getPath().length()-1); if (ch == '/' || ch == '\\') jumpUrl = uu.getSchema()+"://"+uu.getHostName()+uu.getPath()+jumpUrl; else jumpUrl = uu.getSchema()+"://"+uu.getHostName()+uu.getPath()+"/"+jumpUrl; } } System.gc(); if (t.query != null && t.query.length()>0) { jumpUrl += t.query; } return jumpUrl; } } return null; } public String getCharsetValue(final String line) { if (line != null && line.length() > 0) { final String charset = "charset="; int pos = line.indexOf(charset); if (pos >= 0) { pos += charset.length(); int pos2 = line.indexOf(';', pos+1); String value = null; if (pos2>0) value = line.substring(pos, pos2); else value = line.substring(pos); return value; } } return null; } private boolean isTextMIME(String type) { if (type == null || type.length() == 0) return true; return type.startsWith("text/"); } public String sendHttpGet(String url) { HttpConnection hcon = null; InputStream is = null; try { URL u = new URL(url); if (!u.isValid()) { //midlet.resultField.setString("鏃犳晥URL:\n"+url); midlet.resultField.setText("鏃犳晥URL:\n+url"); return null; } String fixedurl = url; if (midlet.isCMWAP) { fixedurl = "" + u.getEscapedPathQuery(); } hcon = (HttpConnection); fixedurl = null; if (midlet.isCMWAP) { hcon.setRequestProperty("X-Online-Host", u.getHostName()+":"+u.getPort()); } hcon.setRequestProperty("Host", u.getHostName()+":"+u.getPort()); hcon.setRequestProperty("Accept", "*/*"); int len = (int)hcon.getLength(); byte data[] = null; String encoding; if ((encoding = hcon.getEncoding()) == null) { encoding = getCharsetValue(hcon.getType()); } System.gc(); String status = "FreeMem: "+Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory(); status += "\nHTTP " + hcon.getResponseCode() + " " + hcon.getResponseMessage(); status += "\nContent-Length=" + hcon.getLength(); status += "\nContent-Type=" + hcon.getType(); status += "\nEncoding=" + encoding; midlet.resultStatus.setString(status); is = hcon.openInputStream(); if (!isTextMIME(hcon.getType())) { int num = 0; while(( != -1) { num++; //midlet.resultField.setString("鏀跺埌瀛楄妭鏁帮細"+num); midlet.resultField.setText("鏀跺埌瀛楄妭鏁帮細"+num); } if (hcon != null) hcon.close(); if (is != null) is.close(); return null; } if (len > 0) { int num = 0; data = new byte[len]; while ((num != len) && (, num, len-num)) != -1) { } } else { if (len == -1 && 200 == hcon.getResponseCode()) { Vector vbuf = new Vector(); int ch; while((ch = != -1) { vbuf.addElement(new Integer(ch)); } len = vbuf.size(); data = new byte[len]; for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) { data[i]=((Integer)vbuf.elementAt(i)).byteValue(); } } } if (hcon != null) hcon.close(); if (is != null) is.close(); System.gc(); if (data != null) return new String(data, encoding == null ? "UTF-8" : encoding); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // midlet.resultField.setString(e.getMessage()); } finally { try { if (hcon != null) hcon.close(); if (is != null) is.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); // midlet.resultField.setString(e.getMessage()); } } try { if (hcon != null) hcon.close(); if (is != null) is.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); // midlet.resultField.setString(e.getMessage()); } return null; } public String sendHttpPost(String url) { return null; } }
