with a big bang bang!

* 宇宙是个大火炉 *
* 140亿年前大爆炸 稍等 *
* 地球开始冷却 生物开始繁衍 *
* 尼安得特尔人发明工具 我们建造墙瓦 *
* 我们创造金字塔 数学 科学 历史 *
* 揭露奥秘 *
* 就从宇宙大爆炸开始! *

Our whole universe was
in a hot,dense state

then nearly 14 billion years
ago expansion started... wait!

The earth began to cool the
autotrophs began to drool,

neanderthals developed
tools we built the wall

we built the pyramids

unraveling the mystery that all started

with a big bang bang!
