
今天开始学习Andriod,  把常见问题记录在此,  希望对大家有所帮助!
1.在Eclipse中编译程序的时候遇到 Error executing aapt. Please check aapt is present at %的错误. 搜了半天GOOGLE终于找到答案, 造成这种错误的原因是没有配置Andriod的Preferences. 都怪自己太粗心, 没有仔细看GOOGLE的安装帮助文档. 解决办法如下:
       Select Window > Preferences... to open the Preferences panel. (Mac OS X: Eclipse > Preferences)
      Select Android from the left panel.
      For the SDK Location in the main panel, press Browse... and locate the SDK directory.
      Press Apply, then OK.
