Where to Get Answer on Automotive Troubles

Honest speaking car is a very complicated subject, which means many things can go wrong with them. When your car start to goes wrong, do best to figure out what’s the reason, but actually it seems very difficult, especially if you are not familiar with mechanics. If you get to know knowledge about it, you can save both time and money. There are numerous ways to find your answers.

1 Consult your car's owner's manual. If you didn’t use it for a long time or never use it before, it might be in the glove box. This manual contains almost everything you'd want to know about your car, including a diagram of the engine, how to replace certain parts, what to do in case of emergencies and more. Always start with your manual when looking for answers.
2 Call a dealer. Find a dealer near you that sells the same brand of car as yours. Even if the dealer didn't sell you the car, he's usually willing to help answer your question.
3 Ask an expert online. There are a variety of websites (see Resources) that allow you to browse questions asked by other users, as well as ask a question of your own. Be specific, and follow up if necessary. Some of these sites charge for answers, but they promise satisfaction.