以后有时间排版, 上面是代码。 下面是文档, 有空再整理啦
在开始写这篇技术文档钱,非常令人郁闷。在blog上写了两次都被不小心的Ctrl+W误操作给销毁了。 特别是第一次, 都快要写完了。这次的事故给了我一个很深刻的提醒,以后写技术博客, 要先在word文档中写好草稿, 然后在发布。
触发写这篇博客的动机是, 今天闲着无聊去逛人才市场。查看最新人才需求动向。当时我与一个面试官在进行技术交流。在聊到网络编程方面,他老是提到一个技术术语--C网。当时就被问蒙了,我接触J2ME也有1年半了。对于GCF框架也有很深刻的认识,但是还从来没有分析过C网与HTTP联网的关系。虽然在公司常听到前辈们谈起C网, G网, 3G等。但只是很肤浅的认识这些东东。于是今天就从操作系统一直到J2ME层次,来分析一下手机移动的联网。
对于操作系统来说,它提供了最基本的网络服务:Socket。也就是软件工程师口中常说的套接字。对于一切的平台都是通过套接字来进行网络的通信的。无论是PC平台,STB平台或嵌入式平台,联网都需要具有Socket服务模块(这里我当你了解Socket编程原理的,如果不清楚的读者,建议赶紧去充电)。在手机平台中,主流有的操作系统有:WIN CE, WIN MOBILE, SYSBIAN, MTK。这些据我了解都是有Socket模块的。
对于联网的编程, 协议必须要遵守的。假如我们通过Socket进行联网,全球各自遵循不同的标准进行网络通讯。那么网络的通讯将会无比庞大并且不可维护。就如我们古人说的:无规矩不成方圆。所以还是要定一套进行网络通讯的标准的。
最开始出台的是国际标准化组织(International Organization for Standardization)制定的网络七层协议理论参考模型(OSI)。但是由于太过于复杂!美国的文顿·瑟夫和卡恩两位骚包人物提出了TCP/IP协议的规范!于是就风靡全球,成了Internet的准标准协议。
对于J2ME来说, 它只是JAVA家族中的一个微型版本,主要用于嵌入式方面的开发。它的架构也就是在手机的操作系统使用C开发一个虚拟机,然后通过包装原始的Socket, 在Java层面提供一套网络的访问接口,进行网络的通信。J2ME层提供的是比较安全的GCF框架的网络通信。JSR要求J2ME至少要提供HTTP协议的支持。
cmwap和cmnet,这是移动提供的两个不同的接入点。CMWAP 和 CMNET 只是移动人为划分的两个GPRS接入方式。前者是为手机WAP上网而设立的,后者则主要是为PC、笔记本电脑、PDA等利用GPRS上网服务。它们在实现方式上并没有任何差别,但因为定位不同,所以和CMNET相比,CMWAP便有了部分限制,资费上也存在差别。
WAP只是一种GPRS应用模式,它与GRPS的接入方式是无关的。WAP应 用采用的实现方式是“终端+WAP网关+WAP服务器”的模式,不同于一般Internet的“终端+服务器”的工作模式。主要的目的是通过WAP网关完成WAP-WEB的协议转换以达到节省网络流量和兼容现有WEB应用的目的。WAP网关从技术的角度讲,只是一个提供代理服务的主机,它不一定由网络运营商提供。移动GPRS网络目前只有唯一的一个WAP网关:,由移动提供,用于WAP浏览(HTTP)服务。
因此,只有满足以下两个条件的应用才能在移动的CMWAP接入方式下正常工作:1. 应用程序的网络请求基于HTTP协议。2. 应用程序支持HTTP代理协议或WAP网关协议。而cmnet则不受任何的限制。
(1) 手机内置的浏览器:WAP网关协议
(2) Opera 浏览器:HTTP代理协议(有代理设置)
(3) Java 程序:WAP网关协议
(4) AvantGo:HTTP代理协议(有代理设置)
OK! 看完了上面的信息, 我们对移动价格方面的策略不做评论(听说在国外移动只有一种形式的GPRS)。
满足以下两个条件的应用才能在移动的CMWAP接入方式下正常工作:1. 应用程序的网络请求基于HTTP协议。2. 应用程序支持HTTP代理协议或WAP网关协议。而cmnet则不受任何的限制。
在进行联网的开发前, 必须知道终端手机的联网模式。
HttpConnection httpConnection = (HttpConnection)“”);
HttpConnection httpConnection = (HttpConnection)“”);
其实,说白了, 就是先将HTTP的消息发送到10.0.0.172:80的服务器,然后通过它解析HTTP包的意思, 最后将我们的请求发送到服务器请求服务。
NOTE: CNWAP不支持Socket连接, CNNet支持Socket连接
提到手机支持频段,首先应明确频段实质上是硬性划分的,这主要是由于频率资源的有限导致, 目前我国主要由信息产业部负责相关事宜。
我国手机常用的频段主要有CDMA手机占用的CDMA1X,800MHZ频段;GSM手机占用的900/1800/1900MHZ 频段;近两年的GSM1X双模占用的900/1800MHZ频段;3G占用的900/1800/1900/2100MHz频段。
GSM频段:我国GSM手机占用频段主要是900MHZ和1800MHZ。实质上1800MHZ也是由于手机用户数量 的激增,造成了手机通信网络系统处于超负荷运转状态,最终导致了手机在通信时很容易出现类似于 掉线、串音、话音质量不好、难以上网等故障现象。为了解决这些故障现象,越来越多的手机运营商 和生产商开始意识到解决这个问题的迫切性,并不断采取相关措施来进一步扩容手机网络系统,于是 GSM1800Mhz便应运而生了,又被称为DCS1800(数字蜂窝系统),它的出现,使基于GSM900、1800的 双频网络变为现实。
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